Chapter 764: Down, Earth Star Wang Teng!

Eric’s face turned dark, and neither of these guys had the ground drill themselves, so they were embarrassed to blame him.

Besides, he brought this ground drill with the lowest level one. It was already enough, but Woolf talked a lot and complained about it.

If the elders of both sides are acquaintances, he is unwilling to cooperate with each other.

The work of the earth boring rig was actually very fast. After a while, the distance of 300 meters was opened up, and a huge hole appeared below.

The boring machine almost fell off, but fortunately it was caught by Eric.

“Here!” Woolf and Basel’s eyes lit up and they looked down from the opened hole.

I saw a green light shining from the entrance of the hole, shining their faces into green.

The three of them were overjoyed, glanced at each other, and immediately jumped from the hole.

They didn’t notice, just a dozen meters behind them, a figure was hidden in the darkness, watching their every move secretly.

Wang Teng did not immediately follow him at this moment, but looked down with the eyes of Lingshi.

The eye is an extreme emerald green color, full of strange energy fluctuations.

At the same time, in the field of vision, the three trialists had already left the entrance of the cave, Wang Teng walked over with confidence, and also jumped under the entrance of the cave.

The landscape below is very peculiar, a bit like a stalactite cave, with jade shoots made of jade hanging down from the top of the cave.


Drops of water dripped down the jade bamboo shoots, appearing extremely crisp in the empty and silent cave.

Originally, such a sight would not have appeared here in the Emerald Mine, but it happened here.

Wang Teng’s eyes were strange, and he scanned the surroundings, and soon he found the figures of three testers. The cave was not big at first, they were about ten meters in front of Wang Teng’s left.

At this moment, the three of them were surrounded by a huge jade stone.

That piece of jade was green and crystal clear, embedded on the ground, only half of it was exposed.

After the three trialists came to this cave, they immediately locked the jade.

“That’s it, this jade must contain a thousand-year-old chalcedony heart.” Eric said with joy.

“What are you waiting for? Open it and take out the chalcedony heart!” Basai could not wait. If he didn’t understand these minerals, he would have hurt the chalcedony heart with a punch and broke it first. Say it again.

“Eric, do it now.” Woolf urged beside his eyes, too.


Eric did not hesitate, took out the tool, and wanted to break the jade.

The tool in his hand is somewhat similar to a cutting machine, but it seems more delicate.

It was not cut by a mechanical blade, but under the operation of Eric, it suddenly ejected a thin white light, like a light blade.

“You guys get away a little bit.”

As Eric said, he cut off the white light blade, and the whole piece of jade was cut open like tofu.

“Eric, be careful, don’t break the chalcedony heart.” Woolf couldn’t help but reminded him when he saw him start quickly.

“Shut up.” Eric’s face turned dark: “If you don’t understand, don’t speak indiscriminately. I’m a serious mine seeker. How can it be difficult to beat me with such difficulty.”

“Good! Good! Good! You do it, you do it, I just don’t say anything.” Woolf said quickly, without any temper.

“Wulf, didn’t you see the darkest area in the middle? If I’m not mistaken, that’s the real location of the chalcedony heart. The place where Eric started now is still far from there.” Basset seemed to look at it. What happened, said.

“Learning from Basai, this is called being thick and thin, you kid doesn’t understand anything.” Eric said again.

When Woolf saw it, he was embarrassed when he thought that he couldn’t even compare to the big Basset. He hadn’t noticed something so obvious, and he was embarrassed.

“Miner hunter!” In the dark, Wang Teng couldn’t help muttering to himself. He didn’t expect that there would be such a side-sounding profession. It seems that everything in the universe is much more exciting than he thought. .

Just when Wang Teng was thinking about it, Eric had cut off the surrounding part of the jade in twos or twos, leaving only a square piece of it.

That piece of jade is extremely positive in color, rich in intensity, and translucent in color. It is definitely of the emperor green level, and with such a large piece, it is simply a good thing of invaluable value.

But in Eric’s hands, it was just like the stinky stone on the side of the road. They cut it when they said it. They didn’t even look at it.

The gazes of the three testers were fixed on the part taken out of the jade.

“What should I do now?” Basset couldn’t help asking.

“Now it is natural to take off the outer layer of coat, but the outer layer of jade is very close to the inner chalcedony heart, so we need to be cautious.”

Eric squatted down and took out the tools one by one from the space ring. Wang Teng looked confused.

The so-called miner seeker does this?

This guy is not a parallel importer!

Wang Teng secretly slandered, but his eyes were still staring at Eric’s hand to see how he operated.

I saw that Eric was holding a tool in his hand, cutting and polishing the jade for a while, removing the useless jade outside a little bit, which contained a lot of techniques.

He seemed to be afraid of touching the inner chalcedony heart, so he was very cautious. During the operation, sweat kept coming out of his forehead.

Woolf and Basel didn’t even dared to make a sound, for fear of disturbing him.

To be honest, when Wang Teng saw this scene, he couldn’t help but squeeze a handful of sweat for him, for fear that his hand would pierce the chalcedony heart inside.

Suddenly at this moment, Wang Teng was slightly taken aback.

He saw that several attribute bubbles had fallen out of Eric’s body.

“Isn’t it, this can also drop the attribute bubble?” Wang Teng was surprised and quickly picked it up.

【Mining Technique*5】

【Mining Technique*2】

【Mining Technique*1】

With the integration of several attribute bubbles, some superficial knowledge appeared in Wang Teng’s mind.

Mining technique!

As the name suggests, it is a skill for finding various mineral veins, quarrying and mining.

This technology contains extremely rich knowledge and requires long-term accumulation, which can be regarded as a great knowledge.

Don’t look at Eric’s watery appearance, in fact, the real master mine seeker is very good.

How is it?

Speaking out, others may not believe it. Some mining masters, Niu B, can see the location of various mineral veins at a glance, and even the specific ore can be easily distinguished.

In the universe, this profession is a very high-end and popular profession.

Because there are thousands of stars in the universe, and almost every planet will have a variety of minerals, more or less, ordinary or precious.

At this time, the existence of mine seekers is particularly important.

After all, not everything can be detected by a machine. Many minerals with peculiar energy can interfere with the operation of the machine and cannot be detected at all.

When many chaebols discover new planets, they will hire one or even several mineral seekers to come and explore with high salaries to find and analyze the minerals on the planet for mining.

In addition, many mining tasks also require the guidance of the seeker, or even hands-on, otherwise it is easy to damage its own value.

This is where the value of the mine seeker lies.

Wang Teng was a little dazed. He didn’t expect this profession to be so practical, and he suddenly took it seriously.

He couldn’t help but glanced at the attribute panel, and saw a new sub-class appeared on it.

[Miner Seeker]: 8100 (Getting Started)

Seeing the few eight attribute points, Wang Teng was a little speechless. He blamed that Eric for being too watery and only lost such a point.

“I said why this guy had to work so hard and couldn’t figure it out after a long time. I thought it was difficult, but it turned out to be a parallel import.” Wang Teng thought to himself, shaking his head.

It was also at this time that Eric finally got the piece of jade and took out the chalcedony heart from it.

“Huh~” Eric held the chalcedony heart, let out a sigh of breath, and said happily: “Finally, I took it out.”

Woolf and Barcelona next to each other looked at each other and wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads at the same time.

“Never watch Eric quarrying anymore. It’s a torture.”

“Yes, absolutely not watching!”

“I also said that I am a mine seeker, and my skills are not at home.”



The two communicated to each other, burying Eric a hundred times a hundred times.

But soon they became happy and looked firmly at the thousand-year-old chalcedony heart.

The whole chalcedony heart is like a jade egg, exuding shining brilliance, and the emerald green luster is really intoxicating.

“With this thing, our strength can at least be improved a lot.” Woolf said excitedly.

“I’m very likely to use this to break through to the second floor of the planetary star.” Barsai said with scorching eyes.

“What, Barcelona, ​​you are going to break through!” Both Eric and Woolf were shocked.

“Well, coming soon!” Basai nodded.

“In that case, let’s go back and prepare to practice.” Eric took out a jade box inscribed with the lock spirit rune and put the chalcedony heart in it.

However, just when he was about to put away the jade box, the sudden change occurred.

An invisible force suddenly entangled on the jade box, and when it didn’t react, it suddenly tugged.

The jade box was released.


Eric lost his face in shock, roared, and grabbed the jade box.

But it was too late, and the jade box appeared ten meters away in an instant.

At the same time, Wang Teng’s figure walked out of the darkness, reached out and grabbed the jade box, before looking at it, he put it into the space debris.

“Thanks for your hard work!”

After doing this, Wang Teng raised his head and looked at the three testers on the opposite side, with a smile on his mouth.

“Who are you?” Eric looked ugly.

Basel and Woolf also reacted at this time, seeing the chalcedony heart that was snatched by Wang Teng, their complexions changed drastically, and they stared at Wang Teng angrily.

“Introduce yourself, next…”

“Earth Star, Wang Teng!”

Wang Teng’s face was plain, even when facing the three star stars, his expression did not change in the slightest.

“Earth Star Natives!” The three were slightly taken aback.

They didn’t expect that the person who appeared in this place to snatch their treasures turned out to be an earth star native.

This guy really doesn’t know whether to say that he is brave, or that he has no choice but to live and die!

“Hand over the thousand-year chalcedony heart, otherwise I will let you not live like this.” Woolf said with a trace of disdain on his face and cold light in his eyes.

“Is anyone telling you that your green hair is pretty.” Wang Teng said suddenly, ignoring the threat from the other party.

“You’re looking for death!” Woolf’s complexion suddenly became extremely ugly.

I don’t know how many people laughed at his green hair. This has been the case since he was a child. Until later, he beat all those laughs so hard that no one dared to laugh at him again.

Unexpectedly, above the stars of this land today, an aboriginal would dare to laugh at him.

“In fact, it’s nothing. It’s a little green on your head, so you can live a good life.” Wang Teng said again: “You will know the benefits of this green hair in the future.”

“…” Woolf’s face turned dark, and his eyes almost breathed fire: “I killed you!”

Before the voice fell, it was already a step forward.

Eric and Basset are too late to stop.


“He is irritating you!”

The two of them changed their faces and shouted.

Woolf couldn’t listen to this for a long time, and the next step was to come to Wang Teng in an instant, with a palm printed on his head.

The horrible force fluctuates in the palm of his palm. This palm, not to mention the warlord level, even if the planet star is unprepared, his head will be directly blown.

However, in the face of such a situation, Wang Teng’s face remained unchanged, and his black hair was still blown by the strong wind. It was not until Woolf’s palm was less than half a meter from the top of his head that he raised his head and punched out.


The power of horror came out in an instant.

Wang Teng’s fist hit Woolf’s palm directly, and the majestic force swept from his fist.

Woolf’s face changed drastically, but now it was too late to say anything.

Click~cha! !

A crisp sound came from his arm.

I saw his entire arm twisted like a twist, and the whole person flew out under the impact of huge force.


A mouthful of blood spurted from his mouth.

With a bang, Woolf fell heavily to the ground, screaming in his mouth.


“Wulf!” Both Eric and Basel’s expressions changed drastically, and they rushed to help Woolf up.

Woolf was pale and trembling in pain.

“Are you okay?” Basel asked worriedly.

“All my hand bones are broken,” Woolf said with an ugly expression.

“Who is your Excellency?” Eric was shocked.

How could such a powerful strength be an earth star native, he couldn’t believe it at all.

“Earth Star, Wang Teng!”

Wang Teng slowly lowered his fist and repeated the previous words faintly.

“You are really a person from Earth, Star Earth…!” Eric was shocked. He wanted to be a native, but when he thought of Wang Teng’s strength, he quickly changed his words.

“You look down on the people of the Earth Star, but you would have thought that an Earth Star native would kill you.” Wang Teng said.

The three of them looked very pale.

As Wang Teng said, they look down on the people of the Earth Star and call them the natives, but now they are forced to such a point by the natives of the Earth Star, which is really ironic.

“No, if you are a person of the earth and stars, how can you have a personal terminal?” Eric said.

“Oh, it’s very simple. Just kill a tester and you won’t get it.” Wang Teng grinned openly, exposing his white teeth, and said lightly.

“…” The three of them shrank their pupils, and stormy waves rose in their hearts.

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