All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 3917: People around me are becoming weird (31)

  Chapter 3917 Everyone around me has become so strange (31)

  Treatment of natural disasters must be too big, and it will take a long time. Maybe some people hope that natural disasters can be cured quickly.

  Besides, the natural disasters in this world are caused by the evil formation. When she destroys the evil formation, the world will return to life, and it will get better and better. The disordered order will be gradually corrected by people, so that a world can continue to develop.

  The world lacks food, why not show some farming skills.

   Such skills are safe, and no city leader should reject someone who can farm.

  The natural disasters in this world have been around for too long, and some environments are no longer suitable for crop growth, which is also one of the reasons for the lack of food.

  Thinking of the skills shown, Qianyan began to analyze the situation of the leaders of various cities.

   After several days of collecting and sorting out information, Qianyan decided to go to Shuchang City, a C-level city, and the current city leader is Jiang Heng. According to the data, the civilians living around Shuchang City are relatively stable, and Jiang Heng will not ignore the occasional disaster.

   Based on this point, Jiang Heng should be a person with a good nature.

  Jiang Heng, the leader of Shuchang City, heard that someone recommended himself to be a farmer. This involved food, so he didn't dare to neglect, so he immediately invited the person in.

  When he saw Qianyan, he was still stunned for a moment, and soon he straightened his mind and asked about Qianyan's situation.

  Qianyan didn't talk nonsense, and directly said that her subordinates saw Zhenzhang, so she stayed in Shuchang City.

  To prove her skills, she selected some crops with relatively short growth periods and planted them. By the way, she took care of all the flowers and plants that could be seen, and the results appeared within ten days.

  Jiang Heng no longer questioned, and regarded Qianyan as a distinguished guest.

  He is not a fool, he saw that Qianyan had a purpose, so he asked directly. Qianyan took out the photo she had prepared long ago and told him that she wanted to find the person in the photo.

  Come here, Qianyan also used a pseudonym Lin Qianlan, so that no one would find out that there were two Lin Qianyans and cause other mistakes.

  Jiang Heng saw in the photo that there was another woman who looked exactly like Qianyan but had scars at the corners of her eyes, so he couldn't help but ask, "Ms. Lin also has a twin sister?"

   "Well, twin sister." Qianyan said.

  Since you want to find someone, you must find Lin Qianyan from here. What if those people meet each other?

  Lin Qianyan in this world knows the Divine Formation well, if she knew about her existence, she wouldn't expose it.

  Jiang Heng nodded, didn't ask any more questions, and didn't doubt anything.

  【If the anchor is going to deceive people, there are not many people who will not be fooled, and the waist must be rattling. 】


  【Look at how sincere this liar is. 】

  【Speaking of which, Lu Xiaohuai must be missing the anchor. Oh, so is the anchor, and they don't bring anyone with them when they come here. 】

   Qianyan: "..."

"Okay, I will arrange someone to keep an eye on their whereabouts, and I will notify you in time when we have news." Jiang Heng said, he felt that he couldn't keep this person forever, but he didn't have any other extreme thoughts. The other party can stay here for a while, yes His tree Changshi already has many benefits.

  And she doesn't shy away from other people in Shuchang City coming to learn their skills. Since the other party votes for peaches, he will naturally return the favor.

  Also regarded as the leader of a high-level city, Jiang Heng can't do that kind of domineering thing.

  If it wasn't for the stability of his life, he wouldn't want to be the leader of this city either. He is a salty fish in his bones. But there is no other way, in order to live safely and for the people around him, he can only grit his teeth and do these things.

  In this world, if you don’t work hard and hold power firmly in your hands, you are not qualified to eat enough and sleep peacefully.

  Sometimes, he really envies the ordinary people in Shuchang City.

  (end of this chapter)

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