All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 3953: The people around me have become very strange: Fanwai (Part 2)

  Chapter 3953 Everyone around me has become weird: Fanwai (Part 2)

   After activation, one of them dies, and the jade will no longer be useful.

  Maybe Qianyan didn’t want to make them feel too sorry, so she gave them such a magical jade.

  Thinking about it carefully, this is also a method that has almost no impact on the two worlds.

   It's been ten years, and he hasn't activated it. Because he knew that once it was activated, it meant that neither he nor Alan would let go of each other, and they might look at each other across two worlds.

  If he can say a few words with the person he likes, even if it is across the world, he himself will be fine.

  But he can't be so selfish, Alan has a different life, what if he meets someone he likes in the future?

  So, he never chose to activate.

   Now that ten years have passed, I don't know what's going on with Alan, maybe she already has someone she likes. Once Alan has someone he likes, he will never activate this jade again.

  So tonight, he wanted to try.

  In fact, he has some expectations in his heart. In ten years, if Alan is still like him, why not activate the jade to see?

  Ling Yan pricked his finger with a needle, and dripped a drop of blood onto the jade.

  Yu Shi disappeared in an instant, and he only felt sleepy for a while, and fell asleep completely unable to hold on.

   When he regained consciousness, he appeared in a white space, feeling a little at a loss for a moment. But he reacted quickly, and then he felt that he could exit this state at any time. But at this time, I have quit, and the next time I want to come in, it will have to be twenty-four hours later.

   Has a cooldown.

  Ling Yan waited silently, but he was very nervous inside.

   I don't know how long it has passed, but a figure appeared out of nowhere in front of him, and he subconsciously said, "Alan?"

   "Brother Ling?" "Lin Yunlan" was a little surprised at first, but soon realized that Ling Yan was probably thinking the same as her, and planned to come in for a ten-year period to take a look.

   Even if she could only see this side, she would have no regrets.

   Both of them can feel that they are not in a physical state, but maybe they are the souls of legends.

   Ten years of not seeing each other did not make them strange.

  Ling Yan spoke first: "I thought it would be almost ten years. If there is a change, it will definitely happen within ten years."

"I think so."

  The two were quiet for a while before they began to talk about their lives.

  Ling Yan's life is relatively simple, but "Lin Yunlan's" life is more thrilling and exciting. Even with Qian Yan's previous foreshadowing, there are still dangers ahead. I don't know how many parallel worlds want to kill her.

  The process in the middle was very difficult. I don’t know how many times I brushed past death, but in the end she succeeded.

  This is also the reason why she chose to activate the jade today. After ten years, she has succeeded. No matter what the final result is, she wants to try, and only after trying can she continue with peace of mind.

   "Congratulations, Alan."


   "Brother Ling, will you show up again in the future?"

   "If Alan wants me to appear, I will appear. I don't care if the two worlds are separated and cannot see each other, I'm afraid Alan cares."

   "I hope Brother Ling can show up."

   "Then I will show up. If Alan is tired one day, I don't need to come. I just want to say goodbye. Nothing is necessary and eternal, and thoughts can also be changed, you know?"

   "If Brother Ling gets tired one day, remember to say goodbye to me."


   Later, until the end of their lives, they never said they were tired. When they were gray-haired, they were still full of energy when they talked about the interesting things that happened around each other.

  In the parallel world many years later, an unsolved mystery appeared.

  【So, one generation never gets married because they can dream of their lover every night and get married in their dreams? 】

  【Uh-uh-uh, it's somewhat outrageous. 】

  【But that was a generation, so many writings about her lover in her little book, could it be just a dream? 】

  【I think it's true, after all, she is a generation, so there must be some adventures. 】

  【It makes sense. 】

  In this world, there has long been no talk of parallel worlds.

  In fact, Qianyan paid attention to it later. After the two worlds intersected, they seemed to be separated from each other at once, and it was no longer a mirror world.

  In the world Qianyan belonged to, until she sent away the Lin family and she passed away, the official research on parallel worlds didn’t make much progress, but it was because of the breakthroughs made in other places.

  (end of this chapter)

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