All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 4002: Born with original sin, I want to be a lamp (49)

  Chapter 4002 Born with original sin, want to be a lamp (49)

  Besides, the other party just said that the Blue Stars haven't really obtained the Snow Wolf 734. Even if the technology has developed well, it should not reach the level of the Snow Wolf Star.

  Qianyan: "I met by accident."

   "Okay, although I know this is not the truth, but I choose to respect you."

【Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! 】

  【I was going to laugh like crazy, my mother asked me why I was lying on the bed and beating crazily, and I was still twitching, did I have a disease. 】

  【I'm different. I was on the subway and when everyone was falling asleep, I happened to burst out with a monkey-like laugh. It's very social to ask. 】

   Immediately afterwards, Su Xinghuai asked Qian Yan how old he is now, and Qian Yan also answered.

   Knowing that he has been asleep for only a few decades, as an intellectual brain, he also has some doubts about the birth of an intellectual brain.

  In order to destroy the startup program of Snow Wolf 734, the data was severely damaged. Without human intervention, it is absolutely impossible to repair it in just a few decades.

   "Can I go out for a walk?" Su Xinghuai decided not to ask, if the other party allows him, he can go and see by himself.

  He did not feel restrained in the watch, which means he is free.

   But this watch belongs to her. According to his analysis, he can repair it so quickly should have a lot to do with her, rather than Blue Star's technological development.

  There must be something secret about her.

  She didn't want to say more, and he wouldn't ask any more.

   According to the relationship between human beings, she is now his savior, even if he is not restricted, he still has to ask if he wants to go out.

   "Go, but remember the location, don't find the way back then."

  Su Xinghuai: "Miss Qianyan, I'm an advanced brain, I won't find my way back."

  Before going out, he will scan everything here.

   "If you don't mind, I want to scan your mental fluctuations. As long as you don't deliberately cover up, I can find your position with the help of mental fluctuations."

  Qianyan: "Yes."

  A minute later, Su Xinghuai's voice was no longer in the room.

   Half an hour later, Su Xinghuai came back, and greeted Qianyan when he came back, without saying anything else.

   Obviously, he got a lot of news from outside, and he needs to digest it well.

  At night, Su Xinghuai finally said: "Miss Qianyan, does Bailing Star really exist?"

  There is a lot of news about Bailingxing on the Internet, and the original video exists.

  As an intelligent brain, he scanned the video at a glance and found out that the video was synthesized.

  That's why he asked if Bailing Star really existed.

  Through Blue Star's network, Su Xinghuai basically understood everything on the bright side, and also knew Qianyan's identity.

  In addition, he also looked for Di Yu's mental fluctuations, although it was only a little bit weak, he still found it.

  He saw not only Di Yu, but also two other Blue Stars there, and he finally figured out the ins and outs of the matter.

  Finally, he came to a conclusion that all this might have something to do with this Miss Qianyan, who looked like a Blue Star, but had no spiritual power at all.

   "It doesn't exist." Qianyan said.

  She did those rough things, and it was easy to fool the eyes of ordinary people like Lan Xing. But it is absolutely impossible to fool a brain from a high-tech planet.

  What is synthesized is what is synthesized, and it is impossible to achieve true perfection without any flaws.

  Su Xinghuai was silent for a while, and said, "Thank you for waking me up."

   Does not exist, does not exist, or has it never existed?

   It is certain that she must not be from the Blue Star.

  He will not ask this question again, because it will easily arouse the sadness of human beings.

  (end of this chapter)

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