All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 3753: Single Female President "Happy to be a Mother" (17)

  Chapter 3753 The single female president "likes to be a mother" (17)

  【No. 81, check if he is planning to do something bad? 】

  Suddenly hearing Shen Huai's name, Qian Yan became more serious.

   Could it be that Shen Huai had such bad luck because of Ye Yueshuang's words?

  Ye Yueshuang is undoubtedly a very sensitive person.

   Calculating the time, it was really not long before that Shen Huai made a major mistake. With her here, she definitely can't make the other party succeed. Maybe she will get rid of ZBB81 before they do it.

  ZBB81: 【Let me check. 】

   In just thirty seconds, ZBB81's voice sounded again: 【Ye Qianyan ordered him to keep an eye on you, since you couldn't find any clues from your identity, he decided to observe you secretly, trying to find out what's wrong with you. This person is a little smart, but what he doesn't know is that if you don't talk to me, you are a real kid, just smarter. 】

  【I don't like that kind of probing gaze, even if you do it cleanly, what if he really notices something? Even if I don't notice it, having someone like him who believes in Ye Qianyan's memory is bound to cause great obstacles to my strategy. 】Ye Yueshuang said coldly, 【It is best to find a way to drive this person away and keep him away from Ye Qianyan. 】

  No. ZBB81: [If the host feels troubled, you can look through the mall to see if there are any useful things, and you can exchange them with points. 】

  Ye Yueshuang rolled her eyes: 【Stingy. 】

   Didn't she just want No. 81 to help deal with it? Damn it was noticed by the other party, so I could only reluctantly spend points.

  She didn’t lie, it’s okay for Ye Qianyan to not believe it alone, but with Shen Huai beside her who firmly believes that she is right, it will indeed hinder her strategy progress.

  Some time ago, she had the idea of ​​driving Shen Huai away.

  Ye Yueshuang opened the system mall and directly exchanged for a 20-year-old bad luck talisman. She said with a distressed face: [Buy one get one free, right? Don't ask you to send a bad luck charm, just help to change the information of a major project that Shen Huai is in charge of, it's not difficult for you. 】

  【For the host to spend such a large amount of points, I agreed to this matter. I scanned it just now, and Miaoyu Technology is indeed working on a big project recently. After Shen Huai completes the information, I will secretly change it, and he will not be able to bear the loss caused by that time. Coupled with the effect of the bad luck talisman, he will definitely not be able to stay in Meowfish Technology anymore. 】

  ZBB81 doesn't care about the so-called points at all, this is what he set to fool the host.

   If it is too easy to do something, the host will become suspicious and doubt his purpose.

   After all, it's not easy to find a host who doesn't have the responsibility to do bad things for selfishness and selfishness.

  Ye Yueshuang is now happy: [I didn't like him a long time ago. Everyone thinks that I am a child who is not liked by my mother. He is cold-blooded and really has no sympathy. He deserves this unlucky talisman if he uses it on him. You can use it for him after you change the information. If you use it in advance, there may be some accidents. 】

  On the screen was Ye Yueshuang's picture, and at the same time, the conversation between ZBB81 and her just now sounded throughout the live broadcast room, which made the onlookers very angry.

   ZBB81 has the final say on when to broadcast live. He originally wanted to collect negative emotions, so every time the audience received a reminder to start the broadcast, what they saw when they came in was a picture of one person and one system discussing bad things.

  【Ye Yueshuang is disgusting. 】

  【Shen Huai just suspects that there is something wrong with her, so she will do this kind of thing. 】

  【Blood pressure instantly soared to 800. 】

  【I hope Shen Huai can escape. 】

【Disaster! 】

  【I want to swear. 】

  (end of this chapter)

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