All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 3940: Everyone around me becomes weird (54)

  Chapter 3940 The people around me have become so strange (54)

  Tu Song may have understood that "Tu Xinxin" hesitated to speak, but he still didn't open his mouth. He just cooked several meals and invited "Tu Xinxin" to come and eat together.

  Daughter was brought up by him, and he himself was a soldier, so it's not a problem to organize housework and cook.

  Others understood what was going on, and never came to bother him and "Tu Xinxin".

   "Tu Xinxin" seems to know what's going on, this little girl who is always cool, has been smiling every day recently. No matter what it's called, that's really enough.

  She will never forget the days of being together, and she will never forget the taste of these home-cooked meals.

  The Lin family also cherished the time spent with "Lin Yunlan". In the past few days, they basically got together for dinner, and Ling Yan was with them. Ling Yan himself is not a taciturn person, but recently he has become silent.

  Everyone's mood is very complicated, so I didn't ask why.

Why? Naturally, he was reluctant, but he had to.

  They all have their own lives.

   and Qianyan mentioned that they were able to exchange because of the evil formation, and the harm of the evil formation has not yet appeared. If they don’t exchange them back, maybe one day the evil formation will show up, and they will have no time to regret it.

  In fact, no matter how reluctant they are, they really never thought about staying here and knew how to choose.

   If you want to say that the person who has the least burden and looks forward to going back immediately, it should be Jiang Meng, but she is very sensible and didn't say anything.

   "Brother Chen, take care."

   "Being able to get to know you once is not in vain." "Lu Jinghuai" still had a smile on his face, he seemed to be smiling all the time, and it was difficult to discern his true mood from the smile.

   But at this moment, Lu Jingchen saw the reluctance of the other party.

  The human heart is full of meat, even if "Lu Jinghuai" doesn't look like his younger brother, they have been together for so long, and they are still together in trouble, and they will be reluctant to part when they part. However, there is always a banquet in the world, and they will return to their respective places after all.

  It is difficult to have perfect things in the world, and it is the greatest luck that each other can live safely.

  Lu Jingchen reached out and hugged "Lu Jinghuai", and patted the other person's shoulder lightly: "Jinghuai, take care of yourself, try not to get hurt, and don't treat your body badly. If you don't pay attention when you are young, you will know the pain when you are old."

   "Okay, I know." "Lu Jinghuai" was a little dumbfounded, but this time he listened very seriously, and decided to try to follow what the other party said. He will try his best to protect his body, and even if he is injured, he will take time to heal.

   After all, there is one more person in this world who makes him care about himself.

  This experience is like a dream, and people don't want to wake up.

  Wake up makes people regretful, but also makes people happy.

   Time passed day by day, and everyone bid farewell to those who knew the parallel world. In the last few days, more people gathered to eat and drink.

  Because this matter will be exposed sooner or later, Qian Yan also called the three of Jiang Heng over to get together.

   Originally, Shen Ying and Zhou Jiuyou still didn't understand, but after hearing Jiang Heng's explanation, they were shocked and quickly accepted it. If you think about it carefully, many things are really right.

  The two accepted it well, mainly because of their current power, they don't have to be afraid of anything at all.

  Besides, Jiang Heng has said that when the boss leaves, he will dispel the thoughts of those who miss the parallel world.

  On this day, Ling Yan, who had always been taciturn, finally decided to have a private talk with "Lin Yunlan".

  (end of this chapter)

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