"How can I find it by myself? Old man, you can find it with me."

Ling Feng wrapped his arms around the shoulders of the nine-generation leader and said with a smile.

"I can help you find it. When you find it, you can give me a big fat boy or a daughter. While I'm still walking, I want to see my grandchildren."

The leader of the ninth generation nodded and looked at Ling Feng with a smile.

"This is natural. As long as the heir can be found, it is guaranteed to be born to you."

Ling Feng patted his chest and said confidently.

"Haha, you just need to be confident."

The leader of the nine generations said with a smile.

"By the way, doesn't Jiaguang have a son? Let's go and see in a few days. Maybe his son is qualified."

The leader of the nine generations thought of Sawada Iemitsu who was far away in Japan, and said directly.

"Iamitsu's son? Is his name Sawada Tsunayoshi? That's fine too."

Ling Feng nodded his head and said aloud.


Thank you for a monthly pass from [I will always like senior sister]

Thank you for a monthly pass from [a passing crumb star]

Chapter 461 Sawada Tsunayoshi

"Then when do we leave?"

Hearing the words, the leader of the ninth generation turned to look at Ling Feng beside him.

"Let's go in a few days."

Ling Feng said.

After all, the former leader and the current leader left the family residence and went to other countries.

This is no small matter.

Therefore, Lingfeng has to wait until everything has been arranged before preparing to go to Japan.

A few days later, after Lingfeng arranged the affairs of the family, he boarded a plane to Japan with the leader of the ninth generation.

This time, Ling Feng and the leader of the nine generations wanted to meet Sawada Tsunayoshi Sawada's son.

The two quickly got on the plane, and then closed their eyes and rested on the plane.

It took almost ten hours for the plane from Italy to Japan to land safely at the airport.

Ling Feng got off the plane with the nine-generation leader and walked towards the hall.


At this moment, a familiar voice appeared in the ears of Ling Feng and the nine-generation leader.

This voice is the voice of Sawada Iemitsu.

Ling Feng and the nine-generation leader followed the voice.

I saw Sawada Jiaguang wearing a yellow shirt standing aside at this time, waving towards Ling Feng and the leader of the ninth generation.

And beside him, Sawada Nana also looked at Ling Feng and the leader of the nine generations with a smile.


Ling Feng looked in the direction of Sawada Jiaguang, and whispered to the nine-generation leader beside him.


The leader of the ninth generation nodded his head, his eyes narrowed slightly.

At this moment, Ling Feng and the nine-generation leader's eyes were all on the little boy beside Sawada Nana's legs.

The little boy has the same hair color as Sawada Nana, and at first glance he is the child of Sawada Iemitsu and Sawada Nana.

So, Ling Feng walked directly in the direction of Sawada Iamitsu with the leader of the nine generations.

"Jiaguang, long time no see."

Ling Feng walked in front of Sawada Jiaguang and said with a smile.

The last time Ling Feng met Sawada Jiaguang was when he got married.

When we met again, Sawada Iamitsu's children were already six years old.

"Haha, long time no see."

Hearing the words, Sawada Jiaguang patted his head with a smile.

because of his identity.

Sawada Jiaguang and his outside advisors never appeared in front of the Pengele family, but were working silently.

Therefore, Lingfeng and Jiaguang usually only contact each other for a long time.

"This is Nana, I've seen it before."

Sawada Jiaguang looked at his wife beside him and said aloud.

Hearing Sawada Jiaguang say his name, Sawada Nana quickly bowed to Ling Feng and the leader of the ninth generation, and said with a smile.

"This is my son, Tsunade."

Afterwards, Sawada Jiaguang touched his son's head again and said aloud.

At this time, the little Gangji was very afraid of life, and hid behind Nana at once.

"Agang, did you say hello?"

Looking at the condition of her son, Sawada Nana gently touched Sawada Tsunayoshi's head and said.


A Gang looked at Ling Feng and the leader of the ninth generation. Although he was still hiding behind Nana, he also responded aloud.

"Haha, please give me more advice, Gang."

The nine-generation leader looked at Sawada Tsunayoshi's movements, and squatted down, making his eyes parallel to A Tsuna's, and said aloud.

Seeing the appearance of the leader of the ninth generation, A Gang gradually let go of his guard, exposing most of his body, and looked at the leader of the ninth generation curiously.

After that, Sawada Jiaguang took Ling Feng and the nine-generation leader back to his house.

Sawada Nana is cooking in the kitchen, and Sawada Tsunayoshi has always followed his mother closely.

And Sawada Jiaguang is greeting Ling Feng and the leader of the nine generations.

So, the three chatted while drinking tea.

"Boss, what's the matter with you and Jiudai this time?"

Sawada Jiaguang helped Ling Feng pour a cup of tea, and then asked the two aloud.

Ling Feng and the leader of the ninth generation looked at each other when they heard the words, and then Ling Feng stretched out his hand to the leader of the ninth generation and made a gesture.


The nine-generation leader sighed and looked up at Sawada Iemitsu.

"Let me explain to you."

The leader of the nine generations began to talk about XANXUS with Sawada Jiaguang.

Because Sawada Jiaguang's identity is an outside consultant, he is also qualified to know about XANXUS.

After all, if XANXUS continues to develop like this, it is very likely that he will challenge Lingfeng's position.

In that case, the situation becomes very critical.

"It turns out to be like this, which means that XANXUS has the ambition to be the leader and the ability to be the leader, but he doesn't have the mind to be the leader, right?"

Sawada Iemitsu looked at the two of them and said.


Ling Feng did not speak, but nodded his head.

Suddenly, outside the door, Sawada Tsunayoshi's cry was heard.

When Sawada Jiaguang heard this, his face suddenly changed, at least he ran out.

When he just went out, he saw Sawada Tsunayoshi lying on the ground crying non-stop.

And there was a puppy who was constantly licking and licking his hand.

It licked Gangji with its tongue out, and kept shaking its tail.

"Oh, that's how it is."

Seeing his son crying on the ground, Sawada Iamitsu sighed and stepped forward.

Then he grabbed the puppy right away and let the puppy out.

And Sawada Tsunayoshi was held in his arms by Jiaguang.

"Haha, it's alright, the puppy has left here, so don't cry."

Sawada Jiaguang hugged Ko Tsunayoshi while coaxing him, and walked towards Ling Feng and the nine-generation leader.

"Did you see it?"

Ling Feng looked at Tsunayoshi in Sawada Jiaguang's arms, and whispered to the nine-generation leader beside him.

"I see, he has flames on his body."

The nine-generation leader nodded and said directly.

Soon, Sawada Jiaguang came to the two of them with Tsunayoshi in his arms.

"Haha, Xiao Gang, he's fine with everything, but he likes to cry a bit."

Sawada Jiaguang touched Tsunayoshi's little head and said with a smile.

"Indeed, but this kid also has very good powers."

The leader of the ninth generation looked at Gang Ji with his eyes and said in a low voice.

"But it's still not mature enough. If you release this power too early, it will only hurt him."

The nine-generation leader looked at Sawada Tsunayoshi and said.

"Nine generations, what do you think?"

Sawada Iamitsu heard the words, and directly asked the leader of the ninth generation.

As a former member of Peng Lie, he trusted the nine-generation leader very much.

That's why he asked directly.


Because the monthly pass has reached 550, plus one more, I still owe you ten chapters

Chapter four hundred and sixty-two whetstones and knives

"Let me limit his ability. After the seal, his power will fall asleep in his body, and when he needs it, it will burst out to keep his life safe."

After the nine-generation leader finished speaking, he looked at Sawada Iemitsu.

After all, Sawada Tsunayoshi is the son of Iamitsu, whether or not to seal his power is up to Iamitsu.

Even if he is the ninth-generation leader of Peng Lie and the former boss of Sawada Jiaguang, he cannot help Jiaguang make decisions without authorization.

"Do you temporarily seal his power? Will it hurt him?"

Sawada Iamitsu heard the words and looked at the leader of the nine generations in doubt.

"Are you hurt?"

Hearing the words, the nine-generation leader thought about it in his mind.

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