But he has been to the country of vortex.

The country of thunder is located in the northeast direction of the country of vortex.

Therefore, Lingfeng only needs to use the flying thunder **** technique to go to the country of vortex. After reaching there, it is not too late to go to the country of thunder.

This is Ling Feng's idea.

When Kaneshima went to the country of vortex to capture the nine tails before, Lingfeng put a mark of the flying thunder **** there.

So now Lingfeng wants to go there, but it is very convenient.


Ling Feng opened his eyes and looked at the dim sky outside the window.

"It's time to go."

Ling Feng got up and took all the things he wanted to bring with him, and then used the technique of Flying Thunder God.

The scene in front of him suddenly changed.

Ling Feng was still in a warm room just now, but now Ling Feng is standing on a boulder.

"Vortex Village."

Looking at the village not far away, Ling Feng said lightly.

He wasn't going to spend the night at Eddy Tide Village.

He was going to the country of thunder overnight.

The road alone is very boring.

But Ling Feng didn't think so.

Because he has entered the border of the Land of Thunder according to the instructions of the map.

As long as Lingfeng runs forward for a while, he will be able to reach the capital of the Land of Thunder and the Daming Mansion of the Land of Thunder.

"Let me think about what the name of the Kingdom of Thunder looks like."

As Ling Feng ran, he recalled the appearance of the name of the Kingdom of Thunder in his mind.

Because Ling Feng and Quan Nai had already won a big name before.

Therefore, Ling Feng did not take the name of the Kingdom of Thunder very seriously.

"Sure enough, the scenery of the country of thunder is different from that of the country of fire."

As Ling Feng gradually deepened, the scene around him was gradually changing.

In the beginning, Ling Feng was still surrounded by birds and flowers, fertile land.

But gradually, those fertile lands were gradually replaced by mountains and mountains.

If the land of the land of fire is a fertile plain, then the land of the land of thunder is mostly steep mountains.

Because of the high mountains, some towns passed by Lingfeng did not seem to be as prosperous as the towns in the Land of Fire.

After a night of rushing around, Ling Feng finally entered the Daming Mansion in the Kingdom of Thunder when the sky was bright.

"Go straight ahead, turn left after passing the third intersection, and continue to walk forward..."

Thanks to Hokage Madara's spies in the Land of Thunder.

It only took Ling Feng a while to firmly memorize the map of the Daming Mansion in the Kingdom of Thunder in his mind.

So now Lingfeng is rushing towards the place where the big name lives.

When Ling Feng just arrived at Daming's bedroom, he was completely empty.

"Where's the big name?"

Looking at the empty big bed, Ling Feng directly grabbed a follower and came to ask questions.

In the beginning, the entourage was still very tough, stubbornly refusing to speak.

However, under Ling Feng's staring eyes, the follower honestly reported the location of their name.

After all, in other worlds, the illusion of Lingfeng's writing wheel eyes may not be able to be used.

But in this world, Ling Feng's writing wheel eyes can be said to be invincible.

Through the mouth of the entourage, Ling Feng knew that the name of the Kingdom of Thunder was still dealing with government affairs.

"Now that the genius has just dawned, it's time to handle government affairs? So hardworking?"

Ling Feng looked at the sky outside the window and muttered to himself.

With such a comparison, Ling Feng suddenly felt that the name of the country of fire before him was really bad.

Look at the name of the Kingdom of Thunder, and how did you become the name of the Kingdom of Fire?

Oh, you're dead, that's all right.

After thinking about it, Ling Feng used illusion to control the followers and let him stay here honestly.

Then Ling Feng touched the administrative palace.

As soon as he got there, Ling Feng saw a dark-skinned man sitting on a chair with a pile of memorials on the table in front of him.

On the opposite side of him was another dark-skinned man.

If it weren't for the candles in the room and Lingfeng's good eyesight, then Lingfeng really couldn't see what those two guys looked like.

"One is the name of the Kingdom of Thunder, and the other is Ai?"

Looking at the two guys, Ling Feng was thinking about all the information about these two guys in his mind.

Needless to say, the guy who is approving the memorial is the famous name of the Kingdom of Thunder.

The appearance of another guy here is a bit beyond Lingfeng's expectations.

That guy's name is Ai, he is the patriarch of a ninja family in the Land of Thunder, and he is very powerful.

And according to the information, he has already harvested many ninjas with his own charm.

It can be said that his next step is to establish a ninja family just like Uchiha and the Senju family.

"What is he doing here?"

Looking at Daimyo and Ai, Ling Feng used magic to reduce his sense of existence, and then approached them secretly.

Ling Feng wanted to know what these two guys wanted to do when they met here.

As Ling Feng just entered the administrative palace, he heard the voices of Da Ming and Ai.

"What you said, I will fully support you, but you also have to show me your strength."

The big name said aloud.

"What did Ai say? Show your strength?"

Ling Feng listened to Da Ming's words and thought about it in his heart.


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Chapter 432 I will let you answer obediently

"Do I still need to show my strength? In the territory of the Land of Thunder, who else is stronger than me?"

Ai looked at the big name in front of her eyes tightly, and said very confidently.

"Then what about the entire ninja world?"

Daimyo knocked on the table and asked aloud.

"In the entire ninja world, of course it is the first... Although I dare not say it is the first, but it is also the best."

Ai Gang wanted to say that he was No. 1, but the words were already on his lips, so he hurriedly changed his words.

Because when Uchiha Madara collected tailed beasts before, he came to the Land of Thunder and hoisted Ai up and beat him.

Therefore, Ai will temporarily change his tune and say that the first is the best.

"The best?"

Hearing the words, Da Ming frowned.

He was not very satisfied with Ai's word.

If you want to create a Ninja Village in the Land of Thunder, you must get his support.

And his famous name in the Kingdom of Thunder is a person who wants to come out on top in everything.

Therefore, in the eyes of the daimyo, Ai's strength must be the number one in the ninja world.

Just being the best is not enough.

"If you have the support of Da Ming, if I pick up Lei Yin Village, I will definitely become the strongest in the whole ninja world."

Ai took a deep breath and said directly.

When Daimyo heard Ai's words, his eyes narrowed slightly.

I even thought about the name. After Ninja Village picks it up, is it time to leave the country of Thunder?

Looking at Ai in front of him, Daimyo kept thinking in his heart.

The body also gradually exudes an aura that belongs to those in power.

As the name of the country of thunder, it is not the same as the name of the country of fire.

Therefore, the aura on him is naturally much more than that on Ai.

"So you are going to build a ninja village first, and are you improving your strength?"

Da Ming's face suddenly gloomy, looking at Ai in front of him, he said aloud.

"Exactly, just like Konoha Village in the Land of Fire, as long as I build Leiyin Village and get the ninjutsu of other ninjas, I can become the strongest person in the ninja world."

Ai's eyes went straight to the big name and said word by word.

Are you teaching me what to do?

Da Ming heard the words, and looked at Ai's eyes even more indifferent.

The words Ai said, in the ears of the big name, meant a bit of coercion.

The two looked at each other for a long time, and finally Ai couldn't stand it anymore and took his eyes back.

"Da Ming, what do you think?"

Ai took a deep breath and carefully asked the name in front of him.

Daimyo did not answer Ai, but kept his eyes fixed on him.

Feeling Daimyo's gaze, Ai suddenly felt a little numb in his heart.


After a long time, the big name said two words.

"Thank you, Big Name."

After getting the reply from the daimyo, Ai hurriedly raised his head and looked at the daimyo in front of him with some joy.

According to his strength, he Ai can be said to be the strongest person in the Land of Thunder.

But if he wants to build a Ninja village like Konoha, he must have money.

If you don't have money, you can't build it.

Therefore, he bowed his head in front of the daimyo and wanted to get the support of the daimyo.

"But the name needs to be changed."

At this time, the big name said aloud.

"What do you want to change to?"

Ai Wenyan asked the name carefully.

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