"Yes, as the world's number one killer, under his guidance, Gangji should be able to grow up soon."

Ling Feng nodded his head and said.

"Then can he afford Reborn's training?"

The leader of the ninth generation also had a little understanding of Reborn's training, and said doubtfully.

"Why, old man, you're actually starting to worry? I don't want you, but I started training me and Jia Guang when I wasn't even a big boy. This time, why did you start worrying about Gangji?"

Hearing this, Ling Feng said jokingly to the leader of the ninth generation.

"Haha, when I asked you, you nodded and said you wanted to train, and you still insisted on it?"

The leader of the ninth generation laughed and said to Ling Feng.

"But yes, now that I'm older, and like an ordinary old man, my heart is starting to soften."

After the ninth generation leader finished speaking, he turned his head and looked out the window, and said with some melancholy.

As the former leader of the Pengele family, he naturally refused to accept the old.

However, with the continuous decline of physical function, the leader of the ninth generation has no choice but to accept his old body.

"It's human nature to live, get old, get sick, and die. I'll tell Li Baoen later."

After Ling Feng finished speaking, he got up and walked out of the room, walking in the direction of Li Baoen.

"Reborn, I have a task for you this time."

Ling Feng walked directly to Li Baoen's hammock and said with a smile.

It's just that Li Baoen was sleeping at this time, so Ling Feng's words did not enter Li Baoen's mind.


Looking at Li Baoen's wide-open eyes, Ling Feng said with a smile.

That's right, Ribone slept with his eyes open.

At this time, Li Baoen was lying on the hammock, his eyes were staring at the sky, and if it wasn't for his pajamas, there was a big bubble coming out of his nose.

Others really couldn't tell that Li Baoen was sleeping at this time.

"Time to wake up."

Ling Feng stepped forward directly, stretched out his finger and poked at Li Baoen's bubble.

"Crack." A sound.

Reborn's bubble was directly burst.

"Ling Feng? What's wrong?"

Li Baoen sat up directly, looked at Ling Feng, and asked aloud.

"I have a task for you."

Ling Feng looked at Li Baoen in front of him and said with a smile.

"What mission?"

Li Baoen looked at Ling Feng suspiciously and asked aloud.

"It is to teach a person and make him qualified to become the eleventh generation leader of the Pengele family."

Ling Feng looked at Li Baoen and said with a smile.

"Eleventh generation leader? You don't want to do it anymore?"

When Li Baoen heard the words, he looked at Ling Feng suspiciously.

Although Li Baoen had already known that Ling Feng wanted to retire, he did not expect it so soon.

"Well, your housekeeper already has a son, and Arya and I don't yet, so we plan to retire early and take a good rest."

Ling Feng said with a smile.

"Is there time?"

Reborn nodded and said aloud.

"Give him a year to train until he can compete for the heir."

Ling Feng said.

"Heir battle? The other is XANXUS?"

Li Baoen looked at Ling Feng.

"That's right."

Ling Feng nodded his head and replied.

Chapter 464: Meeting again with XANXUS

"I understand."

Reborn nodded and said aloud.

As the guardian of Lingfeng, Li Baoen already understood why he made this arrangement.

"Then when do I leave?"

Reborn asked Lingfeng again.

"Of course the sooner the better."

Ling Feng said.

"Then I'll go now."

After Li Baoen finished speaking, he turned and walked towards his room.

"Well, I have sent the information about Gangji to your mobile phone. You can check it directly when the time comes."

Looking at the figure of Li Baoen leaving, Ling Feng said aloud.


Ribon waved his hand and walked out without looking back.


Ling Feng took a deep breath and returned to the study, continuing to chat with the leader of the ninth generation.

A year passed quickly.

Sawada Tsunayoshi has been training for a full year under the tutelage of Li Baoen.

During this year, whenever something happened to Gangji, Li Baoen would record it and report it to Lingfeng.

"Old man, what do you think?"

Lingfeng handed the documents about Gangji to the ninth generation leader in the past few days, and then asked the ninth generation leader aloud.

"Let me see."

When the nine-generation leader heard the words, he took over the document and began to observe.

The nine-generation leader frowned while observing.

"Six Paths Skeletons? I didn't expect that there would really be reincarnated people in the world."

The leader of the ninth generation saw the document about Liudaozui and said slowly.


Ling Feng nodded his head and said aloud.

To be honest, Ling Feng's heart still fluctuated a little after seeing the information of Liu Dao skeleton.

But it quickly calmed down.

Although the method of reincarnation of Liu Dao Zong made Ling Feng a little moved.

But in Ling Feng's heart, it's just a little emotional, not a necessity.

What Ling Feng pursues is to fight for the day.

Ling Feng was not very interested in the afterlife.

"Does Iemitsu mean to make Liudaosuke the guardian of Tsunayoshi?"

The leader of the ninth generation looked at the information on the document and frowned.

Judging from the information on the document, Liu Daozhi is a very dangerous person.

He was afraid that Gangji would not be able to control the Six Paths.

It would be bad if it was devoured by it at that time.

"So Jiaguang is going to put a shackle on him, a shackle that only Liudaojia can enter. In that case, even if Liudaojia wants to counterattack, it cannot be counterattacked."

Ling Feng took out another document and handed it to the nine-generation leader.

The nine-generation leader took a look.

I saw what was written above, it was to let Liu Dao skeleton possess a little girl and become the guardian of Tsunaji.

And the reason why that little girl was able to become the shackles of Liudaozong was because of that little girl's body.

She needs the illusion of Six Paths to keep herself alive.

In this way, the giving relationship between the two is like a symbiosis.

The little girl needs the six skeletons to maintain life, and the six skeletons also need the little girl's body to appear outside.

That's right, the Six Path Skeletons have already been captured by Sawada Iemitsu.

The prison where Liudaozhi is held is a very terrifying place where there is no escape.

That's why Liudaoshou agreed to Sawada Iemitsu's request.

Otherwise, with Liu Daozong's character and strength, it would be impossible for him to agree.

"Since Jiaguang has a backer, let's do it according to his arrangement."

The nine-generation leader said slowly.

"Since this is the case, then I should talk to XANXUS."

Hearing this, Ling Feng took off the ring in his hand and said with a smile.

Then Ling Feng took out two small boxes from the drawer.

Lingfeng opened directly.

I saw that the two boxes were filled with rings.

But those rings are only half.

"Old man, when the time comes, you can give this box to Jiaguang."

Lingfeng divided the ring of the leader of Pengele into two, and then put half of the ring into a box, and then handed it to the leader of the nine generations.

"The other half, are you going to give it to XANXUS yourself?"

The leader of the ninth generation took Ling Feng's box directly, and his eyes were just on the other box beside Ling Feng.

"That's right, by the way, let's see if he has made progress during this period of time, or is still standing still."

Ling Feng put away the other box with a smile, and said aloud to the leader of the ninth generation.

"Okay, then, he still has to participate in the battle of the successor in a few days, just don't beat him out of bed."

After the ninth generation leader finished speaking, he got up and walked out the door.

As a relative of Ling Feng, the leader of the nine generations naturally knew what Ling Feng meant.

That's why the leader of the ninth generation reminded Ling Feng to let him start lightly.

"It's natural."

Ling Feng nodded his head, then followed behind the nine-generation leader and walked out of the study.

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