A violent palm wind directly fanned out from Ling Feng's right hand.

The strong wind blew the three silver needles out, and finally fell to the ground weakly.

The lanterns in the hall were also blown off by the palm wind and fell to the ground.

"Powerful inner strength!"

Everyone in the hall felt the palm wind blowing towards their faces, and began to exclaim in their hearts.

Since Ling Feng appeared, they have been surprised too much.

From the mysterious and unpredictable speed at the beginning, to the powerful fist, to the deep inner strength.

They now have a back wave pushing the front wave, and the front wave is dead on the beach.

"If that's the case, then I'll be serious."

Ding Mian felt the palm wind on his cheeks, and drew the long sword directly from his waist.

The cold light of the silver sword flickered, constantly exuding a dangerous aura.

I saw Ding Mian clenched the long sword in his hand and swayed quickly, the tip of the sword stabbed straight towards Ling Feng's right chest.

Ding Mian's shot was a killer move.

His purpose was Ling Feng's chest and heart.

If someone's heart is stabbed with a sword, that person will definitely not survive.

So Ding Mian prepared to stab Lingfeng directly with a sword.

Looking at Ding Mian's actions, Ling Feng suddenly became playful and quickly ducked back.

When Ding Mian saw that his attack was missed, he quickly changed his move.

With a swipe, the chain of three swords stabbed towards Lingfeng.

These three swords are faster than one sword, one sword is fiercer than the other, and one sword is more tricky than the other.


Ling Feng looked at Ding Mian's movements and smiled slightly.

The whole person did not retreat but advanced, and charged directly towards Ding Mian.

"What is he doing?"

Looking at Ling Feng's actions, everyone was puzzled.

Judging from Ling Feng's movement before, he obviously didn't need to rush up, just continue to dodge.

As long as Ding Mian loses his physical strength, then this victory will definitely be Lingfeng.

And now Ling Feng's action of not retreating but advancing, really makes everyone a little incomprehensible.

"Do you think it's because his physical strength is also running out, so he is ready to fight quickly?"

At this time, someone said directly.

When the others heard this, they hurriedly turned to look at Ling Feng.

'What he said makes sense. Judging from his previous performance, his movements are very fast and his fists are very hard, which means that it is very likely that his physical strength will not be very strong, so he chose to go head-to-head. ’

Thinking of this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, there is a person who is fast in movement, wins with fists, and still has very deep internal strength, pressing them on their heads.

What does this make them do?

So they can only hope that Ling Feng's physical strength is not very good.

Ke Lingfeng's physical strength is really not very good?

This is entirely the wishful thinking of those in the hall.

"You'd better do your best, or you won't have a chance later."

Ling Feng even avoided Ding Mian's attack and punched Ding Mian directly in the chest.

The originally upright chest was directly concave, which looked a bit terrifying.


Ding Mian felt the burning pain in his chest, involuntarily spit out a mouthful of blood, and hurriedly took many steps back.

His eyes were full of viciousness and he looked at Ling Feng.

As a martial arts master, how much damage did Ling Feng's punch cause to him.

It can be said that Ling Feng's punch has already prevented him from improving his martial arts for the rest of his life.

"If that's the case, I'll let you see it!"

Ding Mian spat out a mouthful of blood again, and then clenched the long sword in his hand.

Immediately, Ding Mian's aura changed.

He started waving the long sword in his hand in a pose.

Seeing this, Ling Feng picked up a long sword directly from the ground and held it in his hand.

"Songshan swordsmanship!"

After Ding Mian finished speaking, he charged directly towards Ling Feng.

Thorn, pick, hack, chop, and go.

Various sword moves were used directly from his hands.

"This sword move has a strict weather, strict and majestic, and is known for its majestic momentum."

Some knowledgeable people in the field looked at Ding Mian's sword move and said slowly.

Ding Mian's hand of Songshan swordsmanship spear and spear, thousands of miles of yellow sand, like thousands of troops galloping.

At a glance, you can see that it has been hard work for a long time.

"Good come."

When Ling Feng saw this, he directly greeted him.

With a sound of 'dang', the two swords intersected, and gold and iron mingled.

Looking at the sword move in front of him, Ling Feng's mind became more and more cheerful, the movement of wielding the sword became faster and faster, and his sword move became faster and faster.

"He was actually able to press Ding Mian to fight!"

Seeing that Ding Mian was actually at a disadvantage, Liu Zhengfeng felt a little astonished in his heart.

He had fought against Ding Mian before, and naturally he knew that Ding Mian's force was superior to himself.

But now it seems that Ling Feng's martial arts are still higher than Ding Mian, even a lot higher than Ding Mian.

Why can't this surprise Liu Zhengfeng?


Suddenly, a crisp sound rang out.

The long sword in Ling Feng's hand actually broke into two pieces.


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Chapter 385: Yu Canghai's Careful Mechanism (Additional)

"good chance!"

Ding Mian looked at the broken sword in Ling Feng's hand and was overjoyed.

When the two sides are fighting, if one of the weapons is broken, the winning rate of the person with the intact weapon will definitely be greatly improved.

Ding Mian's mood has always been very bad when he saw that he was gradually falling into a disadvantage.

But now I see Lingfeng's weapon broken in two.

Ding Mian's heart immediately raised a confidence that he could kill Ling Feng.

So he was invincible and rushed straight up.


All the people present looked at Ling Feng's long sword that had turned into two sections, and sighed in their hearts.

They are all sighing for Ling Feng.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see who is better or worse between the two on the field.

They had also thought in their hearts whether Ding Mian might hide any trump card, and waited until they were about to lose before releasing it to reverse the situation.

They also thought that Ling Feng would slowly oppress Ding Mian and finally win.

But they never imagined this ending.

"Master! Be careful!"

Lin Pingzhi looked at Ling Feng on the field and shouted directly.

And his voice also attracted Yu Canghai's eyes.

'Apprenticeship, judging from his breath, he is a bit stronger than before. In just two days, this kid can actually become stronger? ’

Yu Canghai kept looking at Lin Pingzhi, thinking constantly in his heart.

He was thinking about whether he should take advantage of the chaos to directly kill Lin Pingzhi.

After all, he had already seen Ling Feng's power just now.

Yu Canghai didn't think that he could defeat Ling Feng when he fought against Ling Feng.

Although Lin Pingzhi said before that he would take revenge in person.

But now it seems that if Lin Pingzhi continues to practice for a few years, it is very likely that he will surpass himself and then run to the Qingcheng School.

At that time, he may become the soul of Lin Pingzhi's sword.

Thinking of this, Yu Canghai suddenly shuddered.

His eyes were fixed on Lin Pingzhi.

At this time, Lin Pingzhi's eyes were always on Ling Feng who was on the field, and he didn't notice Yu Canghai's fierce gaze.

'Even if it was the first time that I had repelled Lin Pingzhi, with this guy around, I would definitely not be able to kill Lin Pingzhi, so I could only let Lin Pingzhi go back. ’

'By then, Lin Pingzhi will practice for a few more years, then I will not be old, Lin Pingzhi will be in his prime, am I still not the soul of Lin Pingzhi's sword? ’

At this time, Yu Canghai was firm in his own thoughts.

He was going to take advantage of the chaos to kill Lin Pingzhi directly.

So, Yu Canghai's figure kept approaching Lin Pingzhi's direction.

at the same time.

Ling Feng, who was fighting against Ding Mian on the field, stared at Ding Mian in front of him.

"This weapon cannot withstand my strength."

Thinking of this, Ling Feng threw the Broken Sword directly on the ground, and made a gesture with both hands.

"If you don't even want the sword, then you will die here for me!"

Ding Mian looked at Ling Feng's movements, and the joy in his heart was even greater, and the speed of waving the long sword in his hand was also a little faster.

"Oh, have you given up on yourself?"

The people in the hall looked at Ling Feng's movements and immediately came up with such thoughts.

Because there is an iron rule that has been verified for a long time in the competition.

That is one inch long and one inch strong.

Although Ling Feng's sword has been broken.

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