All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 3969: Born with original sin, I want to be a lamp (15)

  Chapter 3969 Born with original sin, I want to be a lamp (15)

"Jiao Dacheng, what nonsense are you talking about? How can you tell about the purchase of women in the village before? Don't you know it's live broadcast now? If those people know, how can you handle Tan Shilan? You don't want the money from the program group anymore? At that time, if you can’t get the money, you will be arrested and sent to jail. Just go to jail yourself, don’t implicate other people in the village. Jiaojia Village has finally been cleaned up, and now there are various poverty alleviation and subsidies. If these things spread , all benefits will no longer be available, are you worthy of everyone in the village?" The village chief stood up angrily, took the microphone and said, speaking all the words in his heart in one breath.

  Just after he finished speaking, he froze for a moment, and immediately covered his mouth, his face was pale, with the same panic expression as Zhou Sufen and Jiao Dacheng.

what happened?

  The people around were quiet, with disbelief on their faces, and even the audience in the audience were a little dumbfounded.

  They were relatively close, and it was certain that these people were not acting. Although they didn't know what was going on, these people really said what they were thinking.

   "Village chief, what nonsense are you talking about? You can forget about Jiao Dacheng, why do you mention the other people in the village who bought women before?"

   "Fortunately, I only talked about buying women, and didn't mention the things that killed many women before."

   "Well, those women are buried behind the village. As long as we don't tell them, no one will know, and no one has the time to dig."

   "Jiao Datou, what nonsense are you talking about? Didn't you say that you are not allowed to say these things? Didn't you know that it is live broadcast now?"

   Several villagers of Jiaojia Village quarreled into a group, and more and more information about Jiaojia Village came out of their mouths.

  Whether it is the audience at the scene, or the audience watching TV and watching the live broadcast, they are all dumbfounded.

  【No show will use this kind of drama to gain popularity, right? 】

  【But why they would say these things directly is a bit unscientific. 】

  【What is the reason, the scalp is already numb, could it be those innocent souls? 】

  【Speaking of which, if it is true, this Jiaojia Village is a bit too scary. 】

  【The heat is so high, there should be people from the police paying attention to this matter. When the time comes, arrange people to go to Jiaojia Village to dig. If they can really find something, what they said is basically true. 】

  【The back is chilly, growing up so big, this is the first time I have seen such a scene. 】

  【Now the whole family is squatting beside me, just waiting for a result. 】

  【It's a bit weird, I want to know what's going on, and I have to stare at it even if I'm afraid, I don't want to miss any details. 】

"Jiao Dacheng, Jiao village head, what are you talking about? Didn't you agree on the words early on? It was Jiao Dacheng who saved Tan Shilan, she wanted to be your wife, and finally ran away unwillingly. You are talking about this now, Aren't you going to tear down the station of the program group?" Duan Yue spoke.

  【Good guy, good guy, it turns out that the program team and the people in Jiaojia Village are in collusion. They already know who the people in Jiaojia Village are, and they just want to be popular. To be popular is not to stand on the side of the victim, but to help the perpetrator and help the tyrant. It is simply not human. 】

  【Such a program should not exist. 】

  【I didn't like this show before, but no one cares about it. I don't know if there is any backstage. I didn't watch it, but my dad insisted on watching it, but he ate a big melon, and now my dad still can't believe it. 】

   "Duan Yue!"

  Another angry voice came out, followed by a middle-aged man with a big belly. It was the director Ma Chengkang: "Say this in front of the audience, do you want to kill the show?"

  Duan Yue also realized that he was as flustered as the others, but he said: "Director, it's not that they didn't act according to the discussion."

   "Damn it, I should have invited Tan Shilan up if I knew it earlier. If Tan Shilan's perspective didn't fit the theme of our show, she should be invited to attack the Jiao family." The director stamped his feet in frustration.

   When he realized what he said, he met Duan Yue's eyes, and his face turned pale.

  (end of this chapter)

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