Chapter 2 The Principle of Peaceful Coexistence in Different Worlds

At this time in 2009, the villas in Fuhua Community have reached more than 20,000 per square meter.

The Wang Teng family’s villa is 800 square meters, and it cost more than 10 million to buy it, plus more than 20 million for the decoration.

When you walk into the villa, you will see the spacious hall.

Two servants are cleaning.

Queen Mother Li Xiumei is busy in the kitchen.

She was born in a scholarly family, and she was a famous talented girl in university when she was young, but she was not insensitive to the sun.

On the contrary, her cooking skills are very superb, and the dishes always make Wang Teng and his son praised.

So Li Xiumei cooks by herself, prepares the dishes every day, and waits for her husband and son to come back to eat.

Looking at the busy figure in the kitchen, smelling the familiar smell of food.

Wang Teng stood at the door of the kitchen, his mouth opened, and it took a long time to shout.

“Mom, I’m back!”

“I’m home!”

Li Xiumei turned her head and smiled: “Wait later, your dad should be home soon, wait for him to come back to eat together.”

“Okay! I’ll go wash my face first.” Wang Teng rushed upstairs and ran into the bathroom without looking back.

“This kid! What happened today?” Li Xiumei shook her head.

In the bathroom, Wang Teng turned on the faucet and let the cold water wash his face.

came back!

Unexpectedly, after ten years, there is still a chance to return to this home.

After the collapse of the Wang family, Wang Shengguo was conspired to pass away. Not long after, Li Xiumei died in depression.

Wang Teng raised his head, wiped his face, and looked at himself in the mirror, his eyes flushed.

So much has changed in ten years.

Wang Teng has changed. He is no longer who he was at the beginning. He can be indifferent to many people and many things.

But in fact, in a corner of his heart, there are still a few soft spots, but he didn’t want to touch it before.

Now that he lives again, his heart is warm again.

Wang Teng wiped his face dry, walked out of the bathroom, opened his bedroom along the memory, and walked in.

Familiar furnishings, familiar everything.

Posters of NBA stars are posted on the walls, music CDs and novels are stacked on the bookshelves, the desk is by the window, not far from the bed, and there is a computer on the desk.

The computer model is very new, and it is still an Apple brand, and the shiny silver body is light and stylish.

It’s another item that doesn’t fit the timeline.

Seeing the computer, he suddenly remembered something. He found a mobile phone from his schoolbag. It was not an old antique from 2009, but the latest Apple 8.

Wang Teng had been mentally prepared for a long time, entered the password calmly, and turned on the phone.

He was suddenly glad that he was a person who couldn’t remember the password. He had been using the same password for so many years, and he hadn’t changed it.

Meituan, are you hungry, WeChat, Douyin…Many of the software apps in it appeared later, and there was no such thing in 2009.

When he was just reborn, he still wanted to rely on the memory of his previous life to counterattack the upper ranks all the way, let Jack Ma, Brother Xiao Ma and other big guys sing and conquer!

Yes, it’s out of play now!

After exhaling, he put down the phone and turned on the computer.

There is no other way, it is more convenient than searching online

Computers and mobile phones have developed to such an extent, it is unreasonable that the network still stays in the way it was in 2009.

Technology and the Internet have never been inseparable.

After turning on the computer, Wang Teng was a little surprised.

The computer’s operating system is not WIN10, but 11th generation.

It seems that the level of development is not exactly the same as in 2019, but there are still differences.

It took him a while to get used to it.

Open the Baidu browser, search for the word “wuzhe”, and a lot of information is displayed.

More than an hour later, Wang Teng turned off the browser and leaned back in a chair with an incredible face.

“Thirty years ago, space cracks appeared all over the world, and the other side of the cracks connected to another world-Xingwu Continent!”

“Star Martial Continent, there is a force, everyone cultivates the force to become a martial artist!”

“Warriors are extremely powerful!”

“The low-rank warriors opened the stele and cracked the stone, drew knives to cut off the water, the high-rank warriors destroyed the mountains and the mountains, turned the river and the sea…”

“This is too illusory!

Wang Teng didn’t know what to say.

Earth scientists have studied the Force and found that it is probably [dark matter], but why the people, animals and plants of Xingwu Continent can absorb dark matter to change themselves, but the earth creatures cannot do it, they have no way of knowing.

Before long, with the emergence of space cracks, the earth seemed to have undergone some changes, and the living things on the earth began to be affected by dark matter.

Plants became taller and more luxuriant, and some long-extinct species reappeared in the world.

Animals have also become larger, and their physical characteristics such as scales, sharp claws, and teeth have also been strengthened.

There are even some animals with unusual talents that have mutated, possessing special abilities of various attributes such as gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

As the primates of all things, human beings are naturally in the scope of evolution.

The human body has also become stronger, running faster, jumping higher, stronger, and living longer… and longer!

Thirty years ago, most of the old people in their 70s and 80s were still alive. They were over a hundred years old, and their mental state was no different from that of their 60s or 70s.

The earthlings are crazy!

For this reason, countries around the world abandon their previous suspicions and convened a global joint conference.

In the end, it was decided to organize manpower to explore the cracks in space. After the safety was determined, soldiers and various experts and scholars were sent to the Xingwu Continent one after another.

These people are called pioneers!

The Xingwu Continent is vast. The pioneers claim to come from overseas, gain the trust of the locals, and communicate and trade with them.

The people on earth did not invade barbarously, but adopted the principle of peaceful coexistence proposed by the leaders of China, and got along with the aborigines of Xingwu Continent in a gentle way.

Before long, the pioneer brought back the cultivation method of Xingwu Continent.

After research and experimentation, human beings on the earth can practice. In the end, all countries have unanimously decided to make the practice methods public and open the era of national martial arts.

This is a major change!

History has since turned a big turn, developing in an unpredictable direction.

Knock on the blackboard here to draw the key points, the college entrance examination is to be taken.

The most powerful place for mankind is wisdom. Through cultivation, mankind quickly strengthens itself. In just a few years, a large number of powerful warriors have emerged from all over the world.

Some of these warriors entered the military, some entered the main office, and others belonged to various large financial groups and large families, forming alliances. There were also some non-governmental free warriors who did not want to be restrained, so they established various martial arts halls for civilians. Provide a way to practice.

It is because of the existence of these warriors that some mutated and powerful beasts can be kept out of the city, and will not cause large-scale impact and destruction on civilized society.

However, martial artist is a profession that needs talent after all, not everyone can become a martial artist.

If you want to become an official warrior, you must beat your body and get a solid foundation.

The cultivator at this stage is the so-called warrior.

The foundation is strong enough to absorb the original force and store it in the body, that is, the official warrior.

If the force is compared to water, the body is a container of water, and the process of absorbing the force is like filling the container with water. Only by widening the container and strengthening it, can it hold more water.

The principle of martial artist’s cultivation, in a nutshell, is this,

Warriors can be divided into three levels: junior, middle, and high according to their overall physical fitness such as strength and speed.

He Manrong, who had met at the school gate before, was a senior warrior, only one step away from the official warrior.

It’s just that this step is difficult for many people.

There is a qualitative difference in whether the force is absorbed into the body.

An official warrior who has already practiced the force can fight ten high-level warriors without the force without any pressure.

The high-level warrior and the official warrior seem to be a bit close, but in fact it is like a gap.

Moreover, poor culture and wealth, martial artists need a lot of resources to practice, and resources are expensive, after all, ordinary people are at a disadvantage.

All in all, in the face of a large base, the number of warriors is still a small number, and most of them are just slightly stronger ordinary people.

But this does not prevent the martial artist from becoming the mainstream, but the scarcity and importance of the martial artist has created its transcendent status.

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