Chapter 545 This bastard, pit master!

The cold joking voice made the three lord-level sea beasts suddenly excited. They looked up and saw the extremely hateful human above their heads.

It is this human being who catches them and even makes them into seafood to eat.

It’s just a devil!

The Great Storm Ape saw Wang Teng awaken the three Lord-level sea beasts, but he lingered to let it go. He frowned, and a loud voice came again:

“Humans, do you want to breach the contract? Let them go!”

This time, its tone was a bit heavier than before, and it seemed to carry a great deal of pressure.

Old Han and others in the rear looked at Wang Teng one after another.

“What the hell is Wang Teng going to do?” Governor Jiang couldn’t help frowning and asked.

“This kid, don’t you have another moth?” Tan Taixuan raised her eyebrows and muttered to herself.

But she didn’t say these words after all.

When the three lord-level sea beasts heard the words of the Great Storm Ape, they suddenly gained a trace of confidence and shouted: “Humans, let us go!”

“Let us go, otherwise our king will surely level your city!” the big lobster roared wildly.

“Tongue dry!”

Wang Teng’s eyes were cold, and the sapphire and colored glaze flames gushed out.


The Net of Force was immediately wrapped in blue flames, roasting the three lord-level sea beasts, causing them to roar in pain.



The three lord-level sea beasts struggled frantically, trying to break through the net of the force and get rid of the burning of the cyan flame.

However, they had already seen the tenacity of the Force Web, and no matter how struggling at this moment, it was nothing but futile.

Storm Great Ape’s eyes were completely cold: “You are looking for death!”

“Don’t you want them?” Wang Teng said flatly: “If you want, I’ll give it back to you.”

Storm Great Ape couldn’t help but froze for a moment, and then said: “Let go of that net!”

Wang Teng nodded, looked directly at the Great Storm Ape, and slowly lifted the big net. The three Lord-level sea beasts got closer and closer to him.

The three lord-level sea beasts no longer screamed, their eyes were cold, and their hearts were filled with crazy killing intent.

As a lord-level existence, they have never been treated like this before.

The human must die in front of you!

Waiting for them to get out of the net is the time of death for this human being.

Wang Teng quickly pulled the three sea beasts to his feet, looked down at them, suddenly smiled, and said in a warm voice:

“Come on, I will let you free now.”

The three-headed sea beasts were ecstatic in their hearts and looked away. They could soon kill the humans in front of them and avenge the humiliation.

Wang Teng stretched out his hand and approached the deep-sea giant python.

Everyone was watching and became nervous inexplicably.

Tan Taixuan and others are also ready for the sea beast to counterattack. After all, no one dares to pin the safety of mankind on the integrity of the sea beast.

However, at this moment, anomalies suddenly occurred.

A cold light burst out of Wang Teng’s sleeves suddenly, and instantly fell into the eyes of the deep sea python.


The ecstasy in the eyes of the deep-sea giant python was too late to dissipate, and the pupils contracted to the size of a needle, but it was obviously too late. The intense pain struck in an instant, causing it to make a huge roar.

Then it stopped abruptly!

The huge body of the deep sea python twisted for a while, and then stiffened.


Was killed by Wang Teng in an instant, and the one who died can’t die again!

“You! How dare you?” The big lobster and giant octopus opened their eyes wide, looking at the human in front of them incredibly.

The Great Storm Ape is right in front of him, and this human dared to kill them, he must be crazy!

“It’s your turn!” Wang Teng suddenly turned his head and looked at them with a smile on his face.

As soon as the voice fell, the previous cold light shot from the other eye of the deep-sea giant python and rushed into the eye of the giant octopus.

“No!” The giant octopus roared unwillingly, but to no avail.


The cold light pierced its eyes and everything was gone!

At the same time, Wang Teng came to the front of the big lobster instantly, and slapped it with a palm in its horrified eyes.


This palm was directly printed on its head, and the force of horror came out.

The big lobster was shocked, his body stiffened, and he died on the spot!

In an instant, after the deep-sea giant python, two lord-level sea beasts died in Wang Teng’s hands.

All this is a long story, but in fact it happened in just three short breaths.

Tantaixuan and others at the back were all staring at it!

“Damn, Brother Wang is crazy!” Wang Dapao’s eyes protruded, and he couldn’t help but explode.

The people behind were also very shocked, and almost bit their tongues in shock by Wang Teng’s sudden action.

“Too, too cruel!”


“You’re looking for death!” The Great Storm Ape reacted, knowing that it was being teased, and it was completely angry.

“Although fresh is the best, but iced is also good!” Wang Teng muttered to himself, but his voice was not small.

When everyone heard this, they almost fainted on the spot.

When is this, I still want to eat, can I be more reliable, bastard!

And are you doing it for food, or for what?

Killing the three lord-level sea beasts is tantamount to stabbing a big basket. This is a big trouble. Who can calm the anger of the Great Storm Ape? ?

Wang Teng’s words completely detonated the anger of the Great Storm Ape. It stepped on the big waves, carrying the storm and thunder towards him.

Wang Teng picked up the attribute bubbles after the death of the three lord-level sea beasts, and did not see what it was. He turned around and rushed towards the rear, yelling, “Help, old Han!”

Everyone: “…”

Old Han: “…”

Everyone thought that Wang Teng had any big tricks to deal with the Great Storm Ape, otherwise he would have the confidence to kill the three Lord-level sea beasts.

In the end, he actually asked for help from Old Han.

At this time, Han Lao’s entire face was dark, and he almost vomited a mouthful of blood without being depressed.

This bastard, pit master!

Wang Teng’s escape speed is absolutely top-notch. He hid behind Old Han and quickly said, “Old Han, I have killed all the three Lord-level sea beasts according to your wishes. You are!”

“When did I ask you to kill the three Lord-level sea beasts?” Old Han was stunned, the blue veins on his forehead bursting.

“Didn’t you just wink at me?” Wang Teng said: “I fully understand what you mean. These sea beasts are not credible at all, so it is better to kill the three lord-level sea beasts so as not to let the tiger go back to the mountain.”

“…What you said makes sense!” Old Han was speechless.

“Furthermore, all kills are killed. Now that these are useless. You should go up and follow the hard steel. With your strength, you won’t be persuaded!” Wang Teng found that Han Lao’s face seemed to be a little wrong, so he quickly sent him a favor. Remember the rainbow fart.

Old Han took a deep breath: “Get out!”

“Huh!” Wang Teng replied, and ran to the back.

Old Han: “…”

Tan Taixuan and others looked very strange, looking at Wang Teng as if they were looking at a broom star.

“How did your head grow? How come it is crooked like this.” Ye Jixing said silently.

“The owner, although I respect you very much, but you are so filthy and innocent, I am not happy.” Wang Teng rolled his eyes and said, “I’m just for the sake of everyone. If the sea beasts are credible, I won’t be happy. With today’s war, the three lord-level sea beasts will not be killed. Are they still waiting for them to invade again?”

Ye Jixing, Tan Taixuan and others had to admit that what Wang Teng said was reasonable, but they always felt something strange.

Wang Dapao breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that this seafood feast was definitely not gone, and his admiration was like the surging river, or brother Wang was ruthless!

“Then you tell me what to do now, Han Lao was injured in his early years, and he has been suppressing it all these years, I am afraid that he will not be able to stop the Great Storm Ape!” Tan Taixuan took a deep breath and said solemnly.

“Old Han is hurt!” Wang Teng’s expression changed. He really didn’t expect this problem.

Originally thought that with the strength of Old Han, he would definitely be able to contend with the Great Storm Ape, and if they blocked the rest of the sea beasts, how could it be a 50-50 situation, and there would be no chance of winning.

But now that I learned that Old Han was hurt, I was afraid that it would be impossible.

“Why didn’t you say it earlier!” Wang Teng said helplessly.

“Originally, it was to fool the Great Storm Ape. When I knew you were such a tiger, I killed the three Lord-level sea beasts at once.” Tantai Xuan was also helpless, knowing that Wang Teng could not be blamed, but there was still anger in her heart. .


When several people talked quickly, Old Han and Storm Great Ape had already collided with each other, making a terrifying roar.

Old Han seemed to turn into a sharp silver-white blade.

He is the same as the sword, he is the sword, and the sword is him. The sword aura is permeated all around his body, the aura is like a rainbow, and he slashes at the Great Storm Ape with unmatched momentum.


The Great Storm Ape roared, and at some point a huge long rod shaped like a rock appeared in his hand, surrounded by the power of thunder and storm, and collided with the blade of light.

Wang Teng’s face was solemn, his eyes swept to the attribute panel, and he muttered to himself: “It seems that I can only use that trick!”

Just now he picked up a few waves of attribute bubbles, and the blank attribute skyrocketed again, and now it has reached 15,800 points!

Wang Teng did not hesitate to point the attribute bubble on [Space Storm]!

Now, only this skill has a chance to come back!

The blank attribute of 15800 points was added, and the proficiency of the [Space Storm] skill instantly skyrocketed, stepping through the entry, entering the Xiaocheng, then the Dacheng, and even finally directly reached the Consummation.

The blank attributes required for each stage of the [Space Storm] skill proficiency are completely doubled up. It takes 100 points for entry, 1,000 points for small success, 5,000 points for great success, and 10,000 points for perfection.

[Space Storm]: 977610000 (consummation)

With some fierce additions, the [Space Storm] skill has almost reached the top of perfection. Wang Teng’s understanding of [Space Storm] in his mind is already improving, and it is not difficult to display it now.

Even with his increasingly perfect [Space] talent, it is bound to produce unknowable chemical reactions.

Thinking of the space storm that he saw in the space cracks, Wang Teng’s eyes burst into light.

Immediately, his eyes became extremely deep, and his black pupils were like nothingness, and there seemed to be a whirlpool in them. He stretched out his hands, and the space in front of him suddenly rippled…

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