Chapter 751 This is all my country! (2 in 1 4200+)

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The martial arts leader’s eyes flashed, and a group of brilliant lights burst out.

“Did you say that you have reached the level above the planetary star, the warlord level?” He asked Wang Teng with scorching eyes.

“Yes, it is the level above the general level!” Wang Teng nodded.

The surprise in the heart of the martial arts leader is self-evident.

At this level, it can be said that every country on Earth and Star is seeking a breakthrough, but no one has succeeded so far.

Now Wang Teng told him that he had broken through the warlord level and reached a higher level!

He didn’t make any radical expressions and actions on the spot, it was already an excellent performance of his xinxing.

“Is it a star? Breaking through to this level, you can already get rid of the shackles of the planet.” The martial arts leader took a deep breath and asked, “Is it condensing a force star in the body?”

“Sure enough, you have already guessed that by breaking through the stars, you can travel in the void of the universe physically, and you really want to condense the force stars in your body.” There was a difference in Wang Teng’s eyes, and he couldn’t help feeling the keenness of the martial arts leader, just listening to this. The name knows the meaning of this realm, and even a glimpse of the mystery of promotion.

“It’s not hard to guess, and we Xia Guo has studied for so long, I can’t have no results at all.” Seeing Wang Teng’s expression, the martial arts leader shook his head with a wry smile.

Then he said: “Anyway, you can reach a planetarium, which is a good thing for everyone.”

At this time, the three marshals next to him and even the heads of the big families in Xiadu recovered from the shock.

Star rating!

Wang Teng actually reached this level!

Everyone looked at Wang Teng eagerly, especially the helms of those families, they all wanted to hold Wang Teng’s golden thigh tightly.

He must have mastered the technique to break through the planetary stars. If he can get some guidance, within a few years, there may be planetary martial artists in their family.

This is a great opportunity!

This thigh must be held tightly and never let go!

At this time, everyone did not ask how Wang Teng reached the planetary star. No matter when, the exercises are private and top secret, and it is impossible to tell others casually.

Even the martial arts leader didn’t want to use righteousness to suppress Wang Teng and let him speak out how to break through the planetary stars.

Furthermore, even if Wang Teng now speaks of the planetary-star technique, he might have the opportunity to break through the planetary-star in a short period of time. Others don’t even think about it if they don’t have a long time polishing.

This talent is something that no one else can learn!

Not everyone is as enchanting as Wang Teng.

So this matter can’t come in a hurry.

Fortunately, all the people present were human spirits, and no one would be so indifferent and directly ask some questions about fish lips.

After a while, everyone walked out of the spacecraft.

The martial arts leader stood at the entrance of the spaceship and looked down, looking at the ruins. The center of the entire summer capital was almost destroyed. His eyes could not help showing a trace of sadness, and said: “For decades, I have watched the city develop step by step. So far, I didn’t expect to be destroyed by alien invaders today.”

“If you don’t break or stand, break and then stand, this is a good thing for Xia Du and even Earth Star.” Wang Teng said.

The martial arts leader nodded, knowing that this is not the time to hurt the spring and the autumn, he quickly calmed his emotions and said: “We must be prepared to deal with alien invasion. We will convene all martial artists to come to a meeting two hours later to discuss countermeasures. What do you think?”

At this moment, even the martial arts leader couldn’t help placing Wang Teng in an equal or even higher position, rather than as a junior with unlimited potential.

Even the meeting had to ask his opinion, because this meeting would be meaningless if Wang Teng was not present.

The world of martial arts has always respected the strong!

Now, Xia Guo can only rely on Wang Teng.

“I’m fine, you can make arrangements at that time and let me know.” Wang Teng directly started to shake hands the shopkeeper, so he didn’t want to bother with so many troubles, so let the martial arts leader and others take care of the headache.

He turned around and ran without looking back.

The martial arts leader, the three marshals and others were slightly confused, and then they all shook their heads and laughed.

“This guy!” The martial arts leader couldn’t laugh or cry.

“We old guys seem to have to continue to shine, this kid is not in charge.” Hong Shuai shook his head and said helplessly.

“I’m afraid that only his kind of mindless cultivation can get to where he is today.” Yong Shuai said with emotion.

“Let’s go, there are still many things waiting for us to deal with.” The martial arts leader said, turning his head and rushing to Tantai Xuan said: “Take a look at the situation, including the number of casualties, the strength and number of alien invaders, etc., to It’s time to make a report and let everyone discuss it together. It’s going to be hard for you these days.”

Tan Taixuan was forced inwardly and scolded Wang Teng bloody, this guy was doing well on his own, and running away, now everything is piled up on her, and she can’t refuse to refuse.

“Yes!” She can only nod her head and walk away.

Xiadu Military Department, residential area.

Wang Teng brought everyone from the Wang family, Lin Chuhan and others here. After settling down, he said, “This is my residence in the military department. Don’t worry about security issues. You can take a good rest here. I still have something to do. I won’t be with you anymore.”

After explaining some things, Wang Teng went to the underground training room.

This training room is extremely wide, surrounded by a material that is extremely resistant to blows, and is blessed with the power of runes, so it can withstand most of the heavy blows of warriors without being destroyed.

Of course, for the current Wang Teng, these are all furnishings.

I’m afraid this room will not be able to withstand a blow from him.

However, he didn’t come here for cultivation, just want to count the gains.

Wang Teng sat down in the center of the training room, his eyes closed, his mind immersed in the attribute panel.

In a hurry to return, he didn’t study the changes in the property panel when he broke through the planet.

The changes this time are different from before.

The interface of the entire property panel seems to be refreshed.

[Life Origin]: 5016

[Soul Origin]: 1256

[Savvy]: 23523000 (Imperial Realm)

[Spirit]: 25853000 (Imperial Realm)

[Lucky]: 36 (the upper limit for ordinary people is 10)

[Face value]: 98 (the upper limit of ordinary people is 100)

[Battlefield awareness]: 75609000 (9 stars)

[Space Debris]: 1250100000? ?

[The Original Force Talent]:

Top gold talent: 205605000; Top wood talent: 16355000; Top water talent: 15605000; Top fire talent: 10805000; Top soil talent: 12805000;

Top wind talent: 13055000; Top ice talent: 5305000; Top dark talent: 13305000; Top thunder talent: 14605000;


The body of space: 10000100000; (first order)

The heart of Yuanmagnetism: 1000100000;

Demon lotus poison: 336010000;

Body of Light: 215010000;

Eight-armed monster: 60006000 (consummation);

Body of Ice Dust: 8485000;

【Pupillary power】:

Lingshi: 1100 (intermediate);

Elemental pupil: 1100 (intermediate);

[Special talent]:

Absolute swordsmanship talent: 12505000; Absolute swordsmanship talent: 14805000; Absolute arrow technique talent: 4305000;


Gold Star Force: 110000 (1st floor of planetary star);

Wood system star force: 110000 (1st floor of planetary star);

The force of the stars of the water system: 15010000 (the first floor of the planetary star);

Fire System Star Force: 110000 (1st floor of planetary star);

Earth System Star Force: 110000 (1st floor of planetary star);

【Gong Method】:

Ancient God Body: 14505100000 (2 stars);

Star Golden Jue: 1000010000 (consummation);

Xingmu Jue: 1000010000 (consummation;

Xingshui Jue: 1000010000 (consummation);

Xinghuo Jue: 1000010000 (consummation);

Xingtu Jue: 1000010000 (consummation);

【Combat Skills】:

Space storm: 977610000 (successful);

Starfire Sword Slash: 11000 (Dacheng);

Burial: 26100 (proficient)

The blessing of the goddess: 3601000 (Dacheng);

Diablo clone tactics: 50005000 (consummation);

Knife tactics: 74100 (proficient);

【Spiritual Combat Skills】:

Mental Piercing: 125300 (Proficient)

Mental Illusion: 335500 (Xiaocheng)

Spirit Shield: 63100 (proficient)

[Profound meaning]:

The profound meaning of power: 56100 (10%)

Qian Zhonglang (Water System Swordsmanship Profound Meaning): 35100 (10%)


The lingua franca of Xingwu: 4601000 (Xiaocheng)

Dark language: 8601000 (Xiaocheng)

Medical knowledge: 7501000 (Xiaocheng)

【Deputy Profession】:

Rune Master: 21603000 (Master)

Blacksmith: 23803000 (Master)

Alchemist: 21603000 (Master)

Poison Master: 8701000 (Advanced)

Spirit Kitchen: 21653000 (Master)

Luthier: 7351000 (Advanced)

【Spiritual Pet】:

You Yan Ming Crow: 356010000 (10 stars), talent: Lingshi, Mingyan

Iron Armored Fire Scorpion: 1788020000 (11 stars), Talent: Fire Scorpion Poison, Sapphire Fire

[Blank attribute]: 350

Wang Teng read it word by word, and carefully scanned the attribute values ​​on the attribute panel.

After a long time, he let out a long breath.

I don’t know, I was shocked. Has he already achieved so many achievements?

And he has already seen that there are many eliminated talents, exercises, combat skills, etc. on this attribute panel, which will no longer be displayed, otherwise there will only be more.

The entire property panel has been streamlined a lot…Fart!

In a row, all kinds of attribute values, exercises, and combat skills, describe the three pages, how many words the dog has written.

However, Wang Teng’s eyes were bright, and he almost wanted to laugh three times with arms akimbo.

This is the country I laid down!

The Force of the Five Elements has reached the star-level state, and other special mutant forces of the five elements have also reached the level of the warlord.

All kinds of talents that others can’t even think of!

There are two types of Force talent, physical talent, and even the extremely rare eye pupil talent.

The only thing worth mentioning is that the spatial talent was originally completed with 10,000 points, but now it has become 100,000 points, and 10,000 points can only be considered as a level one.

His current spatial talent can only be regarded as Tier 1?

When Wang Teng saw this, he almost scolded his mother.

System Baba is to provide him with difficulty in training!

Wang Teng was helpless, but had to accept this fact.

In addition to talents, there are cultivation techniques and combat skills, but those below the celestial rank will not be mentioned. Now the system Baba is too lazy to even list it.

Nowadays, the most important are the power and combat techniques of several planetary stars, as well as the power and combat techniques that are judged by the system as huge potential.

Like the [Ancient God Body], there is no need to describe it too much. At a glance, you can see that it is more advanced than the planetary star. As for where it goes, it is temporarily unknown, and Wang Teng can’t guess it.

The last time he was in the holy mountain, he raised the realm of [Ancient God Body] to the 2-star elementary stage. The physical body was already extremely powerful, and it was hard to imagine how far it would go if it was further promoted.

However, even 2 stars require one hundred thousand attribute points to improve. You can imagine how many attribute points are needed later.

This is really… desperate!

Then there are [Dark clone tactics], [Swordsmanship tactics], [Space Storm], [Goddess’s Blessing], [Dark Burial], etc., which are either more practical or have huge potential, and are now used by the system. Guy listed it separately.

As for the other low-level exercises and combat skills, they have not disappeared, and they still exist in Wang Teng’s brain. When you want to know the progress, you can also call them out to have a look.

In addition, there are three mental combat skills, one is not missing, all on the attribute panel, it seems that in the judgment of the attribute panel, the growth value of these three spiritual attributes is not low.

Next is the profound meaning. Wang Teng now has two profound meanings. One of the profound meanings of power is obtained from the corpse of the ancient god, and the other is the profound meaning of water [Qian Zhong Lang] when he was at war with the Lan Fa youth. Income.

As for the other artistic conceptions, the system did not list them again, but Wang Teng knew that as long as they were raised to the level of profound meaning, they would definitely appear on the attribute panel.

Then came all kinds of knowledge and sub-professionals. Needless to say, these things seem useless at ordinary times, but at critical times, they can provide him with a lot of convenience.

He understands what others don’t understand, and he understands what others understand!

This feeling is simply not too cool.

I am afraid that others can’t even think of all the above.

Such achievements, such reserves, make Wang Teng proud.

After a while, Wang Teng finally recovered his peace, and his heart was calm, calm and calm.

Isn’t it just such a little achievement? There will be more in the future.

However, he has also decided that in the future, he will try to specialize in several types of exercises and combat skills, and it is not necessary to upgrade each to a high level.

You don’t need to be proficient!

Otherwise, it would be too costly for blank attributes.

Can’t afford it!

Wang Teng thought bitterly.

His gaze swept over, and finally landed at the forefront of the attribute panel.

The origin of life!

After reaching the planetary star, his life origin directly increased from more than 1,000 points to 5016.

No wonder there is such a big gap between the planetary star and the warlord level. From this life source, it can be seen that there are completely two different levels.

The transition of life is nothing like this!

Next are the two honey attributes of lucky point and face value.

These two attributes are rarely encountered in normal times.

The lucky attribute Wang Teng had only come out of Xiao Ziye, no one else had.

Speaking of which, I really miss that little guy a bit, I don’t know how she is in the dark world.

Fortunately, Wang Teng also left a clone of Viscount Snow over there. The clone has not dissipated so far, and it seems that it has not been discovered.

Xiao Ziye was safe even if she wanted to come.

The beauty attributes are all extracted from the dark species of the blood race, and it is basically impossible for other races to drop the beauty attributes.

It’s not surprising to think about it, do you still expect the dark species of trolls, sheep head demons, and eight-armed demons to have such a worthy appearance.

What an extravagant hope!

Only the appearance of the blood family has been recognized by the system, and the others are scum.

Wang Teng looked at his lucky attribute points far surpassing ordinary people, and his face value attribute points almost close to the limit of ordinary people, he couldn’t help touching his chin, and nodded in satisfaction.

Handsome and lucky!

He really is a European emperor~


At this time, a call reminder sounded on the watch, and it was the martial arts leader and others who told him to go to the meeting.

Wang Teng stood up, walked out of the underground training room, informed Mr. Wang and the others, and walked towards the military command building.

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