This is all the memory of the leader Ling Feng.

Qianshou: @Boss, I didn’t expect you to travel to the world of tutors, brother.

Leader: Well, I didn't react at first, and then as I kept getting in touch with the secrets in the family, I realized which world I had crossed into.

Ito: Ahem, speaking of tutors, I recently started a new career.

Bo Feng: Brother, don't tell me your new profession is a tutor!

Ito: Ahem, you guessed it right, that's right, my new job is a tutor.

Uchiha: @Ito, GKD, upload your memory quickly, we will watch the movie~

Qianshou: What to say about watching movies, literary and artistic points, we must purify our hearts and receive the baptism of knowledge.

Following Ito Lingfeng's speech, the topic in the chat group suddenly changed.

From the beginning of the leader Lingfeng, to Ito Lingfeng.

Cang Liu: Hey, hey, why is the topic off track? Aren't we talking about the boss? Why did it suddenly transfer to Ito?

Chiju: That's right, we can talk about Ito at any time, but now we mainly focus on the leader.

Truck: @Boss, from the memory you uploaded, it will be the battle between Sawada Tsunayoshi and XANXUS in a few days?

Leader: Yes, in two days, now XANXUS has gone to Japan, and in two days I will go to Japan with the nine leaders to watch their battles.

Senju: Their battle? Then their battles are still the same as you and Jiaguang before?

Leader: Pretty much, let the guardians fight first, and then let Tsunayoshi fight XANXUS.

Yuhuazi: All right.

Looking at the information in the chat group, Bo Feng Lingfeng took a deep breath.

He didn't expect this newcomer to come from the tutoring world.

Although the leader Lingfeng's strength is considered to be the top in their world, but compared with other Lingfengs, it is still a little worse.

If it is true, the leader Ling Feng has improved the other Ling Feng's abilities a little.

That's hyper-intuitiveness and the power to manipulate fire.

There is not much to say about the power to control the flame, and there is no gain for other Lingfeng.

But hyper-intuitiveness is different.

Although other Lingfeng also has some perception abilities, such as the Qi of the Dragon Ball world, the perception chakra of the Naruto world, the spiritual pressure of the death world and the magic of another world.

But these perceptions are too general for Ling Feng.

The leader's super-intuitive sense just enhanced the perception of other powers.

Makes those perception abilities even better.

Thinking of this, Bo Feng Lingfeng closed his eyes and began to feel super intuitive.

In Ling Feng's mind, he easily painted an image of the entire house, and then continued to perceive it outwards.

Ultimately, the range gets bigger and bigger, from a room to a building to a street, a village, or even a country.

In Ling Feng's perception, he could clearly perceive everything he saw, and could hear other people's conversations.

It can be said that, in the entire Ninja world, Ling Feng is already omniscient and omniscient.

This is the effect of the superposition of many Lingfeng perceptions.

Chakra, Reiatsu, Magic, Chi, and Super Intuition.

The superposition of these abilities is not the effect of one plus one equals two, but the effect of one plus one equals eleven.

"Huh, this is the super intuition that really increases other perception abilities. Otherwise, I couldn't clearly perceive everyone in the country of fire before, but now, I can even know how many hairs on one's body. feel it."

Thinking of this, Bo Feng Lingfeng withdrew his chakra and opened his eyes.

It can be said that now Bo Feng Lingfeng has become the **** of this world.

"The guy on the moon is still alive and well."

After Bo Feng Lingfeng finished speaking, he raised his head and looked at the sky.

In Ling Feng's perception just now, there was a very beautiful woman with white hair inside the moon living there.

And in the interior of the moon, it is not gravel and sand, but a different space there.

It was because of the different dimension that she was able to live peacefully there.

This person is Kaguya Otsutsuki.

"Before, my perception couldn't pass through the different space, but now my perception can pass through. Do you want to chat with her? After all, for thousands of years living there alone, will it be nerve-wracking? "

Naifeng Lingfeng recalled the situation of Kaguya Otsutsuki and thought about it in his heart.


At this moment, a loud cry rang directly in Ling Feng's ear, interrupting Ling Feng's thoughts.

Ling Feng turned his head to look, and saw Naruto who was lying in the cradle crying loudly.

And Naruko, who was sleeping beside him, was awakened by Naruto's cry.

So, the two babies suddenly began to cry.

"Hey, I'm still going to chat with others, but you two guys actually started to disturb me."

Looking at Naruto and Naruko in the cradle, Ling Feng sighed and walked directly to the cradle.

He skillfully picked up Naruto and began to examine why he was crying.

From the cry just now, we can tell that it was Naruto who cried first, which awakened Naruko, and the two babies cried out.

Soon, Ling Feng checked the reason for Naruto's crying, changed Naruto's diaper skillfully, and then began to put the two babies to sleep.

Because Ling Feng has been taking two children during this time, coaxing them to sleep is a simple matter for Ling Feng.

"These two little guys."

Looking at the two who fell asleep again, the corners of Ling Feng's mouth rose slightly.

He felt that his father's love was growing more and more.


Because the recommended votes reached 9750, so adding one more update, still owes you eleven chapters.

Chapter 467 The visit of the Uchiha family

In the following time, Bo Feng Lingfeng has been taking care of the two little guys Naruto and Naruko.

The current Namikaze Minato is dealing with government affairs in the Hokage Building, and Kuyuki Na's carefree personality is not very good at taking care of children.

Therefore, the task of taking care of people falls directly on Ling Feng.

During the past few days, Ling Feng watched the messages in the chat group while taking care of the two of them.

And the group file uploaded by the leader Lingfeng some time ago also let Bofeng Lingfeng know who the leader of the eleventh generation is.

In the memory of the leader Ling Feng, the leader of the eleventh generation Pengele family is Sawada Tsunayoshi.

XANXUS failed in the battle with Gangji, so he had to obediently hand over the Vengelie Ring to Gangji.

After all, Ling Feng, the leader of the nine generations, and Iemitsu Sawada were watching from the side.

He definitely won't do it if he doesn't.

This is what happened to the leader Ling Feng these days.

"Ding dong."

At this moment, the doorbell rang outside the door.

Although the technology development of Naruto World is very strange, there are still such things as doorbells.


Ling Feng got up directly and walked towards the door.

When he opened the door, he saw Kakashi, Rin, and Uchiha Obito standing outside the door, and they were all carrying some vegetables in their hands.

"Why are you three here?"

Ling Feng looked at the three smiling faces standing outside the door, and asked out of doubt.

"We're here to see Naruto and Naruko, and we're here to eat by the way."

Lin was the first to speak.

"Then you don't have a mission today?"

Ling Feng heard the words, nodded his head, then stood aside, and put the three people in.

"Just when I came back from the assignment, the teacher told my wife that the three of us would stay here for dinner tonight, so we came over earlier."

Originally Kakashi wanted to explain, but before he could say it, Uchiha Obito said everything in one go, looking at Ling Feng in front of him with a smile.

"Let the three of you eat here? Is there a happy event?"

Ling Feng heard the words, looked at Kakashi, and asked aloud.

Although Minato would usually ask Kakashi and the others to come to eat at his home, they all used their own dishes to cook.

At this time, the three of them were carrying a lot of dishes, and at a glance, they knew that tonight's dinner was very rich.

"I've become a Joinin~"

Obito touched his forehead and said to Ling Feng with a smile.

"Look, this is my forehead guard."

After Obito finished speaking, he suddenly stretched his head towards Ling Feng's direction and said with a smile.

"Kakashi was already a Shangnin more than ten years ago, and you are now a Shangnin. It's not ashamed to lose!"

Looking at Obito's very arrogant action, Ling Feng patted his head directly and said aloud.

"Stop talking nonsense, come and wash the dishes."

At this moment, Kakashi's cold voice came from the kitchen.

"Oh well."

Obitu heard the words, rubbed his head, smiled at Ling Feng, and then walked into the kitchen.

"Uncle Shi, can I take a look at Xiao Naruto and Xiao Mingzi?"

At this time, Lin asked Ling Feng in a low voice.

"Well, it's in there."

Ling Feng pointed to the bedroom and said aloud.

Now Lin is working in Konoha Hospital, so Ling Feng is very relieved about Lin.

After all, Lin is a girl, and she doesn't look like she's stubborn.

Now that Lin was taking care of the two children, Ling Feng walked into the kitchen and began to help the two wash the vegetables.

Soon, the time came to evening.

There was a burst of chatter and laughter from outside the door.

Ling Feng heard the sound of the water gate coming from outside the door, and immediately got up to open the door.

Then I opened the door and saw that Minato and Kushina were standing outside the door, and there were three people standing beside them.

The three people are Uchiha Fuyake, Uchiha Mikoto and Uchiha Itachi.

In Uchiha Itachi's hands, he also held a small baby.

If nothing else, that little baby should be Sasuke Uchiha.


Looking at Uchiha Fuyue in front of him, Ling Feng said directly.

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