Chapter 745

On the high platform, Wang Teng appeared abruptly, and no one saw how he appeared.

The sudden roar attracted everyone’s attention!

The first thing that reacted was Mr. Wang, then everyone from the Wang family, and then Tan Taixuan and others.

“It’s Wang Teng!”

“He is back!”

Tan Taixuan, Ye Jixing and several warriors at the general level saw the familiar figure on the high platform, and their hearts were loose for no reason.

This guy finally came back!

In any case, the fortunes of everyone in the Wang family were temporarily saved.


Wang Shengguo and Li Xiumei were shocked when they saw Wang Teng, and tears that had not stopped unconsciously flowed down.

It’s not that they are too weak, but facing the alien warriors, ordinary people seem too weak, they can’t even resist.

I am afraid that no one can understand their suffering and pain.

At this time, the two were both pleasantly surprised and worried.

The surprise was naturally because of Wang Teng’s appearance, which saved the life of Mr. Wang and prevented the Wang family from suffering.

But they are even more worried. The alien invaders are too powerful. How could Wang Teng be their opponent?

“Xiao Teng!”

Wang Shenghong, Wang Shengjun, Zhao Huili and others were very excited, with a kind of joy after the disaster.


“Cousin Wang Teng!”

Wang Yanan’s beautiful eyes fell on Wang Teng, and a big stone in his heart finally fell, as if he had found the backbone.

As for Wang Haoran and Fang Qianwen’s juniors, they shouted in excitement. In their opinion, Wang Teng was the most powerful, Xia Guo, and even the world’s famous Tianjiao. Now that he has appeared, he will definitely be able to beat the alien invaders. The fart pissed off and avenged them fiercely.

In the distance, Lin Chuhan and Lin Chuxia also saw the appearance of Wang Teng, their eyes flashed with crystal clear light.

He is back!

This is the only thought in their hearts!

“This is your man?” Zi Lin saw the expressions of the two, and a trace of disdain suddenly appeared on the charming faces.



However, the answer to her was two cold shouts.

When Lin Chuhan and Lin Chuxia faced the alien invader, they didn’t care about their image at all, and directly scolded them.

But as soon as the words were spoken, both of them were shocked.

Lin Chuhan was suspicious. Just now when the alien woman said that Wang Teng was their man, Lin Chuxia didn’t refute it, but just cursed it back just like her.

This reaction…

Lin Chuhan shook his head secretly, Chu Xia was probably just as angry as her under the same hatred.

I didn’t think about it any more, after all, it was not the time to think about these messy things.

Zi Lin’s complexion became difficult to look again, she gave them a fierce look, and said: “You just wait for him to be killed by the young master. As for the so-called genius on this indigenous planet, our young master doesn’t know how to kill him. How many!”


Lin Chuhan and the two were suddenly anxious. Lin Chuxia wanted to refute, but was pulled by Lin Chuhan and shook her head at her.

Lin Chuxia abruptly endured this breath, and looked at the high platform together with Lin Chuhan, her eyes full of worries.

Zi Lin sneered, and said no more, just waiting to see how desperate these two women would look after Wang Teng was killed!

It will be more interesting then!

Under the high platform, the blue-haired youth slowly stood up, with a trace of joking on his face, looked at Wang Teng, and slowly said, “You say I deserve to die?”

“Did you have water in your brain?” Wang Teng’s head tilted slightly, and he looked at the other person as if he was mentally retarded: “I’m talking about you, everyone here, not just pointing to you, don’t you understand people? ”

“…Brain, brain flooding?” The blue-haired youth was slightly stunned, some of them were scolded as silly!

This kid speaks too badly!

And so arrogant!

Actually even more arrogant than him!

The blue-haired youth had never received such insults, his face turned black, and his face muscles twitched uncontrollably.

Tantaixuan and others in the distance looked a little strange.

This style is really Wang Teng!

Poisonous tongue, arrogant!

Even the unfathomable alien invaders are not in your eyes, and you don’t care who you are.

Nothing wrong.

This guy is absolutely true.

Lin Chuhan and Lin Chuxia were also slightly taken aback, and they couldn’t help but sympathize with the blue-haired youth.

Zi Lin’s complexion froze, as if hearing some incredible words, the whole person was feeling bad.

In her heart, the noble young master was actually scolded? ?

This terrestrial native is so bold!

“Do you want to die!” The blue-haired youth narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

“Guardian Beibi~” Wang Teng hooked him.

“…” The blue-haired youth didn’t react for a while, his face was stunned.

Wang Teng didn’t want to talk any more nonsense, his face suddenly became cold, and he yelled: “Come here, idiot!”


The voice fell, and there was silence around!

Everyone was dumbfounded by Wang Teng’s violent shout, staring at him blankly, and his head went down for a while.

“you wanna die!”

The blue-haired youth was so gloomy that it almost dripped out of water. The anger had completely drowned him, and his anger rushed into the crown. A powerful aura erupted from him.


When I stepped on it, a big hole burst out on the ground, surrounded by cobweb-like cracks.

The blue-haired youth burst out, turning into an afterimage, rushing towards Wang Teng, the speed directly surpassing the speed of sound, as fast as lightning.

Wang Teng’s face was slightly condensed, and he stepped on it. The warrior responsible for execution was directly crushed by him. Blood spattered all around. At the same time, a large hole burst out on the ground under him, and Wang Teng’s figure Has long since disappeared in place.

“So fast!”

“This speed??”

In the sky, Tantaixuan, Ye Jixing and others saw this scene, their faces were shocked, and their hearts almost turned up against the stormy sea.

This speed is simply not something that a general-level warrior can have!

The two looked at each other, and incredible thoughts popped up in their hearts.

Did Wang Teng reach that state? ? !


At this moment, Wang Teng and the young man with blue hair had already collided with each other.

At this moment, both of them burst out with a strong force of stars!

The force of the stars on the blue-haired youth was water-blue, as if a huge wave was rising behind him, with a loud crash, rolling towards Wang Teng.

And Wang Teng did not neglect in the slightest. On the sea of ​​nothingness in his body, the stars condensed by the force of the earth system stars suddenly turned, and a majestic force of the earth system stars burst out in an instant.

The forces of the earth system stars condensed, like a mountain, enveloped Wang Teng, suppressing the huge waves on the opposite side.


In the distance, Wang Teng and the blue-haired youth can no longer be seen in the eyes of everyone, only the monstrous waves and majestic mountains.

This scene was shocking inexplicably!

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