"so what?"

Kagura gritted his teeth, clenched the folding fan in his hand, and stared at Naraku in front of him.

As long as Naraku makes a dangerous move.

Then Kagura will swing the wind blade towards Naraku.

Naraku didn't speak, but raised his right hand fully.

I saw a red shadow slowly appear on Naraku's right hand.

The red shadow gradually changed from illusory to solid.

The image that finally emerges in Kagura's eyes is a heart.

"That...that's my heart!"

Seeing this, Kagura immediately recognized whose heart was in Naraku's hands.

"Yes, this is your heart. As long as this heart is put back into your body, no one can bind you again."

Naraku raised Kagura's heart and handed it in the direction of Kagura.

"How, do you want to get your heart back?"

Naraku asked Kagura with a smile.

"Tell me, what do you want me to do? Or what price do you need me to pay?"

Kagura opened the distance between himself and Naraku again, tightened his nerves, and asked Naraku aloud.

Although Kagura wants to get back his heart now.

But with Kagura's understanding of Naraku, she knew that she would definitely not take it back easily, and she would definitely have to pay something, which is why Kagura was so nervous.

"It does require you to pay some price, but you can fully bear the price, and I can put my heart into your body first."

Naraku took a step forward, raised Kagura's heart, and said aloud.

"You are really so kind, aren't you afraid that I will run away after I have a heart?"

Although Kagura's heart was struggling at this time and she was very afraid of Naraku, she still said sharply on the surface.

"If that's the case, then I'll just put the heart back into your body."

As soon as Naraku's voice fell, the heart in his hand disappeared.

At the same time, Kagura hurriedly covered the part of his heart.

She could feel her heart beating.

Before, she could not feel the beating of her heart on her chest at all.

And now, she could feel it, she could feel that she was still alive.

"now that…"

Feeling her own heart, Kagura just wanted to speak, but she stopped before she could finish her words.

"how come?"

Kagura hurriedly looked down.

I saw that my chest was pierced by some spikes.

And the owner of the spikes is Naraku.

"Rest assured, I have avoided your heart."

Naraku looked at Kagura in front of him, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he said with a smile.

"Bastard, Naraku!"

Kagura coughed out a mouthful of blood, clenched the folding fan, and swung it hard in Naraku's direction.

Several wind blades flew out directly from the folding fan and smashed towards Naraku.

But because Naraku still had a protective cover outside, Kagura's attack didn't have any effect.

"Let's go, as far as you go, you already have a heart in your body, and you are no longer immortal."

Looking at Kagura, who kept bleeding out, Naraku laughed and disappeared directly in front of Kagura.

"Am I... going to be... dead?"

Kagura fell weakly on the feathers, feeling the constant flow of vitality.

"Wood... card."

At this time, Kagura remembered the wooden sign that Ling Feng had explained to her two days ago.

With his trembling hand, Kagura slowly took out the wooden sign from his bosom.


Thank you [Kashiwagi] for a monthly pass

The debt has now been paid off.

Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a blade~~~~~

Chapter 402 Transfer the body

Kagura clenched the wooden sign in his hand tightly, and tremblingly entered the demon power into it.

At the same time, Ling Feng, who was sitting on the stone with his eyes closed and his body closed, opened his eyes.

"The mark of the God of Thunder has been inspired, and it seems that Kagura is ready."

Ling Feng got up directly and looked at Kagura's body not far away.

Then he raised his right hand directly.

A huge suction force emanated directly from Ling Feng's right hand.

Kagura's body immediately floated up and flew towards Ling Feng's palm.


Ling Feng clenched Kagura's body and directly activated the Flying Thunder God Technique.

A gust of wind blows.

Ling Feng's body disappeared directly in place.

"Yoyo, what's wrong with you?"

Looking at the situation of Kagura in front of him, Ling Feng put his body aside and asked Kagura directly.

At this time, Kagura's abdomen and chest were covered with blood, and his face was also very pale. At first glance, it was a condition of excessive blood loss.

"How is my... body...?"

Looking at Ling Feng who suddenly appeared in front of him, Kagura was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly said.

Although she didn't know why Ling Feng was able to rush over after he input the demon power, but now her physical condition does not allow her to think about those things anymore.

"Have you been stabbed in this situation?"

Ling Feng walked directly in front of Kagura, put a hand on Kagura's shoulder, and asked.

"you think…"

Looking at Ling Feng's movements, Kagura just wanted to ask, but the next second, she felt a stream of life energy flowing into her body continuously.

"Don't talk yet, I think you're about to die, let's save your life first."

Ling Feng said aloud.

Because Qianshou Lingfeng got the column cell before, and then uploaded it to the group file, plus other Lingfeng's physique, so now the warrior Lingfeng's body is full of life energy.

Coupled with the long-term training of many Lingfeng, the warrior Lingfeng has been able to skillfully control the life energy in his body.


Feeling the life energy flowing in from the body, Kagura couldn't help but exhaled softly.

Under the infusion of that life energy, the wound on Kagura's abdomen and chest began to heal.

"How do you feel now?"

Ling Feng waited until Kagura's wound was completely healed before he took his hand off Kagura's shoulder and asked aloud.

"feels good."

Kagura looked at his wound, then stood up slowly, took two steps, made sure that his wound was completely healed, and then nodded.

"Let's start changing bodies now."

Kagura hurriedly walked in front of Ling Feng and said aloud.

After the previous injury, Kagura now just wants to quickly change a body, and then leave the country directly, so that Naraku can never find her again.

"Why, don't you already have a heart now?"

Ling Feng pointed to Kagura's chest and said aloud.

At this time, there was indeed a heart beating in Kagura's chest, bringing blood to Kagura's body, bringing strength, and generating demon power.

"I suspect that Naraku's body and my heart have moved hands and feet. Otherwise, why would he be able to find me? You must know that I didn't even know where I wanted to go just now."

Kagura walked up to Ling Feng and told Ling Feng everything that happened just now.

"If that's the case, well, we've made an agreement before anyway."

After Ling Feng listened to Kagura's description, he placed the body directly beside Kagura.

"Let me make it clear to you first, after you change your body, you will be unable to use your demon power for a period of time, this is because your soul is still adapting to your body. This time will not be long, at most three or five days. , so don't be nervous."

Ling Feng began to explain to Kagura what he should pay attention to when he changed his body.

"I see, let's get started."

Kagura thought for a while, took a deep breath, and when he was ready, he said to Ling Feng.

Ling Feng heard the words, his hands began to seal quickly.

At the same time, his eyes also changed into the appearance of reincarnation eyes.

After Lingfeng finished the seal, his left hand was placed on the body's head, and his right hand was placed on Kagura's head.


Ling Feng suddenly raised his right hand.

The soul of Kagura was captured by Ling Feng.


Holding Kagura's soul, Ling Feng grabbed Kagura's soul and stuffed it directly into the left body.

When Kagura's soul completely entered the body, the face of that body began to change.

The facial features of the body gradually changed towards Kagura's appearance.

And Kagura's original body collapsed directly to the ground.

This is what happens when the soul leaves the body.

"Can you hear me?"

Ling Feng let go of his left hand and said aloud to Kagura on the left.

At this time, Kagura on the left slowly opened his eyes.

She did not answer Ling Feng, but turned her head and looked around constantly, and then moved her muscles and bones.

"Is this my current body?"

Kagura felt the sensation in his body and said aloud.

"Is there still a missing piece in the little finger on your left hand?"

The reason why Ling Feng asked this sentence was the feeling that Kagura said after being taken away from a piece of soul.

"there is none left."

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