Sawada Iemitsu took a deep breath and stepped forward.

He stood directly in front of the nine-generation leader.

"In the next time, I will quit the Pengele family, return to my hometown, and then live quietly there, and will no longer be involved in any affairs of the Pengele family."

Sawada Iemitsu looked at the leader of the nine generations in front of him, and said everything in one breath.


Hearing Sawada Jiaguang's words, Ling Feng was stunned for a moment.

He originally thought that Sawada Jiaguang would choose to continue to stay in the Pengele family and contribute to the family, but he did not expect that Sawada Jiaguang's choice would actually be to quit the family.

Feeling the astonishment on Ling Feng's face, the smile on Sawada Iamitsu's face rose again.

Obviously, he thought he had guessed what Ling Feng was thinking.

That's right, the only way to survive is to quit the Pengele family by yourself.

Otherwise, if he continues to stay in the Pengele family, he is very likely to challenge Ling Feng again. Even if he will not take action against Ling Feng, those who follow him will also take action against Ling Feng.

This kind of thing, Sawada Iamitsu has also seen many times.

And there's a very famous thing in history that's been the case.

That is Zhao Kuangyin's yellow robe.

Now it seems that the leader of the ninth generation also knows about this, and he just wants to quit the Pengele family by himself.

Thinking of this, Sawada Iamitsu could not help but admire his own wisdom.

He has seen through the ideas of the nine generations of leaders.

This wave, in the eyes of Sawada Jiaguang.

He is on the fifth floor, the leader of the ninth generation is on the second floor, and Lingfeng is still on the first floor.

"You want to quit the family?"

When the leader of the ninth generation heard the words, he was stunned for a moment, and then asked slowly.

"That's right."

Sawada Iemitsu said directly.

'Come, come, the next step is to stage the leader not to let him leave, but he still wants to leave, but in the end he has no choice but to keep himself, and then send himself to other countries. ’

This is to retreat into advance.

Sawada Iemitsu thought in his heart.


The leader of the ninth generation sighed helplessly when he saw Sawada Iamitsu's determined look.

At this time, Sawada Jiaguang also firmed up his thoughts.

"I originally wanted you to be an outside consultant, but now it seems that I can only leave this to others."

The leader of the ninth generation said slightly.


Hearing the words of the leader of the ninth generation, Sawada Jiaguang was stunned in place.


Thank you [Zuo Zuo] for a monthly pass

Chapter 451 Really fragrant

"Wait a minute, what did you say, chief?"

Sawada Jiaguang heard the words, looked at the leader of the nine generations, and hurriedly said.

"Don't you want to leave the Pengele family? I agree."

The nine-generation leader said with a look of regret.

For Sawada Iamitsu, the leader of the nine generations still likes it very much.

Because Sawada Jiaguang not only followed Lingfeng to train under his own hands for many years, but also because of the life that has come down for many years.

Sawada Jiaguang has long been related to him and Lingfeng like family.

So when I heard Sawada Jiaguang say that he quit the Pengele family, the leader of the ninth generation was still a little sad.

"No, chief, what I want to ask is what is the outside advisor?"

Sawada Iamitsu said hurriedly.

At this time, Ling Feng also turned his attention to the leader of the ninth generation.

Because in the history of the Pengele family, Lingfeng had never heard of the position of outside consultant.

Now it comes out of the mouth of the nine-generation leader.

As if he made it up on the spot, Ling Feng and Sawada Jiaguang raised a little doubt in their hearts.

"Oh! That's what you said."

The leader of the ninth generation said with a smile when he heard the words.

"Well, chief, I want to know what the consultant outside the door does?"

Sawada Iemitsu stared at the leader of the nine generations in front of him, and asked aloud.

"This, this is the secret of the Pengele family, and ordinary people do not have the right to know."

The leader of the ninth generation took a deep look at Sawada Jiaguang and said with a smile.

At the same time, his fingers were constantly tapping on the table.

There was a rhythmic sound of knock knock knock.

"Ordinary people don't have authority? What kind of people do you need to have authority?"

At this time, Ling Feng asked the nine-generation leader aloud.

"Generally speaking, every leader of the Pengele family and the next outside advisor can know."

After the nine-generation leader finished speaking, he gave Sawada Iemitsu a deep look.

"So, what's your choice?"

After the nine-generation leader finished speaking, his eyes were fixed on Sawada Iemitsu in front of him.


Hearing the words, Sawada Iamitsu suddenly fell into a dilemma.

Originally, he wanted to protect the safety of himself and his guardians by retreating in.

But now the outside consultant proposed by the nine-generation leader has put Sawada Iemitsu into a struggle again.

To say that he Sawada Jiaguang and Ling Feng competed for the position of the leader of Peng Lie, of course he didn't want him to retire like this.

He also wants to make a name for himself in the whole world.

If there is a choice, then retiring and being assigned to another country to live a peaceful life is the life that Sawada Iemitsu doesn't want the most.

And now, a position is placed in front of Sawada Iemitsu.

This greatly aroused Sawada Iemitsu's heart.

"What's your choice?"

Looking at Sawada Iemitsu's struggling appearance, the leader of the nine generations said again.


Sawada Iemitsu just wanted to speak.

But a thought appeared in his mind.

I just said that I want to leave the Pengele family, and now, I said that I want to become a consultant outside the door. Isn't this slapping myself in the face?

Thinking of this, Sawada Jiaguang suddenly swallowed the words back in his stomach.

"Let's talk about what this outside consultant does first."

At this time, Ling Feng said aloud.

Hearing Ling Feng's voice, Sawada Jiaguang immediately erected his ears, and at the same time his eyes also looked at the leader of the nine generations.

"Then I'll tell you."

Hearing the words, the leader of the ninth generation laughed, and then began to talk to the two about the outside counselor.

"The consultant outside the door is not only a member of the Pengele family, but also not a member of the Pengele family. Usually he is an irrelevant person, but when the family encounters danger, the outside consultant can drive after the leader. It can be said that he is the invisible 'second-in-command' of the Pengele family, and the consultant outside the door can also have the same decision-making power as the leader in choosing the heir."

The leader of the nine generations explained to the two.

"At the same time, the place of out-door advisors, generally speaking, is entered by those with sensitive identities, and the first generation of out-door advisors is the guardian of the cloud, the leader of the first generation of the Pengele family."

The nine-generation leader continued to add.

"Now, what's your answer?"

After the nine-generation leader finished speaking, his eyes turned to Sawada Iemitsu.

And Ling Feng also set his sights on Sawada Jiaguang.

Feeling the gazes of the two of them, Sawada Iamitsu swallowed and wanted to say something, but didn't say it.

"You can be an outside consultant. I feel that this position is very suitable for you."

Ling Feng turned to look at Sawada Jiaguang and said aloud.


Sawada Jiaguang looked at Lingfeng and said in disbelief.


Ling Feng nodded his head and said aloud.


Listening to Ling Feng's words, Sawada Jiaguang took a deep breath, and then let it out slowly.

At the same time, he raised his head high and looked at the nine-generation leader sitting on the chair.

"What's your choice?"

Feeling the change in Sawada's momentum at this time, the leader of the nine generations asked with a smile.

"I want to be an outside consultant."

Sawada Iemitsu said directly.

After all, it was Ling Feng who invited him to become an outside consultant this time, and he didn't want to be an outside consultant, so it wasn't a slap in the face.

At most, it can only be considered really fragrant.

Sawada Iemitsu thought in his heart.

"Okay, tenth generation leader, I'm going to have a good conversation with the consultant outside the door now. You can hold a private banquet with your guardians."

The leader of the ninth generation said to Ling Feng with a smile.

"Huh? Is this the end?"

Ling Feng asked directly.

When the nine-generation leader called him over before, he thought that something big would happen, but now it seems that he is just letting himself go through the motions, even if he doesn't come.

"Haha, that's true."

The nine-generation leader laughed.

"Alright then, I'll go back first."

Seeing that the leader of the ninth generation really had nothing to tell himself, Ling Feng walked out of the study directly.

When he walked out the door, Ling Feng followed and closed the door.

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