Chapter 528: Young Figures on the Battlefield

Wang Teng was slightly taken aback when he saw the incoming person.

This group of people is exactly the two warrior teams he rescued in the Dark Mist Forest. Unexpectedly, after some delay, these people also caught up.

In addition to the two teams of Wu Feiying and Guo Long, other warriors also came one after another, but some were still on the way, and some had already reached Yongcheng.

At this time, Wu Feiying heard Li Hei’s question, and nodded solemnly: “Yes, Uncle Hei, we rushed back as soon as we received the emergency summoning order. What happened? And this…”

As he said, his gaze swept around, and it was not difficult to see the situation here. There must have been a big battle just now.

“These are the actions of the Shinrikyo warriors. They want to control the cracks in space.” Wu Feiying and others are quite strong, and Li Hei also paid more attention to it. The warlord level exists, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.”

“Wang Teng!” Wu Feiying and the others felt that the name seemed familiar, but they couldn’t remember it for a while.

They followed Li Hei’s gaze and saw the young man standing beside him at this time, and they were taken aback.

“It’s him!” Wu Feiying and others immediately recognized Wang Teng.

“Wait, he killed two generals!”

Everyone suddenly reacted, their faces were shocked, and their hearts were extremely shocked.

This young man turned out to be a powerhouse capable of beheading the generals!

Although they had speculated before, they never expected that Wang Teng would be so tough.

“You know?” Li Hei couldn’t help asking in surprise when he saw their appearance.

Wu Feiying and the others immediately said what had happened before, and cast grateful glances at Wang Teng again.

“It seems that you have a lot of fate. Speaking of which, Wang Teng is also a member of our Pole Star Martial Arts Hall.” Li Hei said.

“Lao Hei, let’s talk about the old things later. The situation in the East China Sea may not be optimistic. Now that the warrior squads are returning from various places, let them immediately support them with the earth and stars.” General Shen interrupted at this time.

“Yes, the East China Sea sea beast riots are just when the martial artist is needed, so you quickly go back to support.” Li Hei reacted and said solemnly.

“The sea beast riot!” Wu Feiying and the others changed their faces and said in amazement, “How could this be?”

“This is the conspiracy of the truth sect!” General Shen said angrily.

“Truth Sect! These evil spirits, really damn it!” Wu Feiying and the others gritted their teeth with anger on their faces.

When Wang Teng heard the words, his heart suddenly shook, and without saying a word, he turned and rushed towards the space crack in the Force Tower.

Sea beast riots!

How could this kind of thing happen in the East China Sea?

His parents, his relatives, friends… are all there, how are they now?

Don’t make any accidents!

Wang Teng was solemn in his heart, praying silently, and speeding up, wishing to rush to the East China Sea immediately.

Li Hei and the others only felt a flower in front of them, and Wang Teng disappeared. They looked at each other with amazement.

What a fast speed!

“It shouldn’t be too late, you guys go, too.” General Shen said immediately.

Wu Feiying and the others did not delay, and immediately rushed towards the Force Tower. They are also natives of the East China Sea. Their relatives and friends are also in the East China Sea. At this moment, their hearts are more anxious than anyone else.

General Shen, Li Hei and others looked at the back of them leaving, silently saying in their hearts:

“Be sure to keep the East China Sea!”

“Everyone, everything depends on you!”

East China Sea.

The battle between humans and sea beasts became more and more fierce, and a series of hideous sea beasts crawled out of the sea and rushed to the shore, densely packed and extremely terrifying.

Some sea beasts are huge in size, and the aura on their bodies is extremely terrifying. When they enter the East China Sea, wherever they pass, the ground cracks, the building collapses, and the scene is chaotic.

Countless ordinary residents of the East China Sea hid in underground air-raid shelters. They felt the ground shake, and occasionally rubble and stone chips fell down, causing them to panic and despair.

Even if the underground air-raid shelter is very strong, even with the stabilizing rune, the surrounding walls and even the ceiling are still cracked under the impact of the sea beasts.

Everyone is silently watching the situation on the ground through the video.

At this moment, ordinary people truly realize the meaning of the existence of warriors.

In the past, everyone only knew that the martial artist was extremely powerful, possessed the mighty power of opening a stele, cracking a stone, cutting the river with a sword, and possessing a superior status and possessing various privileges.

In addition to envy, ordinary people will inevitably be a little bit unfair.

But now they all understand.

Looking at the ground situation played on the screen, everyone was shocked.

Countless warriors are holding weapons and are fighting with the terrifying sea beasts. They are covered in blood and their faces are firm, forming a solid line of defense that stands in front of all ordinary people.

These warriors are also other people’s children, even husbands, fathers… they have different identities.

But at this moment, they have only one identity.

They are warriors!

They guard this land, guard their relatives, friends, and even die for it!

One by one, the warriors fell down, burying themselves in the mouth of the sea beast.

The eyes of the people in the air-raid shelter were red.

The men clenched their fists and stared at the scenes on the screen. They couldn’t rush to fight the sea beasts, but they knew that their fragile bodies couldn’t stop the sea beasts, and it wouldn’t help if they left.

The women wept silently, suppressed their crying, and sobbed quietly.

“Hold on! Hold on!”

“do not die!”

Everyone is praying, even if they are unrelated people, they are praying for it, for themselves, and for the heroes who fought blood on the ground.

This is the strength of the Chinese nation!

Whenever there is a big disaster, we must be united and united!

Among all the warriors, there is a special group with young faces, even with a trace of immaturity that has not been out of society.

But they are also fighting, blood staining their young faces, giving them a bitterness and fierceness.

Under special circumstances, these young warriors are growing rapidly.

But the price is too great!

This is the growth made by blood.

These young people are the young warriors of various universities in the East China Sea. The sea beast riots were too sudden, and the warriors in other cities had no time to support them. Therefore, as warriors, even though they were young and not particularly experienced, they stood up at this time.

Under the leadership of tutors from various universities, they fought in the last quarter to prevent sea beasts from rushing into the air-raid shelter.

There are many faces that Wang Teng is familiar with.

There are Han Zhu, Wan Baiqiu, Du Yu, and even Lu Shu, Baili Qingfeng, Hou Pingliang, Song Shuhang from Huang Haijun Academy.

There are also veteran students from Donghai University headed by Xiao Yunfan, as well as new students such as Lin Chuhan, Xu Wantong, and Tian Xiaoxiao who have only been in school for more than a year.

Polytechnic University…

wait wait wait!

Compared with real warriors, their strength may not be very strong, especially for many rookies who have just entered school for more than a year, they are even weaker.

But after all, they are warriors. Compared with ordinary people, they are strong, and they should stand up.

At this moment, Lin Chuhan was wearing a battle uniform with a pale face, holding a war sword, and fighting with a barbed sea beast about one meter high.

Judging from the aura that broke out on her body, she has actually been promoted to the 2-star warrior level.

And beside her, there was another figure that was quite short, but whose face was somewhat similar to her, it was Lin Chuxia.

Holding a rune gun in each hand, she fired a shot from time to time, hitting the sea beast in front of her at a tricky angle.

If there is a powerful warrior here, you must be able to see that there is a trace of black force covering the bullets she shoots. These bullets hit the sea beast’s side, and it will make the sea beast’s body dull after a while.

Lin Chuhan, Xu Wantong, and Tian Xiaoxiao cooperated with each other to complete the final kill.

The four girls of them formed a small team, and killed more sea beasts than some seniors, three and four.

“Good job, Chuxia!” After killing the sea beast in front of him, Xu Wantong breathed a sigh of relief and gave Lin Chuxia a thumbs up behind him.

Lin Chuhan also smiled at her sister. She usually saw Lin Chuxia practicing spearmanship at home, but she didn’t take it seriously at first.

Until this sea beast riot, Lin Chuxia was worried about her safety, and insisted to follow her, only then did she realize that this little girl’s spear skills had reached such an extraordinary level.

And she also learned from Lin Chuxia that this spear technique was taught by Wang Teng.

I just don’t know, where did that guy go. It’s been half a year, and there’s no news…

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