After a while, Tony walked out with a black face holding something similar to a cassette in his hand.

"You are right."

Tony put the cassette-like thing directly on the table and said slowly.

Ling Feng heard the words and looked towards the thing.

I saw that the display of that thing was showing 24%. Obviously, what Ling Feng said just now was correct.

"What should I do now?"

Tony rubbed his hair and asked aloud.

Tony can be said to be in the prime of life now, and now on Earth, palladium can be said to be incurable.

So Tony doesn't want to die now.

He wants to live.

It can be said that his life has just come to the end, he has someone he likes, and he doesn't even form a family with that person.

How can he die?

"I now how to do?"

Tony looked at Ling Feng, his eyes were a little red.

"The palladium element in your body is caused by the reactor in your chest."

Ling Feng pointed to Tony's chest and said aloud.

"That's right."

Tony didn't hesitate and took off his shirt directly.

"If I don't use the reactor, I can't be Iron Man, I'll die, and now I know it's killing my life, but I can't refuse it at all."

Tony stretched his finger to the reactor on his chest and said aloud.

"Drink poison to quench thirst."

Ling Feng took a sip of the Coke in his hand and said aloud.

"Now I can only use drugs to relieve the palladium in my body, but it can't completely cure me."

Tony took a deep breath and said aloud.

"Then have you thought about replacing palladium with other elements?"

Ling Feng said aloud.

"No way, only palladium can provide such energy for my reactor, nothing else."

Tony shook his head directly.

Obviously, he had tried to replace palladium with other elements before, but none of those experiments failed, so Tony was so desperate at this time.

"Is there anything you can do?"

Tony took a deep breath and asked aloud.

If it was someone else, it would be impossible for Tony to say this.

He will only tell you that for 20 years, he will not be able to crack my technology.

However, the strength that Ling Feng showed, still gave Tony some confidence.

After all, except for Ling Feng, when no one else could see him, he could see at a glance that he was poisoned with palladium, and he could also see with the naked eye how much palladium was in his blood.

It is because of these two reasons that Tony thinks that Lingfeng can save himself.

"If you have a way, just say it. I will do my best to do it."

Seeing that Ling Feng had not spoken for a long time, Tony hurriedly said.

"If you help me, I can still do it."

Ling Feng nodded his head and said aloud.

"What can I do, tell me quickly."

Tony said hurriedly.

"The first one is to help you find a new element, a new element that can replace palladium."

Ling Feng stretched out his finger and said aloud.

"I'm already working on this idea, but for now, it's completely out of the question."

Tony frowned and said aloud.

"Then I have another method, which is to practice breathing."

Ling Feng said.


Tony frowned upon hearing this.

It was the first time that Tony heard the words "breathing method" in his ears.

And now Tony's eyes have changed from pleading to skeptical.

You know, Tony is a man who believes in science very much!

And Ling Feng's breathing method, in Tony's ears, is like a wizard.

"I'll show you, don't mind."

Seeing that Tony didn't believe it, Ling Feng said directly.

"You come."

Tony raised his hand and said.

And just when Tony raised his hand, Ling Feng directly grabbed Tony's hand and didn't let go.


Thank you [Hakurei `Reimu] for a monthly pass and a blade

Thanks to 【Yug, Sotos】for a monthly pass and two blades

Because the recommended ticket reached 8250, so one more update was added, and the bookings were increased a little, and one more update was added.

I still owe you two chapters.

Ask for a recommendation ticket~~Ask for a monthly pass~~~Ask for a blade~~~~~

Chapter four hundred and sixteen Tony's talent

"What do you want to do?"

Looking at Ling Feng's actions, Tony frowned and asked suspiciously.

"See if you don't believe me, I'm going to show it."

Ling Feng said with a smile.

It's just that Ling Feng's smile, in Tony's eyes, looks particularly sinister, as if something bad will happen in the next second.

"You don't have to grab my hand when you show it..."

Before Tony could finish his words, he felt a pain in his wrist.

Tony looked down hastily.

I saw a wound of almost five centimeters on my wrist.

The wound was constantly bleeding out.

"what are you doing?"

Tony felt the pain from his wrist and wanted to free his wrist from Ling Feng's hand.

But how can Lingfeng's strength be comparable to Tony's?

No matter how hard Tony struggled, he couldn't get his wrist out of Ling Feng's hand.

"This is showing you."

Lingfeng raised a finger, then placed it on Tony's wound, and wiped it.

Tony felt a majestic energy entering his wound.

Then the wound actually healed slowly under his watch.

"This... how is this possible?"

Looking at his completely undamaged wrist, Tony hurriedly pulled his wrist back and looked at it in front of his eyes.

"There is no pain, only a shallow wound. The five-centimeter wound has just recovered like this?"

Looking at the wound on his wrist, Tony said in surprise.

The fact that Ling Feng showed now really shocked him.

Although technology is very advanced.

But it was the first time Tony had seen something like this healed in an instant.

"This is the breathing method. As long as you learn the breathing method, even if there is still palladium in your body, it can be slowly eliminated."

Ling Feng took a sip of Coke and said aloud.

"I have a question."

Tony looked at his wrist for a moment, then said aloud.

"You ask."

Ling Feng nodded his head.

"Why didn't you cut a wound on your arm and cut mine instead?"

Tony raised his head, his eyes fixed on Ling Feng.

"Because if you cut you, it's you who hurts. If you cut me, it's me who hurts."

Ling Feng said directly.

In fact, it started because of Lingfeng's physique.

Since the God of War Lingfeng received the group file, his physique has also been mixed with Saiyan physique and thousand-handed cells.

So Ling Feng cut his own wrist.

Then, Lingfeng does not need to use ripples to breathe, then his wounds have already healed themselves.

In this way, Tony can't see the effect of ripple breathing.

So Ling Feng will cut Tony's wrist.

"Uh, okay."

When Tony heard the words, he fell silent, not knowing what to say.

"How? Do you want to learn?"

Ling Feng said.

"Okay, when will you start learning?"

Tony nodded and said directly.

In Tony's eyes now, Lingfeng is the life-saving straw, so Tony naturally wants to hold on to this straw for his own life, and he won't let go if he dies.

"Just now, the full name of this breathing method is the ripple breathing method, which is a cultivation method that requires talent."

Ling Feng said.

"Haha, since talent is needed, I believe that in the whole world, no one's talent can be better than mine."

Tony laughed and said confidently.

After hearing that he was saved, Tony can be said to be relieved at this moment, and he seems to have changed back to his previous **** appearance again.

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