All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 3971: Born with original sin, want to be a lamp (17)

  Chapter 3971 Born with original sin, want to be a lamp (17)

   Let them receive the punishment they deserve sooner, let all eyes focus on Jiaojia Village, and let everyone know that an alien will protect Tan Shilan.

  Similarly, the negative comments about Tan Shilan on the Internet will definitely be greatly reduced.

  Afterwards, everyone will discuss more about Jiaojiacun, aliens, and Tan Shilan will only be incidental. This is a good thing for Tan Shilan, she doesn't need to be watched all the time.

  Just let people remember that there is a place called Jiaojia Village, and the people there are not familiar with aliens.

  Jiao Cancan wants Tan Shilan to live a happy life and not to be immersed in the pain of the past, so this matter must be resolved thoroughly.

  Let everyone know that Jiaojiacun’s behavior is already disgusting enough for aliens passing by, and they are willing to waste some time to get involved and do something.

  The reason why I made up a Bailing star is to tell all women that there is such a place that is ruled by women and there are no men. Even if it can't pass, it can leave a seed in people's hearts, and there will always be sprouts. Women want to have a higher status and not be bullied by others. It is impossible to count on men. The only way is to unite and help each other to strengthen themselves.

  Bowing your head to show weakness and begging for perfection will not get mercy, it will only make yourself a thing that can be flattened and rounded by others.

  The live broadcast was interrupted, and people who followed the show quickly gathered on the Internet.

   While Jiao Dacheng and the others were talking, someone called the police.

  So just after the live broadcast was cut off, the director Ma Chengkang had no time to react, and the police came to the door.

  As Qianyan expected, this matter involved aliens, which has a great impact and has attracted great attention.

  Qianyan noticed that Tan Shilan was looking at her. She didn't think it when she looked at Jiao Cancan's memory before, but when she faced Tan Shilan today, she discovered something. With Tan Shilan's current state, even without today's changes, she doesn't look like someone who is about to commit suicide.

   "Jiao Qianyan, thank you." Tan Shilan noticed Qianyan's gaze, and looked at her calmly, "Thank you for speaking the truth."

  She couldn't love this child, and she couldn't accept living with her, but it didn't prevent her from thanking him for what he did today.

  Qianyan: "You're welcome."

   "But I'm sorry." Tan Shilan knew that this was cruel, but she still wanted to say, "I can't live with you. Once this matter is over, the relevant departments will help you, and you will grow up safely."

  However, her biological mother could not participate in the process of growing up.

  Qianyan: "It doesn't matter, I will take care of myself, and you should also take care of yourself, and you will be happy for the rest of your life."

  Perhaps because this little girl is too sensible, Tan Shilan's eyes inevitably turned red, but she really couldn't accept it.

   Meeting the little girl's clear eyes, she vaguely understood that the other party really understood her.

  It would be great if this child didn't come in that way, but unfortunately it came in that way, she couldn't accept it, even if she knew that this child was innocent and a good boy, he was different from the people in Jiaojia Village, and completely different from Jiao Xiaobao.

   "Thank you for your understanding." Tan Shilan said, tears could no longer be controlled, and she didn't want to control them anymore.

  She has been wronged for many years, and the things in Jiaojia Village have tortured her day and night. Today, she finally let out her depression.

  First it was the words said by the child, and then it was the alien woman who saw a rough road. She would remember that there was an unknown alien woman named Bailingxing who helped her.

   It also let her know that there is a place where she is an uncomfortable character, and now she wants to do something more.

  She is close to thirty, and she still has a long life to live, so why has she been trapped in the pain of Jiaojia Village?

  She can go out and do what she wants.

  Complete her studies, fulfill her dreams, and do all the things she should do in the lost ten years.

   She will never hide in a dark house again.

  She is not a shady person, she should walk in the sun openly.

  She can't go to the Bailing Star, but she can create a small Bailing Star for herself.

See you tomorrow



  (end of this chapter)

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