The white cat patted his chest and laughed.

Ling Feng looked at the majestic figure of the white cat, and immediately laughed out loud.

Now Ling Feng and Bai Mao are looking forward to the Holy Grail War more and more.

Bai Mao and Ling Feng now want to know the expressions of the other Master followers when they see Bai Mao after the followers of the Holy Grail War are gathered.

"By the way, arrange a magic workshop for me. I will start making potions in the next two days."

After the white cat laughed, he said to Ling Feng.

Obviously, the white cat is preparing to wait until his potion and other things are ready before appearing in front of everyone.

"Okay, I'll take you there."

After Ling Feng finished speaking, he walked towards the basement with the white cat.

Since Lingfeng acquired this house, he has gradually transformed the basement of this house into a small magic workshop.

For now, it still comes in handy.

Ling Feng brought the white cat to the basement soon.

The white cat looked at the tools in the basement, sat on a chair to rest for a while, and then began to make potions.

And Ling Feng was watching the white cat making potions.

The night was spent in the white cat making potions.


Thank you [hfcjk] for a monthly pass

Thank you [?Thousand Thousand Fantasy?] for a monthly pass

Because the recommended votes reached 6100, so I added one more update, and I still owe you 11 chapters. There is an update tonight

Chapter two hundred and ninety nine three kinds of potions

The next day, Ling Feng got up early and walked towards the basement.

The white cat has been making potions in the basement last night.

So after Ling Feng woke up today, he simply washed up and went directly to the basement.

"How is the potion made?"

Ling Feng looked at the white cat lying on the bed, stepped forward to pat the white cat awake, and asked aloud.

At this time, the height of the white cat was 2.5 meters, and the bed it was lying on was only 2 meters long.

So last night, in order to sleep, the white cat could only curl up on the bed.

And the way it lay down had an inexplicable sense of weirdness.

"Why did you wake up so early?"

Bai Mao habitually took out his mobile phone, checked the time, and yawned.

Now the time displayed on the mobile phone is 8:00 in the morning, and it is time for the students to go to class.

"It's getting late, Sakura has already woken up."

Ling Feng pulled the white cat up and said slowly.

"By the way, where did Tom sleep last night?"

The white cat rubbed its sleepy eyes and asked slowly.

Because the white cat had been making potions in the basement last night, he didn't care about Tom's sleep problems.

But now that the white cat woke up, he naturally wanted to ask.

"It slept on the sofa last night. How was the potion making?"

Ling Feng looked at the white cat and asked hurriedly.


The white cat stretched out its paws and pointed.

Ling Feng looked in the direction of the white cat's finger, and saw three bottles of potion on the table.

The three potions are orange, blue, and transparent from left to right.

"You made the shape-shifting potion, the farsightedness potion, and the clear ink?"

Ling Feng walked to the table, grabbed the potion and began to look at it.

"Yes, I made two of each, one on the table and one under the table."

After the white cat finished speaking, he pointed to the drawer under the table.

Ling Feng heard the words and opened the drawer to take a look.

Sure enough, three bottles of potions of different colors were neatly placed there.

"According to your productivity, can you do two sets in one night?"

Ling Feng carefully unscrewed the cover of the transparent ink, stretched out a finger and dipped it in the bottle.

When Lingfeng pulled out his finger again, that finger really disappeared.

If it wasn't for Ling Feng's fingers still conscious, then Ling Feng would definitely think that his fingers really disappeared out of thin air.

"More than two sets."

The white cat glanced at Ling Feng's movements, then changed to a comfortable position and lay on the bed again.

"Then why don't you do more?"

Ling Feng asked aloud while studying the transparent potion.

"There is a cooldown. I also want to make one hundred and eighty copies in one night, so that I can directly push the Holy Grail War and return to my world."

The white cat said helplessly.

"Is that so, isn't this ink washable with water?"

Ling Feng poured a little water on his finger, but found that his finger was still transparent.

Clearly ink cannot be washed off with water.

"It can't be washed off."

The white cat replied.

"Then how do I make my fingers change back?"

He could only see one of his five fingers, which made Ling Feng feel very uncomfortable.

"Haven't you seen cats and mice? Drink water. Drinking water can make your fingers appear."

The white cat changed his posture and said aloud.

"Drink water?"

Hearing this, Ling Feng walked directly to the sink, took a glass of water, and drank it directly.

When the water flows into Lingfeng's stomach.

The finger really showed up first.


Ling Feng re-tucked the lid and said with a smile.

"There are also Potion of Shapeshifting and Potion of Hyperopia. Would you like to try it too?"

The white cat said aloud.

"Let me try."

After Ling Feng finished speaking, he directly unscrewed the bottle of orange potion.

This bottle of potion is a transformation potion, as long as you drink it, you can have powerful power.

Looking at the orange potion in his hand, Ling Feng swallowed, and then his confidant took a sip.

When the potion slides down the throat into the stomach.

The potion reacted immediately.

I saw Ling Feng's whole body muscles bulging.

The skyrocketing body directly broke Ling Feng's shirt.

Now Lingfeng's muscles are similar to that of a white cat.

"The strength has increased, and the magic has also increased a lot."

Ling Feng shook hands, constantly feeling his own strength and magic.

"How long will this polymorphic potion last?"

Ling Feng stretched his body and asked the white cat aloud.

"It will take about two hours to drink the whole bottle. If you look at the sip you just took, you should be back to your original shape in about two minutes."

The white cat said aloud.

When Ling Feng heard the words, he sat on the chair and waited quietly.

Two minutes later, the effect of the transformation potion disappeared, and Ling Feng's body immediately returned to its original state.

But those torn clothes can't be changed back.

"Is there any aftereffect?"

Lingfeng screwed the lid of the deformation potion and asked the white cat aloud.

"After effect? ​​It will become belligerent after drinking it, should it be a side effect?"

The white cat thought for a while and said aloud.

"Warlike? Then why didn't I feel it just now?"

Ling Feng recalled the feeling of drinking the transformation potion just now, and said aloud.

Ling Feng took a sip of the potion just now, but he didn't have the kind of bellicose feeling that the white cat said.

"It depends on the mental power. If the mental power is not enough, it will be controlled by the militant factor, but with mental power like ours, those militant factors have no effect on us at all."

The white cat explained.

"What's the use of the farsightedness potion?"

Ling Feng picked up the blue farsightedness potion and asked the white cat aloud.

"If you drink the farsightedness potion, after you drink it, recall the place you want, and then open your eyes to see what's happening in that place."

The white cat said aloud.

"So, in order to see that place, do I have to have seen it?"

Ling Feng asked slowly.

"Yes, if you haven't been to that place, you shouldn't be able to see it. Of course, this farsightedness potion can also see through, and the range is about 100 meters of your field of vision. After more than 100 meters, you can't see it anymore."

The white cat explained.

"So we already have the eye of reincarnation, so we don't need the hyperopia potion."

White Cat added.


Ling Feng nodded his head.

After listening to the description of the white cat, Ling Feng felt that the farsightedness potion was much weaker than the other two potions.

Drop drop drop drop.

At this moment, Ling Feng's cell phone rang.

Ling Feng took out his cell phone and saw that the caller was Kotomine Kirei, a cheap disciple whom he had collected.

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