Chapter 697 Use the most plain tone, say the most ruthless words

Zuo Tianlie’s face was shocked and shocked, and a beautiful face was full of incredible.

Is this really that wimpy Yao Ji?

How could his strength be so strong?

Could it be that he pretended it before?

Zuo Tianlie couldn’t calm down for a long time, and couldn’t believe the fact before him.

“Me? I’m Yao Ji, just like a fake!” Wang Teng said lightly, his serious expression made people never think he was talking nonsense.

Zuo Tianliehua took a deep breath. The facts were there. She knew that even if she didn’t believe it, it would be useless. She forced herself to calm down and asked, “What did you do to me?”

“It’s nothing, just ask some news from your mouth.” Wang Teng said.

“You, you just used mental illusion on me!!!” Zuo Tianliehua said in amazement.

“Spiritual illusion is nothing but a particularly sophisticated method.” Wang Teng despised.

“You!” Zuo Tianliehua felt that she was insulted, and her proud mental illusion was actually worthless by Wang Teng.

How could mental illusion not be a sophisticated technique!

When an ordinary martial artist encounters a spiritual master, once the opponent performs a mental illusion, and his own mental power is not strong, it is almost a defeated situation.

In this regard, the spiritual master has a great advantage.

If not, she wouldn’t have confused Hong Peng and Murongshan. You must know that they are the next-level warrior-level genius warriors, and she has just entered the quasi-warrior level, and the martial arts cultivation level is far behind two people.

It can be seen that mental illusion is by no means a general method.

However, she could not refute Wang Teng. Her confidence was defeated when Wang Teng broke through her mental defenses and caused her will sink.

“Do you want to survive?” Wang Teng smiled and asked in the face of Zuo Tianliehua’s glaring, without paying attention to it.

“What do you want?” Zuo Tianliehua said coldly.

“You have been lurking in the truth sect for so long, you must have mastered the core of them, take me there.” Wang Teng said.

Zuo Tianlie was shocked, and Yao Ji already knew everything about her.

Damn it!

Her identity has been completely exposed!

Zuo Tianliehua was extremely unwilling, her eyes flickered quickly.

“Don’t want to play tricks, otherwise I don’t mind using the previous method to make you obedient. Although there is only one obedient puppet, it would be very boring, but at least it won’t cause me trouble.” Wang Teng said again.

“You… are a devil!” Zuo Tianlie’s complexion changed, and he gave Wang Teng a bitter look, and finally said helplessly: “I can take you there, but you must promise to let me go after the matter is done.”

“I promise!” Wang Teng said without thinking.

“…” Zuo Tianlie was full of black lines.

Answering so quickly, this guy must be lying to her.

Man mouth, deceitful ghost!

“You don’t believe it?” Wang Teng said silently.

“What do you mean.”

“Well, I swear, as long as you are obedient and obedient and don’t play tricks, I promise to let you go after the matter is done. There is no falsehood, otherwise it will be thundered and you will not die.” Wang Teng raised his hand and swore an oath. .

“Not enough!” Zuo Tianliehua shook her head: “The so-called oath is just a kind of spiritual bondage, but it is true or false, I don’t believe it very much.”

“Then what do you want, if that doesn’t work, then I can only… kill you, and I can’t spend any time and energy looking for it myself.” Wang Teng said, his eyes suddenly cold, staring coldly at Zuotian Liehua.

Zuo Tianliehua’s heart was shocked immediately.

With such a look, the other party is definitely not frightening her.

He would really kill her! ! !

“Okay, I’ll believe you once.” Zuo Tian Liehua nodded humiliatingly.

People have to bow their heads under the eaves, she still doesn’t want to die!

This guy must be an eunuch, otherwise how could he be willing to kill a woman like her.

Not a man!

Zuo Tianlie cursed Wang Teng countless times in his heart.

“Very good, the person who knows the current affairs is a brilliant man.” Wang Teng didn’t know what the other party was thinking. At this time, seeing her succumb, he nodded in satisfaction.

“When to go?” Zuo Tian Liehua asked.

“No hurry, let’s solve the trouble in front of you.” Wang Teng suddenly turned and walked towards Hong Peng on the bed.

“You want to kill him?! This is the truth sect. If he dies, it will be very troublesome.” Zuo Tianlie said with a slight change of face.

“That’s no way, who would let him…heard things that shouldn’t be heard.” Wang Teng had already walked up to Hong Peng, looked down at him and smiled: “Say yes, Hong Peng!”

It’s a pity that the other party is still seriously injured and unconscious, and there is no movement at all.

Zuo Tianlie looked suspicious, rubbing his numb face that was just pressed against the wall by Wang Teng, and walked over.

“You said he’s awake? But this guy doesn’t seem to be someone with a brain, otherwise he wouldn’t have been juggled around by me before.” She said.

“Ahem, in the face of life and death, everyone will become wise.” Wang Teng said dismissively: “Besides, it doesn’t matter if you don’t wake up. Anyway, you want to kill, it doesn’t matter.”

Zuo Tianlie couldn’t help but feel cold in her heart.

Say the most ruthless words in the most plain tone.

This “Yao Ji” is a ruthless man!

She was suddenly a little grateful that she had just agreed to his request immediately, otherwise she might really be killed directly, without any room for bargaining.

Wang Teng didn’t pay attention to the subtle change in her expression, took out the brick, and pointed at Hong Peng’s head.

Where should I start?

This guy also has the attribute bubble of the [Scheming of the Sword Art]. Before he dies, he must be clean.

Zuo Tian Liehua saw the brick in Wang Teng’s hand, and she was stunned.

What is this guy doing with a brick?

And it’s golden, so ostentatious, so tacky!

Isn’t he going to shoot Hong Peng to death with this golden brick? ?

Wang Teng didn’t pay attention to Zuo Tianliehua’s expression that seemed too general, and smashed it at Hong Peng’s head.

Bang bang bang…

Since the decision was made, it was a clean and tidy one, and there was no way to keep a hand.

There was a dull sound, and the corners of Zuo Tian Liehua’s eyes twitched frantically, and the muscles on her face trembled uncontrollably.

She watched Hong Peng’s face slowly swell up, as if blowing a balloon, it doubled in size within a short while.

“Too ruthless!”

Zuo Tianliehua took a deep breath and quietly moved aside two steps away from Wang Teng.

“Don’t, don’t fight…” At this moment, a faint voice came from Hong Peng’s mouth, and he tremblingly raised his hand, begging for mercy.

“Hey, wake up, I thought you could be unconscious for a while!” Wang Teng said lightly.

Hong Peng: “…”

Zuo Tian Liehua: “…”

The two looked at him like a devil.

Does this speak human words?

Especially Hong Peng, whose eyes were swollen, could only open a gap, his horrified eyes looked through the gap, looking at Wang Teng, and trembling: “Fare… forgive me!”

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