All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 3983: Born with original sin, I want to be a lamp (29)

  Chapter 3983 Born with original sin, want to be a lamp (29)

  Of course she didn't want to see this, so she arranged for someone to guide Jiao Dacheng to expose this matter.

   Thought that the other party would finally be unable to get up now, but unexpectedly another Bailing star appeared.

  A planet with only women, ruled by women, sees women in trouble and takes action. The other party could help Tan Shilan, why couldn't he help her?

   That's right, the things in Jiaojia Village have been exposed at this time in the last life, and the Bailing Star people passing by here can't see those, so naturally they won't appear.

  So, Tan Shilan's luck is really good.

"At that time, Jiaojia Village had already been hit. It should be that the talents of the Bailing Stars did not appear." Ji Yuping also thought of this, and he shook his head lightly, "The appearance of the Bailing Stars is not a good thing for us, and now the whole world is paying attention For this matter, I can’t wait to turn over the nearby land, hoping to find some traces.”

   "With the current situation, all the original plans can only be overturned, otherwise it is definitely not a good thing to be targeted."

  Chu Lexue bit her lips: "That place is surrounded by people, now we can't even see him."

   "I'm afraid to use comm either."

  Ji Yuping nodded: "It's right not to use communication. With the current situation, maybe the keyword has already been set. Once we trigger it, we will definitely be discovered. Communication is not safe."

   "He didn't contact me, probably because he was afraid of being caught fluctuating." Chu Lexue looked sad, "After all, he can't deal with the power here now."

   "Fortunately, the Bailing Star has already left, otherwise I don't know if he will be discovered."

"Yeah, fortunately Bailing Pedestrian was just passing by, otherwise it would be a big trouble." Ji Yuping sighed, "Don't act rashly recently, and don't mention the matter of meeting her again. Let's talk about it after the storm has passed. Life is long, think about it What we are doing, we don’t know what it will be like in the future, and there are plenty of opportunities. Reclining to the peak and then falling down, the fall will be even harder.”

"Ji Yuping, there is one thing I have to mention. It's not that I'm holding on to the problem, it's that she has already suspected it, and I feel that she is inadvertently probing." Chu Lexue's expression was not very good, "She sure enough Still so smart."

  The smile on Ji Yuping's face disappeared, and his brows were tightly frowned: "This is a bit troublesome."

  The two fell silent again, and drove home all the way without speaking.

   Parked the car, the two walked into the villa and went straight to the study.

   "What do you want to do?" Ji Yuping asked.

Sitting next to her, Chu Lexue leaned lightly on the armrest, looked up at Ji Yuping, and said in a low tone, "Of course the best way is to keep her from speaking. I have endured it for so long just to wait for you to come back to discuss. If you find a way to contact him, maybe he can find a way. After all, our ordinary people's methods are easy to be discovered, and she is still being watched. It would be bad if he couldn't keep his mouth shut and exposed himself. "

   "Wait a little longer." Ji Yuping said, "Now is not a good time."

  Chu Lexue sneered: "Are you still reluctant? After all, someone you liked."

   "But don't forget, after she knew who you are, she broke up without hesitation, Ji Yuping, believe it or not, even now, as long as she knows who you are, she will still make the same choice."

  Ji Yuping frowned: "Okay, I'm not reluctant."

  "The current situation cannot make mistakes, and we will all be finished if we make a wrong step."

See you tomorrow



  (end of this chapter)

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