Ling Feng walked directly into the hall, looking for Lao Hei.

But Ling Feng did not find Lao Hei's figure in the hall.

"Where did the old black go?"

Ling Feng glanced around for a week, touched his head, and said doubtfully.

At this moment, a siren sounded outside the church.

And this siren sound is getting closer and closer to the church.

In the end, the police car stopped directly outside the church.

"What happened?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and walked slowly towards the church door.

It was late at night, and then the sirens sounded here.

Anyone can sense something is wrong here.

So Ling Feng wanted to leave here directly and go back to his apartment.

As for the list in hand? Let's wait until tomorrow when he sees Lao Hei.

At this time, the door of the church was pushed open.

Ling Feng then looked brightly in the direction of the door.

I saw Lao Hei and a policeman walking in slowly.

After seeing that the person who came in was Lao Hei, Ling Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

If it was someone else who came in, then Ling Feng had to think about how to get away from them.

And it was Lao Hei who came in, so there was no need to slip away, just stand upright in front of Lao Hei.

"A new priest has come to your church?"

The policeman glanced at Ling Feng and asked the old black beside him aloud.

"Yes, he is the new priest."

Old Hei nodded his head and said aloud.

"Hello, I'm the sheriff of this police district. If you have anything, you can come to me directly."

The sheriff looked at Ling Feng and said with a smile.

Then he took out a business card from his arms and handed it to Ling Feng.

Seeing this, Ling Feng took the business card very readily.

Then the sheriff talked to Lao Hei for a while and left the church.

"Where have you been tonight?"

Ling Feng looked at the figure of the sheriff leaving, and asked the old black beside him in a low voice.

"I'm going to be the coroner."

Lao Hei didn't hide anything, and directly told Ling Feng all his night's itinerary.

Because both of them are gods of death, under normal circumstances, when Ling Feng asks Lao Hei, Lao Hei will answer Ling Feng truthfully.

"Coroner? You still have this profession."

Ling Feng heard the words and said slowly.

"Yeah, we're the gods of death, so we're dealing with corpses a lot. And sometimes I'll run into some stray fish in the morgue."

Lao Hei said aloud while changing his clothes.

"Fish slipping through the net?"

Ling Feng looked up at Lao Hei and kept thinking in his heart what the fish that slipped through the net in the old idiom meant.

"What's the matter, what's the matter with you coming to see me so late?"

Soon, Lao Hei changed his clothes and looked at Ling Feng beside him.

"Just as I was about to go to bed, this appeared on my hand."

Ling Feng came back to his senses, and directly handed all the lists in his hand to Lao Hei.

"This is the death list."

The old black took a look and said directly.

"Yeah, it's the death list, so I wonder if there's any way for them to die together?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said directly.

"It's ten o'clock now, is it already this time?"

At this moment, Lao Hei turned his head, looked at the clock beside the church, and said aloud.

"I will help you complete this task, so you have to take a good look at how I do it."

The old black said aloud to Ling Feng who was beside him.

When Ling Feng heard the words, he nodded his head directly, and watched Lao Hei's movements attentively.

After all, this was his first mission.

Naturally, it needs to be brought by a veteran like Lao Hei.

"You look good."

After Lao Hei finished speaking, he reached out and clicked on one of the names on the list.

Immediately afterwards, the picture on the list began to change.

The name began to ripple like a pebble fell into the pool.

The ripples soon disappeared.

Instead, it was the face of a man.

"He's the man with the name I just named."

Lao Hei turned his head and said aloud to Ling Feng.


Ling Feng stared at the picture on the list with his eyes tightly, and nodded his head.

"Then it can both zoom in and out."

I saw Lao Hei's fingers constantly expanding and shrinking on the list, just as magical as playing with a mobile phone.

If it wasn't for this list suddenly appearing in front of him, Ling Feng would have thought that this list was just a mobile phone, but it was just a cover of a list.

As the old black continued to shrink, the picture on the list began to change.

Originally, the picture knowledge on the list is only one person, but as the old black shrinks, more and more people appear on the list.

And there is a name floating on the heads of those people.

"The names on their heads correspond to the people below, and only the people to be killed will have names on their heads, and vice versa."

At this time, Lao Hey is like a teacher, very patiently teaching Ling Feng.

Because Ling Feng has been studying with all his attention, he has understood everything Lao Hei said.

"They are on the plane now, which means that if we detonate the plane, the mission will be completed."

Ling Feng manipulated the screen where the list started to move.

Soon, the footage on the list became the interior of the plane.

"We just need to add a spark to the engine and the plane will explode."

While talking, Old Hei tapped the engine twice.

As his movements fell, a raging fire ignited in the engine of the plane.

Before long, the plane in the list screen exploded directly.

"Look, is this the same as a game?"

After that, the old black handed the list to Lingfeng.

"Indeed, it's like a game."

Ling Feng nodded his head and agreed with Lao Hei.


Thanks for a blade of 【Bookkeeper Xiaofeilong】

Thank you for a spicy strip of [How Much Mud]

Chapter 483 The role of the death list (plus)

"In that case, is it enough? All the people on the plane were killed by the plane?"

Ling Feng took the list and asked the old black in front of him aloud.

"That's right, just kill them all."

Lao Hei took a sip of the water next to him and said slowly.

"Then what are the things we can mobilize?"

Ling Feng nodded his head and continued to ask Lao Hei aloud.

"We want to kill them by accident. It can also be said to be a coincidence. For example, someone was cooking today, but the gas stove he was cooking was useless, so he wanted to repair the gas stove, but his foot slipped and the whole person was He fell to the ground, and then he fell on the ground and accidentally touched the oil on the side and tripped over the oil."

"At this time, most of the man's body was covered with oil. Then the gas stove ignited again."

"And the flames followed the oil and covered the person's body, burning the person to death."

"It was an accident."

Lao Hei looked at Ling Feng and explained.

"I see."

Ling Feng nodded his head and said aloud.

Now Ling Feng has figured out which world he is in.

The world he was in was clearly the world where death had come.

And he actually became the **** of death in this world.

This made Ling Feng a little surprised.

Suddenly, the list in Ling Feng's hands began to change.

There were more than 40 people on the list just now, and there were only seven left.

'It looks like they got off the plane. ’

Ling Feng looked at the changes on the list and thought about it in his heart.

He vaguely remembered that there seemed to be a person who had the ability to predict the future, so he took a group of people out of the plane and avoided the explosion of the plane.

"Old Hei, what should I do?"

Ling Feng patted Lao Hei on the shoulder, then handed the list in front of Lao Hei and asked aloud.

"Anyone still alive?"

Looking at the list in his hand, Lao Hei began to look at it.

"Then are we going to kill them all now?"

Ling Feng approached Lao Hei and asked aloud.

"To kill them all? They must die, but the time of death will be decided by you."

Lao Hei glanced at Ling Feng and said aloud.

"It's up to me to decide? If the person who is to die has a good relationship with me, in this case, can I not kill him and let him live forever?"

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