All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 915: Scum brother, scum dad, get away (61)

   Chapter 915 Brother scum, get away (61)

   "That's the way it is. He shouldn't think about coming out again in a short time." Yan Huai informed Taohua Village of the situation, and he was the one who went to do this.

"Let's study with peace of mind in the next time, and start the new year and go to Beijing to wait for the exam." Qian Yan said, but she kept looking at the words in front of her eyes. Typography too.

   Books in this world are all transcriptions.

   She copied all the books she gave to the students now.

  The world has not invented printing, this thing will definitely appear, I just don’t know when it will go.

   She has enough things on her body. Just teaching 12 people in one fell swoop is already shocking, and if she does other things that will shock the whole world, it will be a little full of profit and loss. As an emperor, she understands people too well.

   She can't come up with more things, unless she is desperate to use the power in her soul, which is completely unnecessary.

   "Sir, what's wrong with you?" Yan Huai saw Qianyan staring at the unfinished handwriting in front of her.

  Qianyan shook his head gently: "It's just that I suddenly have some insights. Copying books is slow and a little tiring. If it can be printed directly like a seal, the efficiency should be much higher."

   "Sir, it's true," Yan Huai's eyes lit up, "but it's difficult."

It was hard to say it, but Yan Huai took it to heart, thinking about how to make the words printed directly on the paper like a seal, just like what Mr. copy.

  Each article is composed of different characters, so even if the characters are engraved like a seal, the order is different, how can it be copied into a book? Printing one by one is too slow.

   Yan Huai left the study with a thoughtful expression on his face, Qian Yan looked at his back thoughtfully, if Yan Huai could come up with a printing technique based on this hint, it would be nothing, as long as she didn't bring it out.

  Unconsciously, another year has turned.

The reputation of   Qianyan has spread all over the country, and even the emperor has heard about it, knowing that in a small Baiyang County, there is such a magical little girl who has taught twelve Juren students.

Before the    examinations started, the emperor paid special attention.

   Not only the emperor's attention, but also the emperor's sons are also very concerned. If it wasn't for the emperor's attention, they would all want to arrange for someone to meet this little girl in advance.

   Even many people want to incorporate this little woman into their backyard.

  The emperor knew what they were thinking, and of course he didn't want such a woman to go to his son's backyard. Such a talented person, to give such an identity, is really aggrieved.

  When he knew about this, he was just curious and appreciative of her, but he didn't have any other thoughts.

   Therefore, the sons who were moved by such thoughts, the emperor despised very much in his heart, feeling that they were short-sighted, not thinking about the world, but only for their own interests and utilitarian intentions.

   So one morning, he mentioned this matter, and he deliberately pulled out Qianyan to praise him, and made his attitude clear. You people had better put away that kind of thinking.

   This beating was really useful. Knowing that the emperor didn't like it, he didn't hit that idea again.

   But the idea of ​​winning over Qianyan is still there, just waiting for her to enter Beijing.

   On the day of departure, the county magistrate was afraid that Qianyan and the 12 Juren would make a mistake, so they specially arranged for the **** to **** them. Even the people who settled in the capital were arranged by the county magistrate. In fact, the money was donated by the wealthy businessmen in the county to seek a good name.

   (end of this chapter)

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