In Ling Feng's perception, the group of people who were about to arrest Yiwei began to act.

So Ling Feng directly woke up Tobirama beside him.

"Are they ready to go?"

Looking at the direction of the camp, Tobirama rubbed his eyes and said aloud.

"We'll just follow."

Ling Feng said aloud while putting away the tent.

Then the two quietly followed behind the group of people.

Ling Feng and Tobirama chose to hang far behind them, preventing them from discovering their figure.


I still owe you two more updates, please recommend a ticket~~~~~~

Chapter 204 Capture a tail

One tail's habitat is two thousand meters south of their camp.

For ninjas, the distance of these two kilometers can be reached in less than five minutes.

"It's terrifying coercion."

Looking at the huge body of Yiwei in the distance, Liedou said slowly.

At this time, Yiwei was playing in the desert, constantly slapping the ground with both hands, raising the yellow sand in waves, just like a child.

But everyone present was very clear that Yiwei was not a child, but a very vicious tailed beast.

"Is it the tailed beast we have to deal with?"

Watching Ichio's movements, Chiyo couldn't help swallowing, and said with a trembling voice.

Even though Chiyo was far away from Ichiyo at this time, she could still feel the terrifying aura emanating from Ichiyo.

"Wait a minute, be careful and protect yourself."

Monzaemon, who was standing beside Chiyo, also became nervous at this time.

Even if his door Zaemon is one of the top fighting forces in the country of wind, he is not confident that he can completely take down such a terrifying tailed beast.

"Do you feel that it poses a greater threat to you or does the Kurama pose a greater danger to you?"

Tobirama, who was standing beside Ling Feng, stared at the tall one in the distance, and asked Ling Feng aloud.

Because Ling Feng had faced Kurama with Hashima before, and Tobirama was the first time he saw a tailed beast, that's why he asked Ling Feng like this.

"I feel like neither of them is a threat to me."

Ling Feng pondered for a while, and said slowly.

"are you serious?"

Listening to Ling Feng's words beside him, Tobirama glanced at Ling Feng strangely.

Looking at Ling Feng's serious expression, Tobirama suddenly couldn't hold his attention. He really couldn't tell whether Ling Feng was joking or serious at this time.

'Little devil, say it again! ’

At this time, the nine lamas in Lingfeng's body were not happy, and said viciously.

‘Just kidding, don’t get so excited. ’

Listening to the words of the nine lamas, Ling Feng said hurriedly.

Although what Ling Feng said just now is the truth, but now the Nine Lama is in Ling Feng's body, what if the Nineteenth Lama gets angry and doesn't cooperate with Ling Feng.

The place to be cowardly is still to be cowardly.

'Humph. ’

Listening to Ling Feng's words, Kurama snorted coldly and stared at Shouhe who was playing with sand in the distance.

Seriously, this was the first time Kurama saw Shouhe when he grew up.

Looking at the tall Shouhe in the distance, Kurama suddenly fell into contemplation.

As a perfect human being, Ling Feng can naturally feel the thoughts of the nine lamas at this time.

‘Would you like to wait for me and Tobirama to shoot together and drive away all the guys from the Kingdom of Wind? ’

Ling Feng asked the Kurama aloud.

‘No, I want Shouhe to be beaten first. I was beaten once when I was caught by you, so how can it escape? The guys from the Land of Wind had to give it a hard beating. ’

Ku Lama directly rejected Ling Feng's request and said hurriedly.

'you sure? ’

Ling Feng thought about what Ku Lama said, stunned for a while, and then said slowly.

Although Ling Feng knew that the relationship between Kurama and Shouhe was not very good, he never thought that the relationship between the two tailed beasts was so bad.

‘Of course, I was beaten, how could it escape? By the way, if the guys from the Land of Wind can't beat it, you go up and beat it, the harder it is, the better. ’

The tone of Kurama's speech in the first half of the sentence was still somewhat calm, but in the second half of the sentence, it became excited.

Obviously, Kurama wanted to see the scene where Shouhe was beaten.

'OK then. ’

Hearing this strange request from the Nine Lamas, Ling Feng sighed helplessly.

‘Hey, Shouhe, soon you will taste the same as me, Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie. ’

The Ku Lama in Ling Feng's body burst into laughter at this time.

Tobirama looked at Morizuru in the distance, and then turned to look at the Wind Kingdom and the others next to him.

Suddenly, Tobirama's eyes stopped on a person.

This person is Chiyo standing beside Monzaemon.

'Is she here to help arrest Ichi? ’

Seeing the tense Chiyo, Tobirama kept thinking in his heart.

At this time, Lieto and Samana began to attack Shoukaku.

"Let's go."

After Liedou finished speaking, he took the lead in rushing towards Shouhe.

Seeing this, the others followed Liedou directly.

"Sand Bound Prison."

Liedou's hands quickly formed seals, and he immediately ran the chakra of his whole body.

As soon as Liedou's words fell, all the sand around him flew up and charged towards Yiwei.

Because this is a desert, the chakra consumption of Liedou controlling the sand is not very large.

The numerous sands all vacated and flew towards Yiwei.

The sand was flying in the sky, blocking the light of the sun, like a black cloud.

Looking at the movement not far away, Shouhe turned his head and looked over.

But as soon as Shouhe's head turned, the sand controlled by Liedou flew directly to Shouhe's feet.

Liedou's sand directly controlled Shouhe.

"It rains even when the sand is played!"

Samana watched Lie Dou's attack, and of course he didn't just stand there and wait in vain.

I saw that the monks made a seal on both hands, and then the palms of both hands turned towards Shouhe.

A burst of round sand bullets attacked Shouhe directly.

It's just that those sand bullets are very small. If they hit a person, they will naturally cause great harm to the human body.

But Shouhe's body is many times larger than the human body.

The small sand bullets hit Shouhe's body like a tickling, with no effect at all.

"What are you going to do?"

Shouhe looked at the group of guys who kept attacking him and asked his heart.

But Liedou and the others would not answer Shouhe's question.

They were still attacking Shouhe.

"Sand Dungeon Shooting!"

Liedou controlled the sand under Shouhe's feet with one hand, preventing him from leaving, and raised his other hand high.

Then behind Shouhe, the sand continued to fly into the air, gradually forming a huge spiral spear in the air.


Lie Dou shouted loudly.

The arm slammed down.

Following Lie Dou's movements, the spear behind Shou He also rushed towards Shou He's back.

The spear linked by chakra pierced directly into Shoukaku's back with a powerful impact.

"You ants are hurting me!"

Feeling the pain coming from his back, Shouhe let out a loud cry.

His hands kept hitting the ground.

All the sand on the ground was lifted up.

Then Shouhe stretched out his claws and patted them in the direction of the crowd.

Although Shouhe's body is huge, its speed is very fast.

In an instant, Shouhe's claws came to the top of everyone's heads, and it was possible to shoot them at any time.


Looking at the huge claws on his head, Sammon hurriedly called out to Monzaemon next to him.


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Chapter 205 The Furious Shouhe

I saw Monzaemon raised his hands.

Two scrolls rolled straight out of his sleeves.

Monzaemon's hands quickly formed a seal, and immediately two huge red-clothed puppets appeared beside him.

The red-clothed puppet also had many chakra strings linked directly to the fingers of Monzaemon.

With the wave of Monzaemon's fingers, the two red-clothed puppets raised their arms directly upwards.

At this time, Shouhe's palm also patted the ground directly.

The four arms of the red-clothed puppet directly blocked Shouhe's palm.

Seeing this, the others hurriedly left the range of Shouhe's palm.


Looking at the two puppets under his palm, Shouhe immediately became interested.

At first, it thought that these guys were just like those who had no strength and eyes before, and could slap them to death with a casual slap. But I didn't expect this group of people who came this time to be able to block their slap.

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