Dead Servant standing beside Ling Feng looked at the action of the bearded man, and was immediately surprised, and asked quickly.

"This is your Asgardian guard? That's it? That's it? That's it? I'm fine with me."

Deadpool now also knows that Ling Feng is not Batman, so he becomes more casual in front of Ling Feng.

Also began to get angry in front of Ling Feng.

"Would you like to try our guardians of Asgard?"

Ling Feng turned to look at Dead Servant beside him, and asked with a smile.

At the same time, Ling Feng's hand was also placed on Deadpool's shoulder.

"No, no, no, I'm just joking."

When Dead Servant heard the words, he immediately reacted, his hands seemed to be insane, he quickly swayed, and hurriedly said.

But Ling Feng didn't pay attention to Dead Servant's movements, his left hand squeezed slightly and tightly grabbed Dead Servant's shoulder.

Although Ling Feng and Sol's guards were not very close, they were still ordinary friends who knew their names and would joke a little bit.

Coupled with the fact that Dead Servant despised their Asgard, this made Ling Feng's heart a little angry.

Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect?

Lingfeng has also lived in Asgard for more than a thousand years, and has also cultivated a deep relationship with Asgard.

So Deadpool's words directly hit Ling Feng's muzzle.

"You, you, what do you want to do?"

Deadpool felt the pain from his shoulders and said quickly.

"It's nothing, just let you feel the specialties of our Asgard."

Ling Feng said with a smile.


When Dead Servant heard the words, he was stunned.

But before he froze for a while, he felt his feet leave the ground.

Ling Feng looked at Dead Servant in front of him and smiled slightly.

I saw Ling Feng grabbed Deadpool's shoulder with one hand, and then slowly lifted him up.

Then Ling Feng looked at the destroyer in front of him and came to a better place.


Ling Feng took a deep breath and said aloud.

"Don't! Brother, what do you want to do?"


Ling Feng's whole body was slightly bent, and he also sent Dead Servant to the ground.

"We are half-brothers! Don't do this!"

Deadpool was also a little panicked at this time, and hurriedly shouted, and at the same time wanted to break free from Ling Feng's palm.

But Ling Feng's hand is like steel, no matter what Dead Servant does, there is no way to make Ling Feng's hand move.


As soon as Ling Feng finished speaking, he grabbed Dead Servant and threw it in the direction of the Destroyer.

Deadpool's entire body was like a cannonball, flying directly towards the Destroyer.


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Chapter 428 Deadpool: Can you lighten

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Deadpool's eyes widened, howling loudly in the air.

At the same time he flew at exactly the same speed as the cannonball.

The Destroyer saw Deadpool in front of him and raised his fist directly.

And Deadpool hit the Destroyer's fist at once, like a speeding car hitting a telephone pole.

Deadpool's entire body slumped to the ground weakly.

"That's it, that's it, that's it?"

Looking at Dead Servant's body that looked like a pool of mud, Ling Feng also sneered.

Because of Deadpool's immortality, Ling Feng was not afraid that Deadpool would die under the Destroyer's fist.

"Wayne! You're not my brother anymore!"

Dead Servant felt the pain coming from his back, pulled out his knives directly, and shouted to Ling Feng who was standing beside him.

Afterwards, Deadpool began to fight the Destroyer with the two knives in his hands.

"That's not it!"

Ling Feng jumped directly to the roof and looked at Deadpool who was fighting the Destroyer below.

"We're here to help you!"

Seeing this, Sol's guards also stepped forward to help.

They now know that the Destroyer's target is Thor.

"Okay, you will be my good half-brothers and good sisters from now on!"

Looking at the people who came up to help, Dead Servant hurriedly said, and at the same time, he waved the weapon in his hand more vigorously.

But those attacks by Deadpool and theirs are completely useless to the Destroyer.

I saw the color of the flame slowly appear on the hood of the Destroyer.

There seemed to be flames tumbling in the Destroyer's hood.

"Get out of the way!"

Ling Feng said aloud at this time.

Although Ling Feng does not know what kind of moves the Destroyer will use.

But Lingfeng can feel the magic in the air is constantly gathering in the mask of the destroyer.

When Deadpool and the others heard the words, they hurriedly dispersed to the surroundings.

Just after they left, a huge energy exploded on the Destroyer's body.

In an instant, a raging fire rose around the Destroyer.

"What the **** is this!"

Deadpool looked at the Destroyer who was standing safe and sound, and couldn't help saying aloud.


Before those guardians said a few more words, they were kicked out by the destroyer.

Destroyer is now like a **** of war, punching a guardian.

"Loki! Just come at me if you have any idea, don't hurt my friend!"

At this time, after Saul sent the crowd to a safe place, he stood up directly and roared at the Destroyer.

\"The Lord is here?\"

Deadpool looked at Sol who stood up, and hurriedly retracted the two knives, and ran in the direction of Lingfeng.

Among this group of people, he only knew Ling Feng.

And just now he has tried Ling Feng's power.

Therefore, Deadpool believes that it is safer to stand by Ling Feng's side.

"Killing them won't do you any good, right, as long as I'm dead, it's all over."

Sol took a deep breath and kept walking in the direction of the Destroyer.


The guards who were beaten up from the ground with difficulty, shouted.

Sol listened to his partner's call, with a smile on his face, and then made a gesture to everyone.

I saw Destroyer looked at Sol in front of him and threw a punch directly.

Originally, the people of Asgard couldn't bear the punch of the Destroyer, not to mention Thor, whose physique has now become a normal earthman.

I saw that Sol's body flew out directly and fell heavily to the ground.

For a while, there is only gas that goes in and no gas that comes out.

"Brother, that guy, won't he die?"

Looking at Sol lying on the ground, Deadpool hurriedly asked Ling Feng beside him.

"Will not."

Ling Feng shook his head and said directly.

He could feel that in Sol's body, a powerful energy was recovering, gradually filling his body.

And this kind of energy, Ling Feng is very familiar with.

It was Thor's Thor's power.

After being hit by the Destroyer's punch, Thor's power of Thor is now recovering.

"We should go."

Ling Feng said directly.

This time, he came mainly to see Sol and his guards.

Let the guards know they're looking for Thor.

So just show a face in front of them.

And now, Ling Feng also saw that Thor's Thor's power began to recover.

In this way, Lingfeng still overfulfilled the task.

Because of this, Ling Feng did not plan to continue watching, but chose to leave here.

"Are you leaving now? What about that guy?"

Deadpool looked at Ling Feng's movements, pointed at Sol who was lying on the ground, and asked suspiciously.

"Don't worry about him, he'll be able to pretend later."

Ling Feng glanced at Sol on the ground and said aloud.

Just as Ling Feng said.

Not long after, a thunderbolt fell from the sky and hit Sol directly.

As the thunder and lightning continued to enter Sol's body.

The wounds on Thor's body that were hit by the Destroyer also returned to their original shape.

A glimpse appeared out of thin air on Sol's body.

At the same time, Sol also raised his left hand, and Thor's Hammer flew into Sol's hand, which was extraordinarily spiritual.

"This is Thor?"

Deadpool's eyes widened, and he hurriedly stared at Thor on the ground.

"Do you want to watch it here, or are you going back to New York with me?"

Ling Feng asked Deadpool aloud.

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