All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 3992: Born with original sin, I want to be a lamp (38)

  Chapter 3992 Born with original sin, want to be a lamp (38)

"Got you."

   "Before I felt that the fluctuations here were not right, so you are here."

  The sudden sound startled Di Yu, who was talking to himself, he raised his head subconsciously, and asked, "Who?"

   Immediately following, he came back to his senses and shouted: "Urgent alert!"

  The words "emergency alert" fell, and the surrounding scene changed rapidly.

  A high-level defense rose around Di Yu, and the surrounding weapons were also revealed.

  Perhaps having gained confidence in this way, Di Yu began to look around, and at the same time felt that the voice just now was a little familiar.

   Without waiting for him to think, Qianyan imitated the voice of "Bailing Star" again: "Haven't you remembered?"

  Di Yu has already remembered, and he has watched that video countless times, how can he not remember this voice.

   It's a Bailing star!

  She hasn't left yet.

   From the few words just now, it can be heard that the other party has long realized that something is wrong in this area, and leaving in front of everyone before was just a cover.

  Her real purpose is to wait for him to let his guard down before finding out his location.

  The other party didn’t show up early or late. He appeared after he met Chu Lexue and Ji Yuping. Obviously, the fluctuations when the two came in were noticed.

  These two things are not enough to succeed but more to fail!

  If I knew it earlier, I should have replaced it.

  He thought that the most dangerous thing was to be noticed by those outside researchers, but now he realized that the scariest thing was being discovered by the Bailing Stars.

  The visitor is not good.

  The sound can be transmitted from the other party without a sound. The technology of the Bailing Star should be more developed than that of the Snow Wolf Star.

  Besides, with his current situation, he can't use the technology of Snow Wolf Star at its peak, let alone a powerful planet like Bailing Star, even the power of those planets that were weaker than Snow Wolf Star in the past.

  For example, the pitifully weak Blue Star in front of him.

   Although his mental strength is not bad, once the Blue Stars notice his situation, he can't escape the opponent's weapons.

  So, he can only hide.

  If he can’t return to the spaceship Snow Wolf 734 before the startup program is destroyed, then he can only be a man here with his tail between his legs.

   "Is your Excellency a member of the Bailing Star?" Di Yu stabilized his mind. The other party has not made a move yet, which means that there is still room for redemption. "I don't know what your purpose is?"

   "I fell here many years ago and hid in the mountain just to wait for the energy to be gathered. When the energy is enough, I will leave Blue Star. Judging from your previous performance, it should not be an invader."

   Di Yu's words are also a gamble. The Bailing Star people have no malice towards Lan Xing, and they may not have no ill intentions towards him.

   "I heard what you said to yourself just now."

  Di Yu's pupils shrank suddenly, but he was heard, and his expression turned ugly: "Then what do you mean?"

   "Are you really going to offend a powerful planet for those little blue star people?"

  Qianyan asked back: "Is it a powerful planet that has been destroyed?"

   Di Yu clenched her fists tightly, she had actually heard what she just said.

  Moving out the Snow Wolf Star at this time obviously has no deterrent effect. Yes, the Snow Wolf Star was so powerful in the past. As long as you know the name of the Snow Wolf Star, who can not give face? Who would have thought that the Snow Wolf Star would be destroyed?

   No one expected such a day.

  It's a pity that it failed at the beginning. If Xuelangxing's plan succeeds, they may be able to obtain eternal life.

  (end of this chapter)

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