All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 3996: Born with original sin, I want to be a lamp (42)

  Chapter 3996 Born with original sin, want to be a lamp (42)

  Qianyan has already returned to the room of the orphanage. She lives in a room alone, so she didn't sleep, so she took out the phone and watch beside her.

  The watch face of the phone is still the one given to her by the relevant department. In fact, the inside has been changed by her a long time ago, and basically has all functions.

   Knowing that her prime minister has been an intelligent brain all her life, Qian Yan thought of where to put him.

  She is still young, so she can only temporarily put him in the phone watch.

   When she gets older, she will change his place.

  In fact, since the prime minister is an intelligent brain from a high-tech planet, as long as he is awakened, there is basically no need to worry about him having no place to stay.

  However, because he forcibly destroyed the spaceship numbered Snow Wolf 734, the data was damaged, and it will take some effort to wake him up. Before, she discovered that his data was actually being repaired automatically, but it took a long time. If no one helped, it might take a long time.

  Intelligence brains of this level are extremely rare, even with Snow Wolf Star technology at its peak. The intelligent brain that has self-awareness, can think, and knows when and what to do is feared by humans, but it also drives humans crazy.

  Qianyan didn't feel that he could wake him up all at once, but just put it in the phone watch and planned to sleep.

  Her body is still a child. When she is growing her body, staying up too late is not good for her growth, and she tends not to grow taller.

  Qianyan has already fallen asleep, and Xu Weiqing, who has been given countless information by her, can't sleep anymore. It didn't take long for a large number of people to lose sleepiness just like her.

  Unbeknownst to many people, groups of people from relevant departments rushed to Danyang Town overnight. This was an operation with the highest level of secrecy.

   Avoid long nights and dreams. The above means that the task must be completed before dawn.

  What was Danyang Town like before dark, and what Danyang Town will be like after dawn. No one who is not related to it must be allowed to know that Danyang Town is special.

   Not only that, but Xu Weiqing will have to evacuate from here after a while.

  In the middle of the night, it was very dark, and a group of people quietly sneaked to the Baizhangguan position.

  Chu Lexue and Ji Yuping feared that people would pay attention to this place, so they built a private Taoist temple here, and they didn’t intend to promote the Baizhang Temple. Now it is convenient for the special team to operate.

  There were not many people in the entire Baizhang temple, and the people led by Chu Lexue were quickly subdued.

  The two of them were also awakened in their sleep, and their mouths were gagged before there was any exclamation. The two looked terrified and were taken away. They didn't know what was going on. At first they thought they were kidnapped.

   But soon they found something was wrong, especially one of the special operations team, who used something to wrap the jade bracelet on Chu Lexue's wrist, as if he knew something was wrong with the jade bracelet.

  In an instant, Chu Lexue's face turned pale, she always felt that something was beyond their expectations.

   Who are these people?

  Has Mr. Di noticed such a big movement in Baizhang Temple?

   There must be no problem with Mr. Di's ability to deal with these people. Why hasn't Mr. Di appeared yet?

  If she and Ji Yuping were really taken away, and the other party interrogated them with some special means, they would not be able to resist.

  Chu Lexue felt lucky, if Mr. Di didn't want to reveal his identity, he had to rescue them as soon as possible.

  (end of this chapter)

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