All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 3938: Everyone around me becomes weird (52)

  Chapter 3938 Everyone around me has become so strange (52)

  The shock on the faces of those who followed her never disappeared, and at the same time, they also understood what she meant by this showdown.

   Besides, if you want to save them back, how can ordinary human beings be able to do it?

  The woman in front of her might be the helper she hired in the past, and everyone had only such thoughts at the moment.

   In less than two months, Qianyan and his party arrived in Xinyang City, and everyone was unscathed, all thanks to her.

   "Lin Qianyan" and others from Xinyang City never thought it would be so soon.

  Hearing that someone came from Shuchang City, he was stunned. For a while, he didn't think that it was Qianyan who brought the people here, but thought it was something else.

  When "Lin Qianyan" saw Qianyan, he was in a daze.

  She looked at "Lu Jinghuai" and "Tu Xinxin" behind Qianyan again, and her expressions were much more relaxed. These two partners who share the same philosophy as her, she always hoped that they could live a good life.

  Qianyan and his party were brought into the secret meeting room. The people on both sides finally met and briefly talked about their respective situations.

  Everyone knew that there was something wrong with Qianyan's identity, but for a moment they didn't know how to ask.

  The last one who spoke was Yun Wan, who was worried about her daughter. She didn't have any malice towards Qianyan, on the contrary, she was very grateful. She didn't know if asking would anger the other party, but she was more worried about her daughter's safety. Besides, the woman in front of her should not be a bad person, otherwise she wouldn't have traveled all the way to find them.

  She is still more inclined, this is a helper invited by her daughter.

   I just don't know what price I paid to hire such a powerful helper.

   "Can you tell me how my daughter is doing?" Yun Wan asked.

   Qianyan looked directly at Yunwan's worried gaze, and at the same time noticed Lin Yunlan's sad and happy expression in the wishing space.

  Unfortunately, until now, she still can't feel that Lin Yunlan will come back.

  Everything is not perfect in the world, and this result is really sad for the Lin family.

   "She is fine now, but she won't come back." Qianyan said.

  Somewhere, she had a feeling that although Lin Yunlan couldn't reconnect with them, the next life would be good. After thinking about it for a while, she understood what was going on, the gift from the two worlds.

  She didn't communicate with the world consciousness on both sides. It may be because of something she encountered, it may be due to deep sleep, or it may be that she does not have the ability to communicate with her.

  Lin Yunlan found the Wishing Space, brought her here, and the changes she made in the end will never be forgotten by both worlds.

  Qianyan has no taboos here, so he just talked about his past and present lives.

   "Lin Yunlan." Finally, she said Lin Yunlan's name.

  Suddenly, everyone was in a trance, and they all understood what was going on. Everyone's eyes were moist, and the Lin family's tears flowed down uncontrollably, and Jiang Meng cried bitterly.

   "Lin Qianyan" also understood at this time that her name should be "Lin Yunlan".

  What's the name, she doesn't care that much.

  Things were too unbelievable, but they all chose to believe, because Qianyan's demonstrated ability was too powerful.

   Qianyan gave everyone some time to clear up their emotions, and was not in a hurry to talk back to them.

  The Lin family was very sad about this result. They knew that those people were not good, but they didn't expect them to be so cruel.

  By the time they calmed down, three days had passed.

  During this period, Qianyan basically stayed with "Lin Yunlan" and talked to him about what might happen after she left.

   It also shows that before leaving, they will be given the ability to protect themselves.

  (end of this chapter)

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