All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 3929: Everyone around me becomes weird (43)

  Chapter 3929 Everyone around me has become so strange (43)

  In any case, this method is currently the most effective.

   "What does Ms. Lin think about parallel worlds?" Shen Ying asked. She asked this for no purpose, just to discuss it casually. This Ms. Lin is very capable, and she may have some new insights.

  Qianyan said with a normal expression: "There is no research on this, maybe it's just an idea."

  Jiang Heng nodded along, but thought silently in his heart, if there were not many strange things, he would believe Ms. Lin when he saw her appearance.

  【Haha, I discovered something. If I didn’t know the truth, I would have believed the anchor’s words without hesitation. 】

  【Obviously they believed it. 】

  【No, Jiang Heng didn't believe me. Recently, I found that this guy is very good at pretending. If we hadn't stared at it from 360 degrees without a blind spot, we really wouldn't have noticed it. 】

  【And this guy is a bit like a salted fish being forced to turn over. I, who is also a salted fish, can smell it. 】

  Qianyan glanced at the bullet screens, and the observation skills of these audiences were quite good.

   Half a month later, countless city leaders gathered in Qingtong City.

  Qingtong City is an A-level city, currently one of the first-order cities.

  The next day, Qianyan met Shi Dongfeng, the leader of Qingtong City. Shi Dongfeng is a man in his forties. He is white and fat, with a friendly smile on his face.

  Based on his appearance, he doesn't seem to be living in a world full of disasters. It can be seen that his life is quite nourishing.

  It is not easy to grow so fat in this world.

"I believe you all know the reason. That's right, it's the parallel world you've heard about." Shi Dongfeng's smile disappeared, and his expression became much more serious. "A parallel world with stable order and abundant resources, if we can find that I believe everyone should understand what this means."

   "Leaving aside the situation over there, our first priority is how to find the passage." Shi Dongfeng emphasized again.

   "How can Chief Shi be sure that there is a parallel world? It doesn't make sense to ask someone to find a passage for no reason."

   "We need to see definite evidence that there really are parallel worlds."

   "If there is evidence, it is not too late for us to discuss how to find the passage."

  Facing the words of so many people, Shi Dongfeng was completely impatient. He smiled again: "Everyone, don't worry. Since I invited you here to discuss the parallel world, I must have evidence to prove the existence of the parallel world."

  Shi Dongfeng gestured to the people around him, and everyone fell silent, with curiosity on their faces, all guessing what evidence he could produce.

   Qianyan, who was sitting next to Jiang Heng, was sure at this time that there was no other evil formation.

  At least this man named Shi Dongfeng didn't find another evil formation, otherwise it wouldn't be a matter of discussing the channel.

   It should be the reason of the Zhang family.

   Just as this idea fell, there was some commotion outside the meeting room door, followed by three people walking in from outside. The three of them were dressed cleanly. Perhaps they had never seen such a big scene before, and they all inevitably showed timidity and nervousness.

   "Everyone, they are the evidence." Shi Dongfeng pointed to the three of them.


   While everyone was guessing, he stared at the positions of the three members of the Zhang family and said, "They are people from the parallel world."

  As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked, and looked at the three members of the Zhang family in disbelief. If their eyes could poke people, they would already have holes of all sizes.

  (end of this chapter)

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