All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 3999: Born with original sin, I want to be a lamp (45)

  Chapter 3999 Born with original sin, want to be a lamp (45)

  They were sure that someone had been reborn, and then found that Di Yu didn't respond at all, as if they had known this result for a long time.

  The two knew that the general situation was over, so they could only tell the truth. After all, didn't they all know it? There's no point in not speaking anymore.

When Di Yu was asked again, Di Yu was still not very cooperative. He sneered and said, "Didn't that Bailing Star tell you all? I have to ask again. Is there nothing else to do? You weaklings The Blue Stars, if not for the Bailing Stars, the result would definitely not be like this."

  He is very unwilling, obviously the restart plan has been successful, and he can achieve his goal with a few more visits.

  Chu Lexue and Ji Yuping realized that it was the people from Bailingxing who helped, and all the plans could no longer be realized, and the two of them were ashamed.

  A few days later, they realized that they were arrested by people from the country, so they didn't struggle anymore.

  Thinking of their future lives, both of them were blinded. Based on what they knew about these things, there was no chance of getting out, and they could only live a life of darkness.

  Similarly, Mr. Di, who was extremely powerful in the past, can only be imprisoned by the Blue Stars who are countless times weaker than him.

  Qianyan noticed that there was no problem with Xu Weiqing and everything was going smoothly, so she didn't pay any more attention.

  Chu Lexue and Ji Yuping will never come out, which is a good thing for Tan Shilan, at least she no longer has to worry about her life being in danger.

  Of course, to be on the safe side, Qianyan still retained that trace of soul power.

  This time, only when Tan Shilan is in danger, that trace of soul power will work, and she will not pay attention to the other party at any time.

   Usually just contact the other party in the newsletter.

   After confirming that no one else will cooperate with Di Yu except Chu Lexue and Ji Yuping, the relevant departments plan how to make them disappear in the eyes of the public. The sudden disappearance of the social relationship between the two will definitely cause some sensation, and an excuse is needed.

   Half a month later, Ji Yuping Company was found to have many problems.

  The company itself does have problems, but it can be covered up perfectly by relying on Di Yu. Now it must not let it continue to exist.

  The company was investigated, Ji Yuping and Chu Lexue got the news first and went abroad, but it didn't take long before it was reported that they were blackmailed and their bodies sank into the sea.

  From today onwards, Chu Lexue and Ji Yuping in this world will be dead on the surface.

   Although the Ji family and the Chu family did not participate in the restart plan of the alien Di Yu, they also benefited a lot because of Chu Lexue and Ji Yuping. They are also involved in some of the gray areas, and this time the relevant departments naturally want to investigate together, so that they have no time to take care of Chu Lexue and Ji Yuping's affairs.

  In the end, these people have suffered so much loss, they hate Chu Lexue and Ji Yuping to death. Every time they think of the two dead bodies sinking into the sea, they are extremely happy, and they don't care about their life or death at all.

   In the blink of an eye, eight years have passed.

  Tan Shilan entered the research institute with her own ability, and as far as Qian Yan knew, the relevant departments were secretly assessing her. If there are no problems in all aspects, it should be to let her get in touch with Snow Wolf.

  Qianyan's body is sixteen years old, and with her own abilities, she has long since needed help.

   Now she doesn't live in the orphanage, she lives alone, and it started the year before last.

  Relevant departments confirmed that she had no problems at all, so they let her go.

  After living alone, Qian Yan has more chances to help Su Xinghuai restore the damaged data.

  According to her estimation, the other party should wake up recently.

   Just as she was thinking, a voice suddenly sounded: "I found a human with a weak body and undetectable mental power. According to the analysis results, her identity is a Blue Star."

   "What's going on here?"

   "Could it be that I have been sleeping for thousands of years? Blue Star has evolved a powerful spiritual force for being so weak."

   "But the physical body is a bit too weak, and the evolution is not comprehensive."

   Qianyan: "..."

【Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! 】

  【Every time Brother Huai appears on stage, he is so funny. 】

  【It's not good to complain about your wife like this. 】

  【Brother Huai is a smart brain this time, so I can't hug and hug him, I don't see him dying in a hurry. 】

See you tomorrow



  (end of this chapter)

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