All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 3986: Born with original sin, I want to be a lamp (32)

  Chapter 3986 Born with original sin, want to be a lamp (32)

  The teacher who graded the papers did not announce Tan Shilan's results until the results of all the test papers were out. In the end, she passed the entrance exam with a score no lower than her previous college entrance examination score.

  This test paper is not the one with particularly simple questions. When they learned that Tan Shilan's study progress was good, they gave her a test paper of the normal level of the college entrance examination. At first, I thought that Tan Shilan should have no problem passing the exam, but I didn't expect her to be so good, so I only deducted 30 points in total.

  Such good news, the school announced it on the Internet after seeking Tan Shilan's consent.

   Tan Shilan is now willing to share her own affairs. She is definitely not the only one who has been persecuted in this world.

   She wants to get over as much as possible. If someone who has experienced a similar situation sees her situation, maybe she can gain some courage.

   Qianyan learned that Tan Shilan had achieved such a good result, and sent a message to congratulate her.

  Usually they would communicate through communication, knowing that Tan Shilan does not reject these things, Qianyan did so.

   When Jiao Cancan learned that Tan Shilan passed the entrance examination with high scores and returned to college life, she was so excited that she cried, crying and laughing for a long time in the wishing space. This was supposed to be the path her mother took, but she encountered some stumbling blocks before, and now she is finally back on track.

  At this time, a poem came to her mind: "The sharp edge of a sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from bitter cold."

   This poem was originally described by a classmate who knew her situation and took the self-examination together, but she finally lived up to this sentence.

   Now that's a good way to describe her mother's experience.

   Netizens were mostly surprised when they learned of this result, followed by blessings, and they all felt that Tan Shilan was very good.

   There are also some rhythmic or unsatisfactory life, thinking that the test paper given to Tan Shilan by the school is very simple.

  The school had long expected that this would happen, and released the test paper, as well as the video of Tan Shilan doing the whole process of the test paper.

   At the same time, the high school also announced the results of Tan Shilan's every test this year, as well as a video, which was the blessings of Tan Shilan's classmates this year.

  Looking at Tan Shilan's improved test papers each time, those who questioned were dumbfounded.

  The high school also shared the books Tan Shilan read this year, the homework and test papers she did, and the pens that ran out of ink. It took several cartons to fill them all.

  Netizens completely admire Tan Shilan's ability and perseverance. From today on, she has another halo, a returning top student.

   Jiao Cancan was originally afraid that someone would pay attention to Tan Shilan and affect her life.

   But seeing Tan Shilan like this, she suddenly understood that Tan Shilan was not afraid to go out. What she lacked in the past was an opportunity and needed help.

   She didn't go out, the biggest reason was that someone didn't want her to go out.

  Even so, she didn't give up on herself, and found a job online that was suitable for her to earn money, and she didn't plan to crave her old age.

  Jiao Cancan: "Mom has always been amazing and strong."

   If you want to say who is the most unhappy person after hearing the news, it must be Chu Lexue.

  She hasn't paid much attention to Tan Shilan in the past year. Knowing Tan Shilan's ending, she is too lazy to do it again.

  But he didn't want the other party to return to such a height in just one year.

  According to netizens, there is no water in the test paper this time, and it is of normal difficulty. Tan Shilan's score was even higher than that of the college entrance examination, and the other party's improved scores made her furious.

  Tan Shilan lost these things for nearly ten years, how could they be found so easily?

  In her previous life, she also went back to school to study. There was no entrance exam. She was originally an art examinee, and a landslide caused leg problems. Later, she was beaten by Jiao Dacheng in various ways. There is no way to get involved in art. I knew I couldn't do it, and I didn't even think about it. I discussed it with the school and enrolled directly.

  (end of this chapter)

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