I saw that the eyes of the current Inuyasha became red, and there were two demon lines under the corner of his eyes.

Then the red light flashed, and Inuyasha came behind Wu Xingui, and at the same time his claws ripped off Wu Xingui's arm.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Wu Xingui looked at his arm, which was spewing out a lot of blood, and screamed miserably.

"How do you realize the ghost, why are you so fast?"

Inuyasha stretched out his palm and sneered at Wuxingui.

At this time, everyone found that Inuyasha's claws were much longer than before.

"Just a half-demon, I'm going to bite you now!"

Wu Xingui roared and attacked Inuyasha directly.

His arm was torn off by Inuyasha, which was a very humiliating thing for Wuxingui, so anger suddenly filled Wuxingui's head.

"The blood of monsters flowing in my body far exceeds yours!"

Seeing this, Inuyasha directly greeted him.

"Soul Claws!"

Inuyasha roared angrily, stretched out his claws and grabbed towards Goxin Ghost.

Under the gazes of everyone, Inuyasha's claws touched Wuxin Ghost at once, tearing apart Wuxin Ghost's skin like a broken bamboo, grabbed flesh and blood, and chopped off his spine.

Just a trick.

Inuyasha just used one move to tear Wuxin Ghost into pieces.

"Is this three times the strength of blackening?"

Looking at Inuyasha's attack, Ling Feng thought slowly in his heart.

At this time, only one head of Wuxin Ghost was left intact, and the rest were all minced meat.

This shows how powerful Inuyasha's attack is.

"It's not enough, it's not enough, a mere ghost, it's far from satisfying me!"

Inuyasha looked at the flesh and blood in his hand and shouted.

This sentence of his directly scared Kagome back two steps.

But it was the sound of Kagome's retreat that attracted Inuyasha's gaze to Kagome.


Kagome looked at Inuyasha's icy gaze, thought for a moment, then stepped forward and said with concern.

"Don't come here, I don't know what to do now!"

Looking at Kagome's gaze, Inuyasha hurriedly took a step back and said aloud.

Now it seems that Inuyasha still has self-consciousness.

"Inuyasha what the **** happened?"

Coral looked at the demonic Inuyasha and asked Maitreya aloud.

"No, I don't know, I just feel that the current Inuyasha is like a real monster."

Maitreya swallowed and said hurriedly.

Now Inuyasha feels more terrifying to Maitreya than the monsters he encountered before.

"Gao Wei, you should step back. According to this situation, it's good to have a fight."

Ling Feng stretched his body and said with a smile.

Looking at the demonic Inuyasha at this time, Ling Feng felt a little itchy, and now he really wanted to fight Inuyasha.


Ling Feng took a deep breath and came to Inuyasha.

Because the strong demonic energy that Inuyasha erupted directly hooked out his demonic energy, aroused his demon blood, and at the same time made the bellicose factor in the Saiyan bloodline burn.

The combination of these two factors made Ling Feng now want to have a good fight with Inuyasha.

"I can't control myself a little now, I can't be merciful!"

Inuyasha looked at Ling Feng in front of him and said aloud.

"It's fine, it would be better if you could beat me to death."

Ling Feng moved his wrist and said with a smile.

After all, he has the blood of the Saiyans. As long as Inuyasha beats himself to the brink of death, he can quickly recover by relying on the cells between the columns, and then he can become stronger.

"Then I'm on!"

After Inuyasha finished speaking, he charged directly towards Ling Feng.


I still owe you five updates

Chapter 251 Lingfeng and Inuyasha

Inuyasha's hands became claws, and he waved towards Ling Feng fiercely.

At this time, due to the influence of the blood of monsters in the body of Inuyasha, the whole dog looked very irritable and crazy.

However, from what Inuyasha just said, it can be seen that the current Inuyasha is still conscious and can still know what he is doing.

"Good come."

When Ling Feng saw this, he was not afraid of Inuyasha's attack at all, and directly greeted Inuyasha.

This time, Ling Feng is not going to use any ninjutsu and sword techniques on Inuyasha, he is going to fight with Inuyasha empty-handed.

"you wanna die!"

Inuyasha's icy voice sounded, and his paws stabbed directly towards Ling Feng.

When Ling Feng heard this voice, he immediately understood that the current Inuyasha had been completely controlled by the blood of monsters in his body.

There is only one thought in Inuyasha's mind now, and that is to kill.

Kill everyone present and bathe your body with blood.

Only blood can calm his restless heart.

This is the result of Yokai blood to Inuyasha.

Although the blood of monsters can greatly improve Inuyasha's combat effectiveness, it can also turn Inuyasha into an irrational monster who only knows how to kill.

Ling Feng looked at the paw that had come to him, and could already see the flesh and blood of the soul-conscious ghost on the paw, and could smell the strong **** smell on the paw.

Seeing this, Ling Feng raised his arm calmly.

"be careful!"

Maitreya and Shao looked at Ling Feng's movements and exclaimed.

In their eyes, Ling Feng's movements were very slow, and Inuyasha's claws had come to Ling Feng's throat.

As long as the next second Inuyasha's claws can directly scratch Ling Feng's throat.

But before Maitreya spoke to Shan Shan again, they saw Ling Feng's palm resting on Inuyasha's forearm at some point.

Although Ling Feng's movements were very slow in the eyes of Maitreya and Shaoxing, in fact, Ling Feng's movements were much faster than Inuyasha's claws.


Looking at the palm that suddenly appeared on his forearm, Inuyasha didn't care about it, but continued to stretch out his paws towards Ling Feng's throat.

Ling Feng raised his hands, and the whole person came directly in front of Inuyasha as if sliding.

And Inuyasha still maintained the action of extending his paws at this time.

Ling Feng exerted his left arm, and directly hit Inuyasha's chin with an elbow.


Inuyasha felt a pain in his jaw, and his entire body involuntarily leaned back and fell directly to the ground.

"You're not very good."

Ling Feng withdrew his actions and said to Inuyasha with a smile.

The attack just now was Yuhuazi Lingfeng's Taijiquan.

Originally, Yuhuazi Lingfeng's Taijiquan did not have such power.

However, the Saiyan Lingfeng received Yuhuazi's memory and Jiku Lingfeng's memory, and directly merged Taijiquan with Shaolin martial arts to form this new type of Taijiquan.

So Saiyan Ling Feng is indeed a Saiyan. He stays in the gravity room of Buma's house every day while exercising and practicing boxing.

And the Saiyan Lingfeng is also preparing to go to God to continue his studies in a few days.


Inuyasha jumped up from the ground and looked at Lingfeng with anger in his eyes.

Ling Feng's move just now made Inuyasha, who had a slaughter heart, angry.

I saw that Inuyasha suddenly inserted the paw of his right hand into his body, and then pulled it out.

"Flying Blade Blood Claw!"

Inuyasha roared and waved directly towards Lingfeng.

The blood was detached from the claws, forming many crescent-shaped blood-colored flying blades in the air.

Those flying blades are extremely fast.

Just now, it was detached from Inuyasha's claws, and the next second, it directly injured Ling Feng's body.

Looking at his body that was bleeding but quickly healed, Ling Feng shook his head in disappointment.

Just now, he thought that Inuyasha's flying blade blood claws could cause huge damage to himself.

Now it seems that he can only scrape some of his skin and let the blood flow out.

"It seems that I can only find Sesshomaru."

Ling Feng kept thinking in his mind.

Then Ling Feng came to the back of Inuyasha in an instant.

"Strange Fist!"

Ling Feng ran the demon power on his fist, and threw his fist directly at Inuyasha's head.

The fist containing the demonic power suddenly fell on Inuyasha's head.

Just one punch.

Ling Feng beat Inuyasha to the ground with one punch.

Looking at Inuyasha on the ground, Ling Feng exhaled and waved to Kagome, Maitreya, and Shan Shan, signaling them to come over.

"Is Inuyasha okay?"

Kagome came over, looked at Inuyasha lying on the ground, and said worriedly.

"Don't worry, I have control. He just passed out now and will wake up soon."

After Ling Feng finished speaking, he directly reached out and turned Inuyasha, who was lying on the ground, over and turned his back to the sky.

Ling Feng is very confident about his own fists, and Inuyasha's head is also very hard, and being punched by himself will not be a problem at all.

Seeing this, Kagome and the others hurriedly stretched their necks and looked towards Inuyasha.

I saw that the monster pattern under Inuyasha's eyes had disappeared at this time.

The disappearance of the demon pattern means that Inuyasha has recovered from the runaway state.

Then everyone waited here for a while before Inuyasha woke up leisurely.

"Inuyasha, how are you feeling now?"

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