All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 3927: Everyone around me becomes weird (41)

  Chapter 3927 Everyone around me has become so strange (41)

  She remembered the place of Shuchang City, and planned to get in touch with the leader of the opponent when she had a chance in the future.

   I don't know if the other party has the same idea as her.

  Tu Feng hurriedly came to Qianyan's place, with a rare look of joy on his face, and Tu Xinxin who was beside him was also not as cold as usual.

   "Who did you find?" Qianyan asked.

   "It's Brother Lu, and Brother Lu over there." Tu Xinxin said, knowing that "Lu Jinghuai" was still alive, she rarely showed a happy expression.

  【If Lu Xiaohuai found out, he would be happy and awkward, haha. 】

  【I don’t know when we will find everyone, but Lu Xiaohuai is still looking forward to the stars and the moon. 】

  【Shuchang City’s reputation has already spread, but the spread of news here is still too slow. In half a year at most, everyone should know that Shuchang City is looking for someone. 】

  【In fact, the main reason is that those people are in some remote places, or they may not know that Shuchang City is looking for people. In some places, the Internet is basically not working, and the news cannot be accurately disseminated, so it is very difficult. 】

  Qianyan withdrew her attention, the audience was indeed right.

   But finding someone in this way is already considered fast.

  Shu Changshi's reputation has gone out, as long as anyone knows about it, they should all come to seek refuge. Coupled with the help of other city leaders to find people, as long as there are no special circumstances, she is confident that good news will continue to come in the future.

   Qianyan saw Lu Jingchen and "Lu Jinghuai".

   Not long after getting along, she discovered that "Lu Jinghuai" here is a talker. Ignoring the ridicule from the audience in the live broadcast room, she briefly explained the situation to them, and the two settled down in Shuchang City.

  After Lu Jingchen found out what Qianyan was doing here, he became more puzzled.

  He is also a smart person, didn't say anything, and silently cooperated with her arrangement.

  Not long after Lu Jingchen was found, before the next good news came, Jiang Heng brought bad news to Qianyan.

   "Parallel world?" Qian Yan met Jiang Heng's gaze with a calm expression, "What's going on?"

   At the same time, her mind was spinning rapidly. It was impossible for the people over there to come back, and even if they came back, they would not be able to escape from the formation she arranged.

   That evil formation has been imprisoned by her, if there is any accident, she can immediately sense it.

  From "Lu Jinghuai" and "Tu Xinxin", she learned that not many people know about this matter, and the only ones left here are the three of them.

  The people who came over there, except for the Zhang family, basically have no fools, and they will never easily reveal things about the parallel world.

  In a short time, she had two guesses.

  First, there may be more than one evil formation.

  Second, the Zhang family.

"It was revealed by several city leaders I had contacted before. The news should have been deliberately revealed by Shi Dongfeng of Qingtong City. I have already received the invitation. He invited me to attend the meeting, which is about parallel world news." Jiang Heng said, in fact, he There is some vague suspicion.

   After all, some things were too coincidental, but he didn't intend to point them out.

  Because he doesn't want those people to find a parallel world. With their appearance, they can do anything for the benefit of the upper class.

  Going to another world, is it really that easy?

  Especially Ms. Lin in front of him is so scary. If his guess is right, those people really want to do something, and they will only suffer in the end.

  Qianyan knew that Jiang Heng was a smart person, and the other party should have guessed something.

  He didn't point it out, and she didn't say much.

   "Then let's get in touch, I'm curious too."

   She doesn't know what the situation is, if a new evil formation appears, she must stop it.

  If only the Zhang family revealed it, things would be simpler.

See you tomorrow



  (end of this chapter)

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