Chapter 539 How sad it is to be born in the same age as him!

Three large mountains lie on the coastline of the East China Sea, suppressing countless sea beasts on the bottom of the sea, and the red blood directly stains the sea surface, full of richness.

And more sea beasts are blocked from the mountains, they want to invade the East China Sea, they must climb three mountains.

In other words, in a short time, Wang Tengsheng created a situation that is easy to defend and difficult to attack for the East China Sea!

As for the lord-level sea beasts who want to smash these three mountains, it is not impossible to do it, but then you have to ask the human warlord-level powerhouse if you agree with it!

More importantly, at this moment, many sea beasts were shocked by Wang Teng, terrified.

As long as it is a life, there is fear. These sea beasts are fierce, but at this moment they have feared Wang Teng.

Even the lord-level sea beasts, looking at Wang Teng’s eyes at this moment, trembled slightly, they saw things that did not exist in other human warriors from this young man.

This kind of thing is unclear, but they do feel their hearts tremble.

This young man is too threatening to sea beasts!

At the same time, the human side also fell into silence, shocked beyond the limit.

“Okay, so strong!” A warrior muttered to himself.

Sanshan Zhenhai!

Wang Teng actually did this crazy feat, which is unbelievable.

But soon, everyone cheered.

In the underground air-raid shelter in the East China Sea, everyone in the Wang family was very excited, especially the juniors, hugging each other, jumping and cheering in unison.

“Okay!” Elder Wang hit the ground hard with his cane, his face was red, extremely excited and proud.

“It’s really my grandson!” Elder Li was also here, pulling Wang Teng’s grandmother, and said happily.

Wang Shengguo and Li Xiumei couldn’t conceal the pride in their hearts. The young man who showed outstanding heroism is their son!

They never thought that one day, their children would be able to get this far!

Which parents don’t want their children to become dragons and phoenixes!

But now Wang Teng has faded away from his youth and has truly transformed into a dragon. He stands at the top of the younger generation, better than any other young man.

As parents, they are comforted enough!

But when they saw Wang Teng’s pale and tired face, they felt distressed again. The child really suffered!

Wang Teng’s uncle, uncle, and sister-in-law were all shocked and immediately turned into deep envy.

The second child really gave birth to a good son!

There is no denying that they are sour!

Such an excellent son, if you can, please give them one too!


In the summer palace, even with the composure of the martial arts leader, his expression was still shaken at this moment. He let out a sigh of relief and sighed, “What a Sanshan Zhenhai!”

“This Wang Teng, the younger generation, should be unsurpassed!” said the Minister of Education confidently.

“It’s a great blessing for Xia Guo to be such a arrogant!” The military marshal took a deep breath and said.

Several people nodded, obviously agreeing with their respective words. At this moment, their evaluation of Wang Teng has reached the highest level.

You know, they are all the top big-time figures in Xia Guo, and if their comments are spread to the outside world, they will probably shock the world!

Of course, in the East China Sea battle, even without these embellishments, Wang Teng’s reputation spread throughout the country!

Now people all over the country are watching the live broadcast of Donghai, and the attention is unprecedented. Regardless of men, women and children, I am afraid that there is no one who does not know his name.

Peerless Tianjiao!

It’s nothing more than that!

“The old man really regrets that he didn’t personally draw him to our first institution.” The old principal of the first institution shook his head with a wry smile.

“It’s too late to regret now.” The military marshal said gleefully.

He wasn’t worried anyway, because Wang Teng belonged to their military department, and this relationship couldn’t escape.

What’s more, their military department took great care of Wang Teng. Even though he was deeply trapped in the dark world, the military department still awarded the rank of major general. This honor has to be said that the military department attaches great importance to Wang Teng.

The Marshal of the Military Headquarters was actually a little grateful that he had made this decision.

After all, Wang Teng was too young, and he was promoted to major general at once, which was not in line with the rules.

Fortunately, he is not old enough to be dim-eyed.

“After this battle, let him come to Xiadu, I want to see him!” The martial arts leader finally said.

“This!” The marshal of the military, the minister of education and others were all shocked, and the martial arts leader wanted to see Wang Teng in person.

But it’s not surprising to think about it. After this battle, Wang Teng’s reputation must have reached a very high level, and it is already enough for martial arts leaders to pay attention.

It’s time to meet!

The military marshal also thought of it in his heart.

The First Academy, Ji Xiuming, Mao Na and others fell into a dead silence, and their hearts were too shocked.

Ji Xiuming had been struck and completely lost his confidence, his face was pale, and any pride and unwillingness were shattered.

“We were born in an era with that guy, how sad we are!” Yu Tao said to himself with a bitter expression on his face.

Ji Xiuming’s heart was shocked. If it had been before, he would definitely sneer. After all, he was different from Yu Tao and the others, and his talent was much higher than them.

But now…

He couldn’t help but look at the figure on the screen, his heart bitter.

Yes, how sad it is to be born in the same age as him!

Ren family, Ren Qingcang’s whole person has gone into madness, smashing everything that can be smashed, like a wounded beast.

The old man of the Ren family vomited blood and moved into the intensive care unit. The Ren family was in a mess, and all of this was caused by that person, and he hadn’t even really showed up.

He was completely defeated!

Inexplicably, I also remembered that sentence in my heart-how sad it is to be born in the same age as him!

In fact, it’s not just Ji Xiuming and Ren Qingcang, all young people across the country feel this way.

Those three mountains are not only in front of the sea beasts, but also in front of all the younger generations, insurmountable!

In the East China Sea, at this time Tantaixuan and others came to their senses, and they came to Wang Teng’s side and confronted the lord-level sea beasts.

“Are you okay?” Tan Taixuan asked involuntarily looking at Wang Teng’s pale face.

“It’s okay!” Wang Teng shook his head. He was just over-consuming, picking up a few waves of attributes, and he would soon be able to recover.

However, Wang Teng’s weakness was clearly discovered on the side of the sea beast, and a fierce light appeared in the eyes of the lord-level sea beasts, and they wanted to get rid of them quickly.

“He must be killed!” The lord-level sea beast headed by is a deep-sea giant python, reaching the 12-star median lord level, with a huge body coiled in the sky, staring at Wang Teng from a distance, with a cold and murderous voice. Resounded.


These sea beasts still have not given up. They have accumulated strength for many years, and only now have they decided to launch a war. They want to take this human city in one fell swoop and open up their sea clan domain, how can they retreat willingly.

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