"You know that if you want to enter the thirteenth division, you must first pass the spiritual pressure test."

Ling Feng asked Aizen aloud while eating breakfast.

"I know, the spiritual pressure must reach a certain level in order to be assessed, otherwise you can only stay in the academy honestly."

Aizen took a big mouthful of breakfast and said vaguely.

"As long as you know."

Ling Feng nodded his head.

Ling Feng was naturally very relieved about Aizen's spiritual pressure.

Because when Aizen began to resolve yesterday, Lingfeng had already felt the spiritual pressure in her body at close range, so she also knew that this time, Aizen could easily pass the spiritual pressure test.

"By the way, which squad do you want to join?"

Ling Feng remembered at this moment that there are thirteen divisions in the Soul Society, and each member can only join one of them.

That's why Ling Feng wanted to ask Aizen.

"Team 13, in the end, in addition to the 1st, 2nd and 6th teams, everyone else can join."

Aizen thought about it carefully and said aloud.

Among them, the first team is a leading force gathered by elites. It handles the internal affairs of the thirteen teams part-time, and has the right to enter the palace. Therefore, under normal circumstances, the members of the first team are selected from other teams.

The Second Division is a mobile unit for covert operations and is closely related to "covert maneuvering". Simply put, it is Anbu in the Naruto world. Except for the members of the Sifengyuan family and its affiliated families, it is difficult for others to join.

The Sixth Division is a noble commanding force, and the members generally recruited are noble members, and Ling Feng and Aizen are from Youhun Street, so naturally they cannot join.

"The third division for support, the fourth division for medical treatment, the fifth division for rescue, the seventh division for inner court **** work, the eighth division for intelligence gathering, the ninth division for prisons, the tenth division for patrols, and the fighting division. The eleventh division, the twelfth division for technology development, and the thirteenth division responsible for the present."

Aizen thought carefully while reading the responsibilities of those squads.

"Why don't we go to the thirteenth division. We have been to the virtual circle, Youhun Street and Jingling Court. We haven't been in this world yet, so let's join the thirteenth division, how about it?"

Aizen thought for a while, and asked Lingfeng aloud.

Chapter 344 The team selected by Aizen

"Team Thirteen?"

Ling Feng heard the words, pondered for a while, and kept thinking in his heart.

The thirteenth division, isn't that Rukia's team?

By the way, I have met Kisuke Urahara before, and I don't know if Byakuya Kuchiki is the captain of the sixth division.

Now Aizen is still a little girl, so Kuchiki Byakuya should also be a little kid. Thinking of this, it will be a long time before Ichigo Ukurosaki was born.

Ling Feng kept thinking in his heart.

"Hey, what do you think, do you want to join the thirteenth division?"

Seeing Ling Feng sitting there motionless, Lan Ran hurriedly asked.

"If you join the thirteenth division, you will have to go to the world. At this time, it should not have entered the industrial age."

Hearing this, Ling Feng kept thinking about time in his mind.

If the world has entered the era of industrialization and there are more entertainment facilities, then Lingfeng still really wants to join the 13th Division.

But now it seems that there should be no first industrial revolution in the world at this time, which means that if you want to play entertainment facilities in the world, you will have to wait at least two or three hundred years.

"I heard that there is no fun there in this world, it's similar to the scenery on Liuhun Street, so don't go there."

Ling Feng thought for a while, staring at Aizen with a serious look on his face.

"Who did you hear?"

When Aizen heard the words, she looked at Ling Feng suspiciously.

Obviously, she didn't believe what Ling Feng said.

"Urahara Kisuke, you know, he is the captain of the twelfth division, I heard from him."

Ling Feng didn't think much about it, and directly pulled Kisuke Urahara out to take the blame.

Although Ling Feng did not have any contact with Urahara Kisuke, it did not prevent Ling Feng from taking him to blame.


Lan Ran heard that, although she already believed more than half of it in her heart, she always felt that Ling Feng had something to hide from her at this time.

And the reason why Aizen believes in Lingfeng is also very simple. After all, Urahara Kisuke is the captain of the 12th Division, and the captain's words should always be believed.

"Of course it's true, have I lied to you?"

Ling Feng patted his chest and said confidently.

"Then tell me, which team is better for us to join?"

Aizen sighed, thinking constantly in his mind.

"The ninth division is responsible for monitoring the prison. I think you can't stand that kind of loneliness, so I ruled it out. The twelfth division is technically developed. Why don't we join the twelfth division?"

Ling Feng thought for a while and asked Aizen aloud.

If the two really join the 12th Division, then Lingfeng can learn some Death God techniques in the Technology Development Bureau, and then upload those techniques to the group file to see if Lingfeng from other worlds can learn it.

"Technology development, I always feel like a lot of brains, don't."

Aizen held her chin with both hands, thought for a while, and said slowly.

"What about the fourth division? There are medical staff there. How about we join the fourth division?"

Seeing this, Ling Feng asked again.

"No, I have absolutely no interest in doctors. What's more, studying medicine can't save the Soul Society, so I don't want to join the Fourth Division."

Aizen shook his head again and said aloud.

"Then how many teams do you think we're going to join?"

Hearing this, Ling Feng covered his forehead helplessly.

"Why don't we join the 11th team, then go to the virtual circle and rely on the ability of the two of us, maybe we will sweep the entire virtual circle."

At this time, Aizen came to the spirit, stepped directly on the table with one foot, and asked Lingfeng very excitedly.

"The eleventh division? Are you sure? That division is going to enter the virtual circle, and the casualty rate is still very high."

Ling Feng looked at Lan Ran strangely and reminded aloud.

Lingfeng originally thought that according to Aizen's character, besides the 13th division, she should join the 12th division and the 4th division, but I didn't expect Aizen to think of joining the 11th division. It made Ling Feng a little dumbfounded.

"Confirmed and affirmed, let's go, we will go to the school to participate in the assessment now."

After Aizen finished speaking, he held the Zanpakutō tightly in his left hand, and then ran out of the door.

"Oh, when the time comes, I still don't know if you can pass the test."

Ling Feng looked at Lan Ran's hurrying figure, sighed helplessly, and followed.

There is still some distance between the dormitory and the college.

So it took the two of them a while to come to the True Central Spiritual Arts Academy.

"There are so many people."

Aizen looked at the already crowded academy in front of her and couldn't help but exclaim.

When he was in class, Aizen didn't feel how many people there were in the True Spiritual Academy, but now most of the sixth-grade students appeared in front of the academy, which made Aizen understand what was in the True Spiritual Academy. how many students there are.

"where are we going?"

Lan Ran glanced around for a week, but didn't see the teacher's figure, so he could only helplessly cast his eyes on Ling Feng.

"Go to the training ground."

Ling Feng rolled his eyes helplessly and said aloud.

When they were in class a few days ago, the teacher who taught them had already said that if they wanted to graduate early, they could go to the training ground for assessment.

And now Aizen is still asking herself where to go, and at a glance she knows that she hadn't listened to the teacher before.

"Then let's go."

Lan Ran felt Ling Feng's gaze, smiled at Ling Feng, and went straight into the crowd.

Ling Feng looked at Lan Ran's back, sighed helplessly, and then followed.

When Ling Feng and Aizen came to the entrance of the training ground, they found that there was already a crowd in front of them.

"What is that crystal ball?"

Aizen, who was in the periphery of the crowd, saw the crystal ball placed at the entrance of the training ground at a glance, and asked Lingfeng directly.

"It should be to test the spiritual pressure. The teacher didn't say before that if you want to enter the assessment, you must first test whether your spiritual pressure meets the standard. If you do not meet the standard, you will not be able to take the assessment."

Ling Feng said directly.

"In this case, let's hurry in. It's not just a test of spiritual pressure. According to the spiritual pressure of the two of us, we must be able to pass easily."

Aizen grabbed Ling Feng's hand and squeezed directly towards the entrance of the training ground.

Apparently since she successfully solved it yesterday, Aizen is very confident in her own strength.

"What if your spiritual pressure is not enough?"

Ling Feng let Aizen hold his little hand and asked helplessly.

"It can't be enough."

Aizen grabbed Ling Feng and quickly got to the door of the training ground.

After the two glanced at the announcement posted by the door, they immediately started to line up.

Chapter 345 Eleventh Team

With the continuous progress of the personnel, it was Lingfeng and Aizen's turn soon.

"You or me first?"

Ling Feng looked at the glass ball placed in front of him and asked Aizen aloud.

Aizen glanced at the glass ball, then looked at the scenery inside the training ground, and took a deep breath.

While lining up just now, she saw that many students were eliminated because of insufficient spiritual pressure and could not enter the training ground.

The occurrence of this situation directly gave Aizen a big blow.

"Huh, let me go first, in case I get eliminated, you have to wait for me, and then we will come back to take the test together."

Aizen took a deep breath, turned to look at Lingfeng, and said aloud.

"no problem."

Ling Feng took a step to the side and said with a smile.

Looking at the glass ball in front of her, Aizen stepped directly up.

"What state does it take to pass?"

Aizen glanced at the glass ball and asked the person standing beside the glass ball aloud.

This person was wearing a black death tyrant outfit, with a wooden sign tied to his left arm, and the number 'five' was written on the wooden sign.

This shows that this person is the fifth seat of a certain squad.

"Inject spiritual pressure into it. As long as your spiritual pressure can emit blue light, it means you have passed."

The fifth seat pointed to the glass ball and said aloud.

"it is good."

Aizen nodded his head and said slowly.

Looking at the glass ball in front of her, Aizen carefully placed her palm on top of the glass ball, and then began to activate the spiritual pressure of her entire body, injecting spiritual pressure into the glass ball.

The moment the Reiki was injected into the glass ball, the color on the glass ball changed immediately.

From transparent color directly to white.

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