Chapter 4427 Not a stepmother (41)

Liu Wen was a little irritable. Since the general liberalization, she also felt that quitting her job and going into business was an opportunity. She tried to persuade Lin Yejun whenever she had the opportunity.

 Now there is state support for doing business in Shanghai, and you can even get loans. What a great opportunity this is.

 Lin Yejun was actually indifferent, saying that given the situation at home, if he resigned to go into business, he could not foresee the consequences. If he failed, it would be almost impossible to return to his original position.

 “You should think about that more carefully.”

 That night, Liu Wen tossed and turned and couldn't sleep, so she shook Lin Yejun awake: "It won't be so easy if you miss the opportunity. This is encouraged by the country, so just support the country."

Lin Yejun closed his eyes and said in a helpless voice: "There are so many people in the family who need to eat. If we fail, how will we live our lives?"

"I have a job. I will do my original job first, and then I will join you when your work improves." Liu Wen said quickly, "My job is enough to support our family of three, and I will do my best to my mother every month." Being filial may be a bit tight, but in order to live a good life in the future, what’s the point of having a little hardship now? Even if you really can’t survive, ask my mother for some support, and just be filial to her when things get better in the future.”

Liu Wen thought very well. Now her mother-in-law and sister-in-law Bai Jingqiu are unemployed at home. Isn't it just right to let them be helpers during Lin Yejun's business start-up?

Bai Jingqiu’s two children, Lin Yirui and Lin Yixue, both have jobs, so naturally they shouldn’t be raised by her family.

For Lin Yejun's sake, she didn't care about the money spent on Bai Jingqiu, mother and son over the years.

Now that both children have jobs, it is not a problem to support Bai Jingqiu. If they are more filial to their mother-in-law, they can still live a relatively relaxed life.

Lin Yejun opened his eyes: "What a family of three? We are a family of seven."

Liu Wen was very worried, but she didn't want to talk about this with him anymore: "Yes, a family of seven."

“So it’s no problem for a family of seven and three to work to support the whole family,” Liu Wen said angrily and pushed Lin Yejun, “Just go and give it a try.”

Her brother has said that there is a lot of support at this time, and there are opportunities everywhere. It is not an exaggeration to say that the ground is full of gold.

 When she makes money, she will first go to the center of a big city to buy a house. Even if something unexpected happens in the future, life will definitely be good with these houses.

Why is Lin Yejun so stubborn? She tried to persuade her for a month, but she still didn't want to go.

It really annoys her to death.

"I have something to tell you." Lin Yejun suddenly said, "A few days ago, my sister-in-law was talking about Xiaorui and Xiaoxue's intention to enter college."

Liu Wen sat up suddenly and pushed Lin Yejun out without pushing him out of bed. Unwilling to do so, she raised her legs and kicked him off.

With a ferocious face, she said to Lin Yejun, who fell on the ground, "I'm not sure!"

 Finally, she no longer has to raise the three mothers and children. In her early days, she has reconciled the matter with herself. The two younger ones have to take the college entrance examination. Isn't this a hassle?

 They are all grown up and it’s not time for her family to raise them.

 Does her family owe their three mothers and sons?

If Lin Yirui and Lin Yixue are preparing to take the college entrance examination, Lin Yejun must not be able to give up his job and go to sea.

 By the time they pass the exam, at least one or two years have passed. At that time, there will be no support at all, and it will not be that easy to get ahead.

 No, she is not allowed.

Liu Wen felt more and more aggrieved as she thought about it. She threw the quilt down and glared at Lin Yejun: "I don't agree."

wait for me

If you can’t wait, go to bed.



 (End of this chapter)

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