Chapter 570 What a Trick!

Being able to brush attributes, the existence of this virtual reality is by no means simple!

Wang Teng thought to himself, eager to try.

Tantai Xuan came over with a very strange expression: “Have you cooked it?”

“Cough cough, no, it’s not fully cooked, at best half-cooked.” Wang Teng kicked the body of the ice python and coughed dryly.

“…Is there a difference?” Tantai Xuan gave him a blank look.

“Of course, I am not so cruel if I am half familiar.” Wang Teng said righteously.

“…” Tan Taixuan.

She was really surprised by someone’s shamelessness.

“Don’t care about these details. The battle just now benefited me a lot. I plan to look for other ice star beasts to fight against.” Wang Teng said.

“Well, seeing you like a fish in the water, I don’t need to follow it anymore. I will move separately and return to the city once the time is up.” Tantai Xuan said.

Wang Teng naturally has no doubts. He has found his own experience method from this virtual reality, and now he can’t wait to speed up, look for ice star beasts, and continue hunting.

Other people’s experience in virtual reality may only improve their own combat power, but he can use attributes. If this benefit is known by others, it is estimated that his eyes will be jealous.

Tantai Xuan turned around and was about to leave, but suddenly stopped, and asked back, “Does the punch you just made contain profound meaning?”

“You can see it!” Wang Teng said in surprise.

“It turned out to be true! You have mastered the profound meaning!” Tan Taixuan’s heart trembled, looking at Wang Teng like a monster.

“A fluke, a fluke,” Wang Teng said calmly.

“Get out of here, I don’t want to see you again.” Tan Taixuan feels angina, the meaning of this guy’s existence is purely to discourage people.

After Wang Teng separated from Tantaixuan, he swept through the mountains, looking for ice star beasts.

“Little boy, where are you? Come out quickly and come to my bowl.” Wang Teng muttered, searching for the ice star beast inch by inch.

Wherever he passed, the nearby star beasts seemed to have seen something terrible and avoided.


Wang Teng saw a high mountain from a distance, and the top of the mountain was covered with snow, which naturally formed a world of ice and snow.

His eyes lit up suddenly, and there was definitely an ice star beast there.

In the next moment, Wang Teng directly rose into the air, turned into a long rainbow, and went straight to the top of the mountain.

He hovered high in the sky, ignoring the wind pressure in the sky, opened the eyes of spiritual vision, and scanned the mountains below.

His eyes are like a scanner at this moment, scanning the fluctuations of the force below.

Suddenly, an ice blue light ball came into view.

“Finally found!” Wang Teng was overjoyed and rushed towards the direction of the light group without hesitation.

Although judging from the size of this light group, it can’t reach the lord level, but no matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat.

There are too few ice-type warriors, and they can only rely on these ice-type star beasts to gather the ice-type attributes, so any ice-type star beast can’t let it go.

Wang Teng soon saw the appearance of the ice star beast.

This turned out to be a huge snow-white ice ant, whose body was like an ice sculpture, crystal clear.

It has a snow-white carapace on its body, like a layer of ice armor, which looks extremely strange.

At this time, the ice ant was carrying a star beast corpse and crawling forward.

Wang Teng had originally planned to do it, but when he saw this scene, he suddenly stopped.

The habits and living conditions of ants appeared in his mind.

Although this ice ant is a star beast, it should have something in common with ordinary ants. They probably belong to the same colony!

This ice ant may be carrying its prey back to its nest, so it’s better to follow it and take a look.

Wang Teng made up his mind, completely concealed his breath, and followed behind this ice ant.

The speed of ants is actually not slow, but ordinary ants are too small. Compared with humans, if they move the same distance, it will naturally take more time.

But the ice ant in front of him is not small, the size of a small beetle car, and it crawled out hundreds of meters in a while.

After a while, a cave hidden under the rock appeared in front of Wang Teng.

This ice ant came to the entrance of the cave, and another ice ant crawled out of the cave, touched the tentacles of this ice ant, and then two ice ants crawled into the cave.

Wang Teng fell from a high altitude. The hole was not small enough for him to stand upright.

He used the dark talent, the dark force gushed out, cast the occult shadow technique, hid himself in the darkness, and walked into the cave.

As he went deeper, Wang Teng found that the cave extends in all directions, the passage turns seven and eight turns, and there is a lot of space.

Soon, he saw an ice ant.

Wang Teng didn’t rush to do it, so he figured out the situation first.

He pushed deeper into the cave a little bit, and more and more ice ants were encountered on the road, causing the corners of his mouth to rise wildly.

With so many ice ants, there must be a lot of attribute bubbles!

This trip is going to be sent!

Wang Teng suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, turned a corner in front, and finally came to a huge underground space, and saw a huge queen ant lying in front of him.

It’s snow-white all over, and its body is huge and bloated, um… it will probably spray juice after a bite!

Wang Teng looked with the eyes of spiritual vision and found that the force of light in the queen’s body had reached the level of the middle lord.

This queen ant is stronger than the ice python he encountered before!


Wang Teng looked at the bloated body of the queen, and he had reason to doubt whether it could fight in the end?

Isn’t it just a reproductive tool like the common ant queen?

If so, that would be great!

A middle lord-level star beast is at your fingertips, so beautiful!

Of course, Wang Teng was just thinking about it, the star beasts are so strange that he didn’t dare to treat this queen ant as a soft persimmon.

Besides… he also saw a few soldier ants around the queen.

Some of the forces of light in the soldiers ants are only 9-star scale, while others have reached the quasi-lord level.

This ice ant nest is incredible!

Wang Teng was excited in his heart, but he was also a little afraid. Ants have always been known for their numbers. If all these ice ants moved in their nests, he would feel numb on his scalp.

“It seems that I have to think of a once and for all!” Wang Teng lurked in the darkness and thought secretly, touching his chin.

Although this nest of ice ants is a bit hard to eat, he will never let it go.

As long as it is done, he can definitely harvest a large wave of ice attribute bubbles, and perhaps he can use this to directly break through the ice force to the 9-star warrior level.

Thinking of the benefits, Wang Teng was full of excitement, and his mind turned quickly.

“Yes!” Suddenly, a white light flashed in his mind.

A wicked smile appeared at the corner of Wang Teng’s mouth, and he retreated to the entrance of the cave without hesitation.

When he arrived at the entrance of the cave, Wang Teng’s eyes flashed, and the poison force in his body emerged, followed by the sapphire glaze flame.

As soon as that poisonous force encountered the sapphire glaze flame, a thick cloud of black smoke exploded.

Wang Teng urged the original force to form a strong wind and pour the black smoke into the cave…

What a perfect trick!

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