All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 3989: Born with original sin, I want to be a lamp (35)

  Chapter 3989 Born with original sin, want to be a lamp (35)

  The two put their hands on the wardrobe door handle together, and a surprising scene appeared.

  A screen suddenly appeared on the unremarkable wardrobe, and it emitted a special light to take a picture of the two, followed by an electronic synthesizer sound: "The identity is confirmed, please come in."

   Qianyan was silent for a while, this kind of technology undoubtedly surpassed Blue Star by a lot.

   If it weren't for these two people holding the closet door handle, this screen should not appear.

  Even if the two are forced to hold the doorknob, there is no guarantee that they can pass through smoothly. The light emitted from the screen just now swept the two of them completely, including their pupils, facial expressions, heartbeats, and even mental fluctuations.

  In the advanced technological world, it is not difficult to achieve such a degree.

  So, forcing them to open the door won't pass.

   Entering this door, there must be various verifications inside.

   Sure enough, just as Qianyan thought, after confirming that the two of them were okay, a door appeared next to the closet door, and the moment they walked in was still being scanned. This time, she definitely felt that the mental fluctuations of the two were being monitored.

   Fortunately, Qianyan is used to doing such things, and has long hidden the fluctuation of her soul power.

  The other party's technology is very powerful, but there is still no way to break her disguise.

   It wasn’t a long passage, but Chu Lexue and Ji Yuping were scanned in various ways, which shows how cautious the other party is.

  Ten minutes later, the surveillance on the two finally disappeared, and they arrived at a relatively empty place. Don't look at the simple layout here, in fact, every place reveals high technology.

   "You are finally here."

   "Mr. Di." The two called together, with a bit of respect on their faces.

   Qianyan looked along, and there was an arc-shaped table not far from the two of them. The man they called Mr. Di was sitting on a chair with his back facing them.

   "Sit down."

   When the two sat down, he finally turned around.

   On the surface, this person looks to be in his thirties, but Qianyan cannot be sure of his actual age.

  After seeing the other party's appearance, Qianyan understood why the other party did not dare to appear outside. The first is the opponent's pupils, which are dark green. The blue star people also have green pupils, but this person's pupils are not only dark green, but also flashes of lightning from time to time.

  According to Qianyan's analysis, this should be a kind of mental power.

  Obviously, there will be no human beings whose eyes flash with lightning from time to time on the blue star. This kind of person only appears in movies.

  To be honest, Qianyan didn’t expect at all that he made a nonsense about aliens, and it turned out that there were really aliens here.

   It was such a coincidence that even she herself was a little speechless.

   Even knowing Qianyan's guess before, Jiao Cancan was still a little shocked.

   There are really aliens. Judging from the appearance and the technology here, this person called Mr. Di is obviously not from Blue Star.

"Mr. Di has been waiting for a long time." Ji Yuping said, and then said, "The appearance of the people from Bailingxing made it impossible for me to study the information given by Mr. Di. Now people in the whole world are very vigilant. If our company develops Even if they are not suspected of producing technological products that exceed the current level, they will be targeted by them, and then there is no way to help Mr. Di."

   "Even the place Baizhangguan will attract attention. Over the mountain here is Jiaojia Village, and people outside will associate it with it."

   If not for some reason, the good plan was destroyed, Ji Yuping would not be so calm.

  (end of this chapter)

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