It can be said that the heroic spirits of these three positions have super strong combat power.

Generally, these Heroic Spirit jobs are on a first-come, first-served basis.

That's why Tokiomi asked Ling Feng out loud.

And Tokiomi's goal has been confirmed, he wants to summon the archer Archer.

"I can do whatever I want, I can call anytime."

Ling Feng said indifferently.

Now Ling Feng's strength can be said to be able to compete with the heroic spirits twice, even if it is a meaty heroic spirit, it is no longer a problem.

Therefore, the heroic spirits can be regarded as the icing on the cake for Lingfeng, unless some specific heroic spirits can greatly enhance Lingfeng's strength.

Just like Shakespeare, a heroic spirit that can greatly improve Lingfeng's strength.

"If you don't summon the Heroic Spirit earlier, then the powerful Heroic Spirit will be summoned first by others."

Tokiomi said with a smile, then left here and walked towards his house.

Tohsaka Tokiomi went home and prepared the summoning materials.

"Teacher, we?"

Kirei glanced at Tokiomi's back and asked aloud.

"Let's go and see what kind of heroic spirit Tokiomi can summon."

Ling Feng said aloud.

Then the two followed Tokiomi and walked towards Tohsaka's house.

Chapter 291 Lingfeng's Heroic Spirit Summons (plus)

Twelve hours later, Tokiomi had prepared everything he needed to summon the Heroic Spirit, and now everything was ready, only the east wind was due. Just waiting for the heroic spirit to call.

"Are we sure we can call you here?"

Ling Feng looked at the scene around him and asked Tokiomi Tosaka aloud.

In the dimly lit room, there were only two candle lights hanging on the wall constantly burning.

At this time, Lingfeng, Kirei, Kotomine Risei, and Tokiomi were all standing in this small room, as if they were engaged in some secret deal.

Ling Feng felt that if the police came now, he would definitely suspect that the four of them were doing something nefarious here.

However, with the power of the Tohsaka family in Fuyuki, no policeman dared to come over to provoke the Tohsaka family.

"Okay, I've already prepared everything, and now I'll just wait for my magic power to be summoned."

Tohsaka Tokiomi said confidently.

"Then, Mr. Lingfeng, have you thought about what kind of heroic spirit you are going to summon?"

At this time, Yan Fengli turned her head and asked Ling Feng aloud.

Kotomine Risei, the father of Kotomine Kirei, the priest of the Holy Church, and the overseer of this Holy Grail War, responsible for supervising this Holy Grail War.

It can be said that now Lingfeng and the others, three Heroic Spirits, three Masters, almost half of the Holy Grail War are united, and even the referee is on their side.

Tell me how to lose this game?

Even if the flying dragon rides the face, it's just like that.

What, are you telling me this is a foul?

I'm sorry, fouling is also a part of the Holy Grail War, so don't play if you're upset.

"Me? I haven't thought about it yet. When they're all summoned, I'll call again."

Lingfeng Gujing replied without wave to Yanfeng Rizheng.

At first, Kotomine Kirei was very dissatisfied because Kotomine Kirei went to Lingfeng's gate to learn cooking.

He thought Kotomine Kirei went to Lingfeng's place to learn cooking skills is not a proper job. But when he learned about Ling Feng's strength from Tokiomi, all Kotomine Risei's dissatisfaction disappeared.

After all, in this world, you still need to rely on strength to speak. Whoever has the biggest fist will listen to whoever.

This is even more true in this **** world of magicians.

So now Kotomine Rizheng can only let Kirei do whatever he wants, and most of the time when he meets Kotomine Kirei, he just mentions it.

"I started."

Tokiomi felt that the magic power in his entire body was at its fullest at this time, and said slowly.

I saw him slowly walking towards the magic circle and raised his arm.

He began to sing the incantation to summon Heroic Spirits.

Following Tokiomi's movements, the magic circle on the ground responded quickly.

Then there was another burst of bright light, and the smoke and dust dissipated.

A man wearing golden armor and golden hair, who looked very arrogant, stood on the magic circle.

"Win, Lingfeng, Kirei, this war will be our victory."

Tokiomi looked at the man in front of him and said excitedly.


Ling Feng glanced at the man in front of him and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Gilgamesh, as the oldest king of heroes, also known as the golden glitter, the golden pickup, the street lamp king or the oldest fat tiger.

He is a powerful and very proud heroic spirit.

"Hahahaha, you dare to summon this king, your luck will end here, bastard!"

Jin Twinkle looked at the three people standing in front of him, laughed directly, and said to Tokiomi.


Tokiomi looked at Jin Shining in front of him and directly bowed to the courtier.

When Ling Feng saw this, he did not bow to Jin Shan like Tokiomi, but began to constantly lower his sense of existence and hide himself in the darkness.

Then Ling Feng found an opportunity, left Tohsaka's house directly, and walked towards his restaurant.

After all, Ling Feng doesn't have a favorable impression of Jin Shuang, so it is better to leave as soon as possible.

At the same time, it's very late now, so I'll just go to sleep after watching an episode of Tom and Jerry with Sakura.

After a while, Ling Feng returned to his small restaurant.

However, instead of sitting in front of the TV watching TV shows as usual, he walked to Sakura's room and reached out and knocked on Sakura's door.

"Teacher, what's wrong?"

Sakura's voice came from the door.

"Come to the rooftop."

After Ling Feng finished speaking, he went straight to the rooftop.


After Ling Feng came to the rooftop, he took a deep breath, and then slowly spit out all the turbid air.

On the road just now, Ling Feng received a message from Yanfeng Rizheng.

He said that the other six masters have already summoned the heroic spirits, and now Ling Feng is the only one who has not summoned the heroic spirits.

Kotomine Rizheng's implication is to let Lingfeng quickly summon the heroic spirit.

So Ling Feng brought Xiao Ying to the rooftop of his restaurant.

On the rooftop, the barrier and hinting magic had been laid out long ago, and the magic circle for summoning heroic spirits had also been drawn on the ground.

It can be said that only Ling Feng and Xiao Ying can come here.

"Teacher, are you ready to summon now?"

Sakura stood in the distance and asked Lingfeng in a low voice.


Ling Feng nodded his head.

Then he took out his mobile phone, clicked on the chat group, and quickly typed a few lines on it and sent it out.

Magician: Brothers, I'm starting to summon heroic spirits now. I don't use holy relics.

Uchiha: GKD, let me see what Heroic Spirit you can summon.

Truck: Stop summoning Heroic Spirits, just turn on the fire and push the bomb across.

Samurai: Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and summon.

Magician Ling Feng glanced at the content in the chat group, then turned off the phone directly.

"Sakura, stand farther away."

Ling Feng mobilized the magic power of his whole body and said aloud.

"Yes, teacher."

Sakura responded and hurriedly stood back for a while.

Ling Feng looked at the magic circle on the ground, stretched out his right hand, and began to sing incantations in his mouth.

Following Ling Feng's movements, the Command Spell on his right hand began to light up.

A powerful magic force spewed out directly from the magic circle, exactly the same rhythm as Kirei and Tokiomi summoned heroic spirits before.

Soon, the incantation of the summoning heroic spirit was finished.

A phantom gradually condensed into an entity in the magic circle.

"Is this my servant?"

Ling Feng looked at the phantom in front of him, and couldn't help but get excited.

After all, it was the first time for Ling Feng to summon a heroic spirit, so it was normal to be excited.

I saw the light and smoke gradually dissipating, revealing the appearance of a Servant standing in the magic circle.

White skin, white hair, light blue eyes, about 1.5 to 1.6 meters tall, and no weapons in his hands.

This is the servant summoned by magician Ling Feng.

I still owe you nine chapters

Chapter 292 The identity of the Servant

Looking at the Servant in front of him, Ling Feng swallowed, feeling an inexplicable familiarity in his heart.

But Ling Feng knew that he had never seen the Servant in front of him before, and this was the first time he had seen the Servant in front of him.

"it is?"

Sakura looked at the Servant standing on the magic circle and exclaimed.

And there was only one reason for Sakura to be so surprised.

That is, the Servant standing in front of Lingfeng at this time is not a human, but a cat.

That's right, a cat with two feet on a magic circle.

A white cat.

A white cat with white fur and erect feet.

Ling Feng did not answer Xiao Ying's question, but stared at the white cat who bought the youth.

And the white cat also made the same action as Ling Feng.

So one person and one cat began to look at each other.

For a while, the scene fell into silence.

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