All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 3913: Everyone around me becomes weird (27)

  Chapter 3913 Everyone around me has become so strange (27)

  Ten minutes left.

   It was the twenty-four hours since Jiao Yueyue came to this world in the parallel world. Qianyan, who was sitting quietly with everyone, walked up to her.

  Jiao Yueyue in the parallel world doesn't know that Qianyan will follow her, nor does she know that the mysterious voice belonged to Qianyan.

  She originally thought that Qianyan came to her to ask her to bring a letter.

   She has already thought about it in her heart, and she will agree to it later, and when the sky is high and the emperor is far away, she will not bother to bring the letter to the other party.

   Regardless of whether those people are still alive or not, it is impossible for her to meet them. Isn't that self-inflicted?

   Those people were exchanged, life must not be very easy, seeing her as one of the culprits, why not deal with her?

  No one cares about killing people over there.

   If it is really inevitable that they will meet, she must find a chance to kill them first.

  But she waited for two minutes, but Qianyan didn't even have the intention to speak.

  Just when she was wondering, the person in charge urged again: "Comrade Lin Qianyan, please ensure your safety. Remember, the most important thing is that you can come back safely."

   "Sister Yan, we will wait for your return."

   "Qianyan, I met Jia Zhao, please tell her that I will wait for her to come back. You should pay attention to safety and do what you can. Only if you are alive can you have hope."

   "You can mention whatever you draw at that time." Lu Jinghuai paused, and then said, "Say something to my brother, I'm waiting for him too."

   It's a little uncomfortable, but he still hopes that his elder brother can meet Lu Jinghuai in the parallel world. Since the other party is unwilling to use the divine formation, it means that there is a bottom line. The eldest brother, a pampered president, can get some care to some extent, and the chance of surviving is much higher.

  The other party's elder brother is so bad, he must have never gotten along with a good elder brother, so he can generously lend it to the other party for a while.

  Jiao Yueyue in the parallel world stared wide-eyed, what do they mean?

   What is Lin Qianyan going to do?

   It sounds like you want to follow her to her world, how is that possible?

   The order here is stable, and the technological development is not bad, but it has not reached the level where it can travel between the two worlds at will, right? The moon was still very strenuous last time, how could it be possible to travel across the world?

   They must be whimsical.

  But Jiao Yueyue in the parallel world is very unstable in her heart. For some reason, she suddenly thought of the voice that imprisoned her before. Since she was caught here and kept under constant watch, that voice has never appeared again.

  If it has something to do with that voice, it might be possible to go to her world.

  She started to panic in her heart, followed by suspicion. It seemed that Lin Qianyan was following alone. Does she have any skills?

  Facing the other party's suspicious gaze, Qianyan didn't explain much. The other party will soon know what she has.

   There are three minutes left, one minute, thirty seconds, five, four, three, two, one...

  At the last second, Jiao Yueyue from the parallel world froze for a moment, and looked at Qianyan with terrified eyes, as if she understood.

  However, it seems useless to understand these at this time, even if it is understood in advance.

  When she was surrounded by a red light, what she thought in her mind was whether the mysterious voice had something to do with Lin Qianyan?

  Why is Lin Qianyan in both worlds so difficult to deal with? This one here is even scarier than Lin Qianyan in her world.

  No matter what adventures the other party has, Jiao Yueyue in the parallel world doesn't want the other party to really travel to her world.

  Feeling that the red light did not surround Qianyan, she felt a little more at ease.

   Not long after, she realized that she was sent into a door.

  (end of this chapter)

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