Chapter 749 Don’t be afraid, it won’t hurt at all

The blood flower bloomed at the center of Zilin’s eyebrows, like a gorgeous flower.

This flower is deadly!

It took away a beautiful life.

Zi Lin’s eyes widened, and the bright Ka Zilan eyes gradually lost their color and were replaced by a dead silence.

There was still a look of horror and disbelief on her face.

She didn’t expect that Wang Teng actually said to kill her, so he killed her, without any hesitation, and didn’t even give her a chance to beg for mercy.

Suddenly, her life was taken away.

Very fragile.



The blue-haired youth didn’t feel much sadness when he saw this scene, but his heart was beating frantically. A feeling of heart palpitations hit him, making him cold all over and his scalp numb.

This native terrestrial star is terrible!

Kill without blinking!

From the time he killed Zi Lin until now, his complexion has not changed at all, and he looks extremely indifferent.

How many people did this guy kill in order to cultivate such a cruel temperament.

Even the cosmic-level geniuses he has seen, few people can do this.

He suddenly regretted to provoke this native of the earth star!

What a doppelganger!

What chance of awakening the planet!

Compared with wealth and life, they are all clouds, and they can be discarded.

He was now afraid that Wang Teng would kill him regardless.

With the decisiveness and cruelty that Wang Teng has just shown, it may not be impossible. The forces of the Lan Family may not be able to deter such cruel people like him.

Wang Teng didn’t know the thoughts of the blue-haired youth at all.

It’s just that for those who hurt Lin Chuhan and his family, he must kill, and there is absolutely no room for relaxation.

No matter who the other party is!

This is his bottom line!

Not only was the blue-haired youth frightened, but Lin Chuhan and Lin Chuxia were also taken aback. A touch of emotion suddenly appeared in their hearts, and the eyes looking at Wang Teng almost melted into water.

It’s worth it for a man to do this level for them!

Tantaixuan, Ye Jixing and others did not intervene. For them, death is commonplace, and they must not be merciful to the enemy. Maybe they were really scared by the blue-haired youth’s family background, but after reacting, they understood that this There is no room for relaxation at all.

Do you really think that if you ask for mercy, the blue-haired youth will let them go?

They are not so naive!

So everyone looked at Wang Teng to see how he would make a decision in the end.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

The blue-haired youth also felt something, his eyes trembled, but the pride in his heart prevented him from speaking out for mercy, so he could only bite the bullet and pretend to be calm.

“You can’t kill me, otherwise the entire planet will be responsible for your actions. You can’t afford the consequences.”

“Think about your parents, think about your compatriots, they won’t remember you well, they will only think that you killed them, according to your earth and stars, you will become the point of a thousand people!”

“If you let me go, I swear, I can treat the previous things as not happening, and our grudges will be wiped out. From then on, the waters of the well will not be offended by the rivers.”

“With your talent, the universe will be a big stage, where you will get stronger power and a broader future. There is no need to fight with me. You are a smart person and you should understand this truth.”

The blue-haired youth tried to dispel Wang Teng’s idea of ​​killing him.

He is smarter than Zilin, both soft and hard, not enough to persecute Wang Teng, but he also maintains a bit tough.

Being stepped on, can still negotiate so peacefully to save himself.

The direct descendants of this kind of big family are really not good crops.

Wang Teng lowered his head, with a smile on his face, and said with interest: “Why do you think I am the kind of person who cares about others’ eyes?”

“…What do you mean?” The blue-haired young man was taken aback and asked.

“Why should I care about the lives of other people?” Wang Teng asked rhetorically.

Seeing the indifferent expression on Wang Teng’s face, the blue-haired youth only felt chills in his heart. He realized that he seemed to have made a big mistake… he overestimated Wang Teng’s bottom line!

“You are so cruel, you want to ignore other people.” The blue-haired youth has a bitter voice.

“You are the real cruel person. After all, you want to kill them, not me. Even if you get to hell, you will be sentenced to your crime. What is it to me? Besides, when I have the strength, I will avenge them. “Wang Teng said vowedly.

“…” The blue-haired young man was speechless.

MMP felt that what Wang Teng said was so reasonable, but he was speechless.

“Besides, if I leave Earth Star with my family and friends, do you think your Lan family can find me?” Wang Teng said with a smile.

“You!” The blue-haired youth was shocked, he had already guessed Wang Teng’s plan.

In the vast universe, if Wang Teng took his family and friends away from Earth, the Lan family wanted to find them, it would be like finding a needle in a haystack, it would be impossible.

Moreover, if Wang Teng killed him, it would be difficult to guarantee that the Lan family would fight for a dead direct line.

After all, the Lan Family is nothing but a small family in the Orante Federation. With this Wang Teng’s talent, it may not be impossible to find a backing in the universe that far exceeds the Lan Family’s forces.

The face of the blue-haired youth suddenly looked ugly as if he had eaten shit.

I thought that the natives of the Earth Star had never seen anything in the world. I was shocked by him, and he was not obediently obedient. Who would have thought that the other party would not like him at all.

Wang Teng squatted down and said with a smile, “So, don’t think of threatening me, I am the least threatening person.”

As he said, a golden brick suddenly appeared in his hand, and he gestured to the head of the blue-haired youth.

“You, what are you doing?” The blue-haired youth was startled, and an ominous premonition suddenly appeared in his heart.

“It’s okay, don’t be afraid, it doesn’t hurt at all, it will be fine in a while.” Wang Teng comforted softly.

“…I believe you a ghost!” The blue-haired youth yelled in his heart.

However, Wang Teng didn’t give him a chance to react, and the brick was lifted and smashed.

“Do not……”

The blue-haired young man’s pupils contracted, and the word “yes” was forced back by the bricks before he could even say it.

Bang bang bang…

A dull sound followed.

Everyone saw Wang Teng holding a brick in his hand and desperately greeted the blue-haired young man’s face and head, his arms were so stretched that he could barely see the afterimage, and all his face muscles suddenly twitched involuntarily.


Too ruthless!

This guy is really a brick madman!

Can’t you give the other party a good time? Every time you have to smash it with a brick, the face is not like an adult.

This is very unhumanistic!

Wang Teng didn’t think so much. He had just picked up the attribute bubbles dropped by the blue-haired youth. At this time, it just felt a little bit worse. For example, the attributes of spirit and understanding were not enough, so he planned to continue to squeeze and squeeze.

Really, nothing more, nothing else, he is not a person who abuses people!

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