Ling Feng glanced at Satania, and naturally knew what she meant by the kind of thing in her mouth.

There are all kinds of strange creatures living in the sea of ​​the devil world, such as a huge octopus, a whale with a hammer head on its head, and a very vicious looking mermaid.

"That kind of thing?"

Hearing this, Xiao Lin turned to look at Ling Feng and asked aloud.

Then, Ling Feng gave Kobayashi and other humans a popular science about the creatures in the sea of ​​demons.


Gabriel looked at the group of very excited people, sighed, walked to the side, opened the umbrella, then took out the laptop from the backpack, pressed the power button, and started playing directly.

"what are you playing?"

At this time, Fafnir looked at Gabriel's movements, came directly to Gabriel's side, and asked in a low voice.

"A side-scrolling game."

Gabriel skillfully controlled the characters in the computer, and said aloud while playing.

"This game? I also play it."

After Fafner finished speaking, he opened the laptop that he had taken out from nowhere.

"Then let's connect."

Gabriel glanced at Fafner's computer and said excitedly.


Fafnir didn't say much, just nodded his head.

"An angel, a black dragon, did they come to the beach this time to play online games?"

Ling Feng looked at the two people under the umbrella and thought to himself.

Chapter 359 Swimming Competition

"Go to the sea!"

Sandwich Sauce looked at the blue sea in front of him, shouted loudly, and ran over directly.

"It's really energetic."

Lily Ling looked at Sandwich Sauce's fast figure and couldn't help but admire from behind.

Although Lily Bell is the most powerful black magician in the world, as a human being, her physical strength is still a little weak.

That's why Lily Bell is a little envious of Sandwich Sauce's inexhaustible physical strength.

"Thinking about it now, most of the people who came out to play this time were girls."

Ling Feng looked at his group and thought to himself.

Satania's quartet is naturally all little girls, and the trio of Sandwich Sauce are all female, and Fafnir and his roommates aside from Fafnir and his roommate Takiya Makoto, there is another talented person. Except for Shota Matu, who was in the fifth grade, everyone else was a woman.

In this way, if Lingfeng is added to the entire group, there are only four men.

A little bit of yin and yang.

"Sure enough, if you come to the beach, you will have to wear a swimsuit."

Looking at the sea in front of him, Lucoa said aloud.

Ling Feng heard the words and followed Lukoya's voice.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, it was a shock to see it.

Unexpectedly, Lucoa's swimsuit is very revealing, most of her delicate body is exposed, and only a little fabric is wrapped around important parts.

And with Lucoa's actions.

The thing on the chest is still shaking constantly.

"This, what is this, so dazzling!"

Ling Feng looked at Lukoya's body, took two steps back without leaving a trace, and said in a low voice.

Because they had already changed their clothes in the changing room before they came to the beach.

Moreover, Lingfeng had been walking in the front all the time before, and he didn't look back, so he didn't know what Lucoa's swimsuit looked like before, this was just the first time he saw it.

"My guest, I'm sorry."

At this time, a female staff member came over with a huge blue towel.

According to her orientation, her target is Lucoa.


Lucoa squinted and looked at the staff around him suspiciously.

"Please come over here, your swimsuit is too revealing."

The staff skillfully draped the towel over Lukoya's body, and immediately wrapped her tightly.


At first glance, this staff member is a veteran, and he has done this kind of thing before.

After the staff completely wrapped Lucoa's body, without giving Lucoa the slightest chance to react, they dragged her directly to the changing room on the side.

"and many more…"

Looking at the staff around him, Lucoa wanted to say something.

But the staff ignored her at all.

"Huh, I finally dragged it away, otherwise, I really might not be able to hold down the gun."

Ling Feng wiped the sweat from his forehead and said slowly.

Although Lingfeng has lived in the devil world for many years, he still has the memory of Ito Lingfeng, what kind of wind and waves has he not seen?

But he had never seen a swimsuit with Lucoa's body.

So when Lukoya was dragged away, Ling Feng was obviously relieved.


Thor looked at the scene where Lucoa was being dragged away and said aloud.

"Let's leave her alone. Let's lay out the parasols and carpet first."

Kobayashi tugged at Thor's shoulder and said slowly.

"OK then."

Thor heard the words and immediately started to hold up the parasol.

Ling Feng watched everyone's movements, and quickly laid things out, then put on his sunglasses and lay down under the parasol.

Not long after, a voice rang out.

"I am back."

Lucoa stood in front of everyone and said with a smile.

This time, Lucoa's swimsuit was much more conservative, much better than before.

However, because of her proud figure, she still stands out among this group of women.

"Lucoa, did you bring two swimsuits?"

Kobayashi looked at Lucoa's clothes and asked aloud.

"No, it's a dragon scale."

Lucoa covered her mouth and laughed.

Dragon scales are equivalent to the clothes of dragons, which can change in various shapes according to the wishes of dragons.

In other words, all the clothes on Lucoa's body at this time were transformed from dragon scales.

"So that's the case, so is yours too?"

Kobayashi nodded, then looked at Thor and Kona beside him.

"Yeah, we did a strategy before we came here, how is it, does it look good?"

Thor turned around and said with a smile.

"It's really nice."

Kobayashi carefully looked at Thor's swimsuit, nodded his head, and said with a smile.

Thor's swimsuit matched her figure very well, obviously carefully matched.

"Let's hurry up and play."

At this time, Kona, who was standing on the side, said in a low voice.

"Uh, what do you humans usually do when you come to the beach to play?"

Thor rubbed Kona's little head and asked Xiao Lin suspiciously.

"Play? Usually volleyball, watermelon, sunscreen and swimming."

Xiaolin thought for a while and said aloud.

"Swimming, let's swim."

Kang Na raised her little hand high and said in a low voice.

"Swimming? Then let's play swimming, how about it? Call the demons, angels, and evil gods over there."

Thor heard the words, clenched his fists, and said excitedly.


When Kang Na heard the words, she echoed it aloud. Obviously, she also wanted to come to the swimming competition at this time.

"Then Kona, let's go talk to them."

Thor directly took Kona's little hand, and walked in the direction of Satania.

"The devil over there, let's have a swimming competition, how about it?"

Thor looked at the three of Satania in front of him and said directly.

As for why three?

Because at this time Gabriel and Fafner are indulging in the online world and struggling together.

Clearly Gabriel and Fafner were not interested in any swimming competition.

"Hoo **** ho, there is actually a giant dragon who dares to challenge me, the future great demon of the demon world, then I will promise you if it is difficult."

Satania looked at Thor in front of her, laughed twice, and then said aloud.

"What about you?"

Thor turned his attention to Satania's two companions again.

"A swimming competition? I think so."

Vinette thought for a moment and said directly.

"I don't really want to go into the water, so let's compare."

Angel Raffi, who was standing on the side, covered his small mouth and whispered.

"Store manager, get up, let's compete in swimming."

At this time, Satania ran directly to Ling Feng's side and said loudly to Ling Feng.


Thank you [hfcjk] for a monthly pass

Chapter 360 You chase after me

"Ha, competition swimming?"

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