Chapter 759: A big sale with tears~

Inside the villa.

The Wang family was happy.

Father Wang, Wang Shengguo and Li Xiumei even talked to Lin’s father and Lin about the marriage of Wang Teng and Lin Chuhan.

After Wang Teng’s pill treatment, Father Lin’s body has recovered a lot, and he is no longer as weak as before. The situation of the Lin family is getting better and better so that he also regains his hope for life and is no longer locked in the house all day. Drink yourself drunk.

In addition, his legs are also equipped with prostheses, and he can move freely, just like ordinary people.

It’s just that because of so many things he has experienced, he looks a bit vicissitudes of life, his hair is gray, and his appearance is very handsome, otherwise he would not give birth to two beauties, Lin Chuhan and Lin Chuxia.

All in all, he’s just a handsome middle-aged guy~

When talking about Lin Chuhan and Wang Teng, a smile appeared on his face.

“Parents, grandpa, it’s too early for you to say this, the alien invaders haven’t been resolved yet.” Wang Teng walked over and said helplessly.

“Hahaha, you young people talk about your love, we talk about ours, don’t conflict.” Old man Wang is also quite open, said with a smile.

“Yes, what you said always makes sense.” Wang Teng didn’t expect his father to be quite witty.

No delay, it’s good!

Lin Chuhan was embarrassed to hear, pretending that he didn’t hear anything.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Everyone was stunned for a while, and Grandpa Wang pointed at Wang Teng’s cousin Wang Haoran next to him: “Xiao Ran, you go and open the door to see who is here.”

“Hao Le!” Wang Haoran ran to open the door while playing games while holding his mobile phone.

After a while, he walked over with an old man.

“Major General Wang, I’m so sorry to bother you so late.”

This old man is the Patriarch of Xia Du Sun’s family, and once had a relationship with Wang Teng at the dinner party.

“It turned out to be Sun Lao!” Wang Teng got up to greet him.

Although he is strong, the age of the person in front of him is there after all, and it doesn’t cost much to give a little respect.

Besides, please be polite now, and wait for a while.

“This is?” Elder Wang also stood up and asked Wang Teng.

“The Sun Family Patriarch, one of the top ten families in Xiadu.” Wang Teng introduced.

“Sun’s family!” Grandpa Wang was startled, and hurriedly said to Wang Teng’s aunt next to him: “Hui Li, go make tea!”

“…” Zhao Huili originally planned to watch the excitement, but she was slightly dazed by Elder Wang’s name.

This person is obviously a guest of Wang Teng, so why didn’t Li Xiumei go and let her pour tea instead?

Zhao Huili thought depressed, but she didn’t dare to say anything, and got up obediently to make tea.

“No, no, no, I’ll leave with a few words.” The Patriarch Sun waved his hand and said to Wang Teng: “Major General Wang, you should know the purpose of the old age. I will not talk nonsense. How much money does the exercise cost? Just tell it straight.”

“Please sit down!” Wang Teng made a please gesture.

After the Sun Family Patriarch sat down, he continued to speak: “Your strength is not enough to be promoted to the planetary star, but you can transform the Force first.”

“What is the transformation of the original force?” The Patriarch of the Sun family was very upright and asked for advice humbly.

“It is to transform the ordinary force into the star force, you can use the star force as a more advanced energy. This is also the way you must go to promote the planet.” Wang Teng did not shy away from everyone, and explained directly on the spot. stand up.

The Patriarch Sun nodded thoughtfully, looked at Wang Teng, and waited for him to continue.

“No, that’s it.” Wang Teng said.

“Ahem, what do you mean?” Patriarch Sun asked carefully. He didn’t think that Wang Teng said this simply to explain it to him.

“What I mean is very simple, you can buy this force transformation method first.” Wang Teng said with a smile.

“Isn’t it a complete set of star-level exercises?” Patriarch Sun asked with a jump in his heart.

“Do you think you can afford a complete set of star-level exercises with your current financial resources?” Wang Teng raised his eyebrows.

“Uh…can’t afford it.” Patriarch Sun felt an arrow in his chest and shook his head bitterly.

“That’s not right, so you just buy the method of transformation now, and then consider the method of promotion in the future, I will consider it for you, and there is absolutely no slightest selfishness.” Wang Tengyi said righteously.

“…I believe you are a ghost.” Patriarch Sun rolled his eyes in his heart.

Everyone in the Wang family watched from the side, all looking up to the ceiling.

They think that Wang Teng is cheating people, so it’s better not to interrupt at this time.

“Then how much does this transformation method cost?” Patriarch Sun asked.

“Not much.” Wang Teng said. Before the Patriarch of the Sun family was too happy, he listened to him again: “Just take 50 billion.”

“How much?” Patriarch Sun almost didn’t jump up from his chair.

50 billion! ! !

This is to wipe out their entire family!

Too ruthless!

The Patriarch of the Sun family looked at Wang Teng as if he saw a grinning devil.

Everyone in the Wang family was also shocked.

50 billion, that’s 50 billion!

That kind of exercise is not complete yet, it actually costs 50 billion!

Wang Shenghong, Wang Shengjun and others tried to resist exclaiming, calm, calm, MMP can’t be calm!

Wang Shengguo and Li Xiumei also looked at Wang Teng to see if the word profiteer was written on his forehead.

Is this really their son?

The gene is mutated!

Although the Wang family started as a business, they never thought that they would do such a big business!

I can’t even think about it.

Elder Wang’s expression remained unchanged, but the corners of his eyes twitched twice as he tried to conceal the shock in his heart.

In any case, Wang Teng is the kind of our old Wang family!

Nothing wrong!

Wang Teng’s elder mother was making tea. When she heard the words 50 billion, she shook her hand and knocked down the half-poured tea. She quickly helped her up, smiled awkwardly, and poured another cup.

When she interrupted, everyone came back to their senses.

The Patriarch Sun picked up the tea cup, no matter whether it was hot or not, he took a sip and was shocked.

“Can’t it be cheaper, fifty billion…too expensive!” he said bitterly.

“Patriarch Sun, this is already a discounted price, and I have broken bones.” Wang Teng said with a sincere appearance: “You don’t know how expensive the planetary power method is. I won’t lie to you. Among them, many people have worked hard for half their lives, and they can’t even afford a planetary-star exercise.”

“I think it is because everyone is a fellow of the earth and stars, that I shed tears, making money is the second thing, and the main thing is to open a way to the stars!”

“That’s the root of getting out of this planet. Only when you reach the planetary star can the martial artist’s physical body travel through the void and be qualified to set foot in the universe.”

“In comparison, what does such a small amount of money count.”

Everyone in the Wang family looked at Wang Teng flicking the Patriarch of the Sun family over there, all of them looked weird, as if they had seen a little fox in human skin.

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