All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 930: Scum brother, scum dad, get away (76)

   Chapter 930 Brother scum, get away (76)

  The Hou Mansion and the Prime Minister's son were both involved, and neither of them could escape, and the Hou Mansion fell to the ground.

  The emperor read the merits of the prime minister, assisted him for many years, and pardoned him. Only one person, Bai Shuyun, was killed, and the prime minister was removed from office. This kind of open-mindedness has already made the entire Prime Minister's Mansion very grateful.

  No one would intercede for Bai Shuyun, not even the prime minister. If he had known about this earlier, he would have personally raised a knife and chopped up that idiot. Almost, the entire family would lose their lives for him.

   If it weren't for Bai Shuyun's brain to participate in this matter, the emperor would not be so forgiving.

   You must know that without Yan Huai, a few small civil servants, he and the prince would definitely die there on the day of the hunt.

   Yan Huai has been promoted again, this time all the escorts have been promoted.

  What makes people speechless is that most of them are Qianyan's students, secretly sighing what kind of **** luck she had to pick up such a big bargain.

   However, they didn't think about it, if Yan Huai and others were not good at it, it would not be a promotion, but a death.

   It is their ability to be promoted because of this matter.


"I'm not from the Hou's mansion, I really am not from the Hou's mansion." When Qianyan passed by the Hou's mansion, she heard a familiar voice, and when she raised her eyes lightly, she saw Meng Wenang who was limping. He was taken away by the officers and soldiers, and he said with fear that he was not from the Houfu.

   "I want to see Meng Qianyan!"

   "Do you know who I am? I am Meng Qianyan's brother."

   "I'm not lying, I'm really her brother, you arrested the wrong person, I just... I'm coming to Houfu..."

   Obviously, Meng Wenang knew about the recent events in the Hou Mansion, and he didn't dare to go out because Qianyan was famous, and he was very afraid.

   "Mr. Meng, do you know this person?"

  Qianyan's face looks very similar to the daughter of the Hou's mansion. When arresting someone, they were told not to make a mistake. Many people knew her, and it just so happened that some of the officers and soldiers knew her, so they hurried over to ask.

   Qianyan: "My brother died a long time ago, and I don't know this person."

   Officers and soldiers don’t care whether it’s true or not. If Qianyan says this person is not, then it’s not.

   Meng Wenang was in disbelief, his eyes burst out with anger, and he wanted to shout again, but the officers and soldiers gagged his mouth with something to prevent him from shouting indiscriminately. Later, the officers and soldiers also told others to keep Meng Wenang's mouth shut, lest he be a mad dog and frame people casually.

   When things settle down, Qianyan plans to go back to Baiyang County and start accepting the second batch of students.

   Before leaving, Qianyan urged Yanhuai to practice painting skills.

   Yan Huai's sadness was swept away, and she quickly agreed. He decided to arrange for someone to pick her up to come to the capital before the new year, and there is nothing wrong with students being filial to their teachers.

  Qianyan really didn't expect that she had already left the capital, and there was still something about her.

   The appearance of a group of people aggressively trying to catch her, it is impossible to say that they are not coming at her.

  Three times, five divisions, two people were subdued, and only after forced questioning did they find out that these people wanted to take her back and die for Feng Jingxue. These people are the people of the six princes and seventh princes who were imprisoned. The two of them are trying their best to save Feng Jingxue's life.

   "Let's go back again."

  Qianyan turned back, and brought those assassins into the palace to meet the emperor.

   If these people didn't come to her, she forgot to pursue one thing.

  The emperor was furious when he knew the truth, but if he wanted to kill his own son, he still couldn't do it, so he could only pull out all their minions.

   Qianyan doesn't mind this, she can handle it, she can handle some things herself.

   (end of this chapter)

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