"I'm here to pay homage to my lost ideal."

Emiya Kiritsugu looked at Matou Shinji, smiled rarely, and said aloud.

"Your ideal? Uncle, what is your ideal?"

Matou Shinji heard the words and said directly.

For a child his age, the word ideal is still a bit far off.

"My ideal is to save all mankind, but now it seems that I can't do it."

Emiya Kiritsugu snuffed out the cigarette butts, smiled wryly, and said aloud.

The Holy Grail War is held every sixty years, and this time he has lost.

And Emiya Kiritsugu still doesn't know if he can survive until the next Holy Grail War begins.

That's why Emiya Kiritsugu said that his ideal was a lost ideal.

"Save all mankind? So uncle, are you a partner of justice? Are you the same as those Ultraman, Kamen Rider, and Super Sentai?"

Matou Shinji's eyes lit up and hurriedly asked.

"I want to be a partner of justice, but I'm not a partner of justice, so I can't be a partner of justice."

Emiya Kiritsugu recalled what he had done in the past, shook his head, and said aloud.

"Then uncle, do you see if I can become a partner of justice?"

When Matou Shinji heard the words, he hurriedly said.

"You? Now you are a partner of justice."

Emiya Kiritsugu looked at Matou Shinji beside him, smiled, rubbed Matou Shinji's head hard, and then got into the jeep directly.

"I'm sorry, that's what kids are like."

Matou Tsuruno then smiled wryly at the white cat and said aloud.

"Father, I am not a child, I am a partner of justice."

Matou Shinji broke free from Matou Tsuruno's body, imitating Tom's appearance, he also puffed out his chest and said aloud.

"Okay, okay, you are a partner of justice."

Internal~Group-:7/3798_5|291 When Matou Tsuruno heard the words, he had to speak out to comfort Matou Shinji, for fear that he would come up with something else.


Although Matou Shinji was still young, he could see at a glance that Matou Tsuruye was perfunctory, so he turned his head and stopped looking at Matou Tsuruye.

"Is it so lively?"

At this time, Ling Feng had already walked out of that room.

In that room, Ling Feng got a lot of Matou Zuoyan's magic notes and magic dresses.

It's just that most of those magic dresses have no effect on Ling Feng, so Ling Feng only brought out those magic notes.

"Well, can you blow up this house?"

At this time, Matou Heye walked to Ling Feng's side and said embarrassedly.

"Huh? Why?"

At first, Ling Feng thought he had heard it wrong.

But when Ling Feng saw Matou Crane's firm gaze, he knew that Matou Crane wasn't joking.


Ling Feng asked in confusion.

He didn't expect Matou Tsuruo to have a hobby of bombing his own house.

"Because this is our father and son's nightmare, if we blow up this place, it can be regarded as a farewell to our father and son's past."

Matou Tsuruno said aloud.

"what do you think?"

Ling Feng asked the white cat aloud.

"I have no problem."

The white cat shrugged.

"Then blow it up, I'll go and call Tokiomi."

After Ling Feng finished speaking, he walked towards the door.

Then the group walked out of the Matou mansion directly.

On the other hand, the white cat stood in front of Matou's house and raised his right hand high.

"Hey, hey, is that Tokiomi?"

Ling Feng made a direct call to Tokiomi.

"What's wrong?"

Tokiomi's voice quickly rang from the other side.

"Well, let me tell you something, the Matou House seems to have exploded due to a gas leak."

Ling Feng said.

At the moment when Ling Feng's voice fell.

A huge explosion sounded directly.

At the same time, a white light also illuminated the entire night sky with the sound of the explosion.

"Hey, hey, I remember that there seems to be no gas in the Matou Mansion!"

Tosaka Tokiomi's hurried voice appeared on the phone.

"That's the gas explosion."

Ling Feng looked at the Matou mansion, which was now in ruins, and said aloud.

Chapter 332 The plan

Tokiomi listened to Ling Feng's words, and immediately covered his forehead helplessly.

Originally, Tokiomi thought that Ling Feng would not do anything out of the ordinary when he came to the Matou family.

Now it seems that Tokiomi has far underestimated Lingfeng's ability to do things.

"real or fake?"

Tokiomi took a deep breath and said aloud.

Now Tokiomi still holds a glimmer of hope that the Matou family is not destroyed.

"You turn on the TV tomorrow morning and watch the TV station to find out."

Ling Feng looked at the white cat beside him and said aloud.

"Okay then. By the way, there's one more thing to tell you."

Tokiomi was silent for a while, then said aloud.

"What's up?"

Ling Feng was interested at this time.

When Tokiomi called him just now, it was obvious that he was mentally preparing.

In other words, this matter made Tokiomi wonder if he should tell him.

"I have already dealt with Rider, which means that there are only three Servants left in the Holy Grail War, yours, mine, and Kirei's."

Tokiomi took a deep breath and said aloud.

"Rider? The conqueror died?"

When Ling Feng heard the words, he was instantly refreshed.

In this way, the fastest, tomorrow they will be able to solve the Holy Grail War.

Thinking of this, Ling Feng immediately became excited.

"Yes, tomorrow should be our decisive battle, so where are you going to put the battle location?"

Tokiomi asked Ling Feng aloud.

This time, Ling Feng could tell from Tokiomi's tone that he was very confident now.

"Let's talk about it tomorrow, by the way, what about the Master of the King of Conquerors?"

Ling Feng asked Tokiomi aloud.

The reason why Lingfeng asked this is because of Kenneth.

After all, before Kenneth left, he told Lingfeng something about Weber.

In Kenneth's mouth, although Weber's talent is not very good, but his theoretical knowledge and other aspects are very good.

Lingfeng only came to a conclusion after listening to Kenneth's description.

That is, Weber is also a good helper for part-time jobs.

"No, we let that Master go. After all, there are only three Servants left, and we are not afraid that the Master will be able to sign contracts with other Servants."

Tokiomi said confidently.

"So be it, wait until tomorrow morning when I tell you where the final battle will take place."

After Ling Feng finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

"How to say?"

Emiya Kiritsugu sat in the jeep, stuck his head out of the window, and asked Ling Feng about his origins.

For Emiya Kiritsugu, he still hopes that Lingfeng can obtain the Holy Grail.

After all, his daughter Ilya was still in Einzbern Castle at this time.

"Now there are only three Servants left. Tomorrow should be the decisive battle. Do you want to attack Tokisaka Tokiomi?"

Ling Feng looked at Emiya Kiritsugu and said aloud.

"Okay, tonight we will discuss the location of the decisive battle. Tomorrow I will go there and bury some explosives. As soon as Tomisaka Tokiomi appears, I will kill him directly."

Emiya Kiritsugu looked at Ling Feng and said aloud.

"Let's discuss it later."

When Ling Feng heard the words, his heart suddenly froze.

He didn't expect Emiya Kiritsugu to be so ruthless, he just wanted to ask Emiya Kiritsugu if he had any thoughts.

But he didn't expect that Emiya Kiritsugu had already made a plan, so he just nodded his head and executed it.

Ling Feng looked at Emiya Kiritsugu, and couldn't help thinking in his heart, 'As expected of a magician killer, he has such an appetite for me. ’

One thing to say, at the beginning, Ling Feng really thought about undermining Tokisaka Tokisaka.

But he thought that his apprentice Sakura was Tosaka Tokiomi's daughter.

If she kills her father by herself, then maybe Xiao Ying wants to betray her teacher and deceive her ancestors.

Thinking of this, Ling Feng dismissed the idea of ​​undermining Tokisaka Tokichen.

"Let's go back and talk."

After Ling Feng finished speaking, he sat directly on the back seat of the jeep.

"Then let's quit."

Ling Feng looked at the Matou father and son standing in front of the Matou ruins and said aloud.


Matou Tsuruno hurriedly responded, then nodded his head, and left Matou Ruins with Matou Shinji.

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