Chapter 522 I’m finally back!

Generally speaking, in the wild of Xingwu Continent, Wuzhe watches cannot receive information.

But there is an exception, that is, in the event of a very serious emergency, the headquarters of the major forces will open the watch terminal and use a special method to let all warriors receive the message.

“Captain, what should I do?” A warrior of the Flying Eagle team couldn’t help asking.

“There must be something serious, let’s go back immediately!” The headed middle-aged man looked solemn and ordered immediately.

“But this star beast?” the other team members hesitated.

“No more.” The middle-aged man gritted his teeth and said: “Even the emergency convening order has appeared, so there is no delay.”

“Well, listen to the captain!”


“Okay, let’s go!”

Although everyone was a little bit reluctant, they still chose to give up, turning around and rushing towards the outside of the mountain range.

Only the earth-based giant python star beast was left behind for the rest of his life, his eyes were full of bewilderment.

what’s the situation?

Stop fighting, is it saved?

It is a violent spirit, and quickly crawled towards the depths of the forest. The outside world is too dangerous, so let’s find a place to hide it!

At the same time, other warrior squads in the Dark Mist Forest also received an emergency summoning order.

Whether it is the warriors of the three major martial arts halls or the warriors of other forces, they have given up their prey and gathered in the direction of Yongcheng.

They didn’t know what happened, but the weight of the emergency summoning order was so heavy that everyone did not dare to neglect it in the slightest.

The Flying Eagle team ran into another warrior team on the road. This team was the Xianglong team from Thunder Martial Arts Hall.

They all know each other too, and it is usually a competitive relationship, but at this time neither team has this mindset.

The captain of the Flying Eagle team said: “Guo Long, have you also received an emergency convening order?”

“Wu Feiying!” Guo Long, the leader of the Xianglong team, said in surprise: “It seems that you have also received the news, but do you know why?”

“I don’t know for the time being.” Wu Feiying, the leader of the Flying Eagle Squad, said concisely.

“Let’s talk about it in Yongcheng first.” Guo Long said.

The captains of the two teams stopped talking nonsense and rushed out of the forest together.

They are high-ranking warriors, and they must go deep into the forest if they want to hunt star beasts above 5 stars, but now it is a little troublesome to leave, and they have to span a large area.

And they are in a hurry now, naturally they are not as careful as they usually hunt star beasts, so it is extremely easy to attract the attention of various star beasts in the forest.

Of course, facing those star beasts, the two teams will work together and the speed will be relatively faster.

“I know a shortcut, but it’s a bit difficult.” Guo Long said.

“Don’t talk nonsense, and lead the way.” Wu Feiying glanced at him and said immediately.

He didn’t trust the other party much, but the situation was urgent now, and he didn’t believe that the other party would have moths at this time.

Not long after, a few people passed by a swamp.

“Be careful, this swamp is the site of six-eyed poisonous spiders, don’t alarm them.” Guo Long reminded.

Everyone dared not take it lightly, and immediately slowed down, trying not to make a sound, and each hid their breath so that they would not be noticed by the star beast.


However, things often backfired. A warrior stepped on something and suddenly made a crisp sound!

The warrior slowly lowered his head and found that he seemed to have stepped on a black…spider foot!


A weird neigh came suddenly!

Everyone’s complexion changed slightly, and Guo Long suddenly cursed and shouted: “Made, go!”

Without any hesitation, everyone immediately let go of their speed, and rushed towards the swamp.


A intensive neighing sound sounded, and then pairs of green eyes emerged in the swamp, staring coldly at the two warrior teams.

Puff puff……

A star beast with a hideous appearance jumped out of the swamp underground and rushed to the two warrior squads.

“Six-eyed poisonous spider!”

Everyone looked shocked.

“Guo Long, what kind of road do you take, are these six-eyed poisonous spiders easy to provoke?” Wu Feiying cursed while running wildly.

“Fuck, if it wasn’t for yours who happened to step on the foot of a six-eyed poisonous spider, we would have passed safely. This road can be shortened by at least one-third. You know what a fart.” Guo Long did not show any weakness. , And went back directly.

Wu Feiying was a little bit silly, knowing that he was wrong, so he couldn’t say anything.

A huge six-eyed poisonous spider wielded their eight long, sickle-sharp legs, walking flat in the swamp, and rushing in front of everyone.

Everyone in the two warrior squads had to turn back and fight back, the force roared, and the fragments of spiders flew everywhere.

They are worthy of being a veteran warrior squad, with strong strength and tacit cooperation, even in the face of the difficult existence of the six-eyed poisonous spider, they still have the upper hand.

But soon their faces became completely black.

I saw more and more six-eyed poisonous spiders emerging from under the swamp, densely surrounding them.

These six-eyed poisonous spiders are not only numerous, there are even several 8-star and 9-star spider kings.


Guo Long, Wu Feiying and others couldn’t help swallowing.

“It’s over!”

This is the idea that came up in their minds at the same time.

“Guo Long, you’re a scam, if you can go back alive this time, I will definitely fill you with ten bottles of Laozi, you are not as scammer as you!” Wu Feiying said fiercely.

“Damn, ten bottles, even if I can go back, I will be killed by you.” Guo Long said silently.

“Captain, stop arguing and think about how to run.” The two players complained.

“What else can I do, fight it!” Wu Feiying said with a ruthless expression.

“Yes, hard steel!” Guo Long also nodded solemnly.


Several people yelled violently, and the force burst out all over, and they were about to meet the dense six-eyed poisonous spiders all around.

“I’m finally back!”

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

In the sky, a dark crack appeared out of thin air.

Then a figure emerged from the crack and landed on the head of an 8-star six-eyed poisonous spider.

The scene freezes for a while.

Whether it was Wu Feiying, Guo Long and others, or the group of six-eyed poisonous spiders, they were all caught in a strange silence.

Wu Feiying and the others looked up and saw that the figure was a young man with extremely long hair, as if it had not been cut for a long time, and his complexion was slightly pale, and it looked weak and windy.

He was looking around, with a hint of joy on his face.

Well, it is indeed a face of joy!

“??” Wu Feiying, Guo Long and others said hello with all their faces.

what’s the situation?

This kid suddenly appeared in such a dangerous place, hasn’t he figured out the situation?

What is the joy of that look?

They didn’t notice that the 8-star six-eyed poisonous spider at the foot of the figure seemed to feel something terrifying. There was a look of fear in the six eyes, and the body did not dare to move.

“You are quite lively here, did I disturb you?” At this moment, the figure said.

Wu Feiying: “…”

Guo Long: “…”

Everyone: “…”

“By the way, what is this place, is it convenient to tell me?” the figure asked again.

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