Because the danger in Lingfeng's mouth is completely different from the danger in the sheriff's mind.

So Ling Feng is ready to wait for Lao Hei's statement.

As long as Lao Hei said it was safe, he would definitely follow him directly.

If he said it was not safe, Ling Feng would go back to his apartment now, stay for a good day, and then go out after Lao Hei said it was safe.

"It's safe, if you want to come with me, you can go."

The old black said directly.

"With your words, I'll walk with you tonight."

Hearing this, Ling Feng patted his chest and said.

"Okay, since Father Lingfeng is coming, let him take you there."

After the sheriff finished speaking, he left.

"Why do you remember the autopsy?"

Ling Feng looked at the sheriff's disappearing figure and asked Lao Hei aloud.

"My previous job was an autopsy, and after I died once, I became like you."

Lao Hei took a deep breath and began to explain to Ling Feng.

"Oh yes, I killed a guy last night."

At this time, Ling Feng took out the list directly from his arms, handed it to Lao Hei, and said aloud.

After Lao Hei took over the list, he started watching.

"Very well, your task now is to solve the rest of the people."

After reading the above information for a while, Lao Hei returned the list to Ling Feng.

"But where did you read the time limit you said? Why can't I find it?"

After Ling Feng took over the list, he continued to ask Lao Hei aloud.

"In your head."

Lao Hei pointed to Ling Feng's head and said.

Then Lao Hei taught Ling Feng how to see the remaining time of his mission.

"Looks like there's still half a year left."

Ling Feng sensed the list according to Lao Hei's method, and then he figured out that he still had half a year to kill the remaining few people.

"Then you can rest."

When Lao Hei heard this, he joked with Ling Feng.

After that, Ling Feng stayed with Lao Hei in the church until the night.

In the evening, a police car was parked in front of the church.

And that police car was here to pick up Ling Feng and Lao Hei.

"Let's go."

After Lao Hei said a word, he directly got into the police car.

Ling Feng looked at Lao Hei's movements, tidied up his clothes, and followed behind Lao Hei.

Because their job tonight was an autopsy, Ling Feng and Lao Hei had already changed into police uniforms.


All chapters owed

Chapter four hundred and eighty fifth death procedure

"What does the general autopsy process look like?"

After Ling Feng got out of the police car, he walked directly towards the basement of the hospital.

And while walking, he asked the old black.

"It's nothing, most of it is to check the wound and put makeup on the corpse."

Old Hei shrugged and said aloud.

"Do you know who the body we are going to autopsy is this time?"

At this time, Lao Hei turned his head to look at Ling Feng, and said with a smile that was not a smile.

"What, you know him?"

Hearing this, Ling Feng turned to look at the old black beside him.

Judging from what I know about Lao Hei in the past few days.

He basically never said nonsense.

Yes, the content of the speech contains some information.

And now Lao Hei asked himself if he knew of the corpse that was about to be autopsied.

This shows that he should know the corpse.

But Lingfeng knows one thing very well. After he came to this world, apart from Lao Hei and some people he met during dinner and when he went out to play, at other times, he had never seen or interacted with others at all. What an intimate touch.

So for Ling Feng, the only person he is familiar with now is Lao Hei.

The current Zheng Lao Hei is standing in front of him alive.

In other words, the corpse is likely to be one of those people on the list.

In addition, Lingfeng had successfully killed a guy last night, and today there are police looking for Lao Hei.

So it is very likely that the corpse belonged to the person Ling Feng killed last night.

"Is it the man I killed last night?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and asked Lao Hei aloud.

"That's right."

Old Hei nodded his head and continued to walk forward.

Soon, under the leadership of Lao Hei, Ling Feng and the others came to the morgue.

At this time, Todd was lying on the bed quietly, his face was very pale, and his whole body looked very stiff.

"Now you're going to make up for him?"

Looking at Todd's body, Ling Feng said slowly.

"That's right."

Afterwards, Lao Hei started to paint Todd's makeup under Ling Feng's watch.

Soon, under Lao Hei's treatment, Todd's face softened, and it didn't look as scary as before.

"Come on, let's take a break."

Lao Hei wiped his sweat, said a word to Ling Feng, and walked out of the morgue directly.

Seeing this, Ling Feng hurriedly followed behind Lao Hei.

After all, this morgue is still quite depressing, and I need to go out to change my mood.

Just as Ling Feng and Lao Hei were resting outside, a scream came from the morgue.

"Fuck, you won't cheat the corpse."

Hearing the voice in the morgue, Ling Feng hurriedly turned his head to look in the direction of the morgue.

And the old black beside him walked towards the morgue.

When Ling Feng saw this, he followed behind Lao Hei.

The two quickly entered the morgue.

At this time, Ling Feng saw that there was a man and a woman standing beside Todd.


Looking at the sudden appearance of Lao Hei and Ling Feng, the two people shouted again.


Old Hei looked at the movements of the two, and hurriedly put his finger to his mouth, and then blew a little.

"Don't make noise, please don't disturb the long sleep of the dead."

Lao Hei said aloud as he walked in the direction of the two of them.

Under the illumination of the light, the figures of Lao Hei and Ling Feng stretched for a long, long time, until they disappeared into the darkness.

At first, the pair of men and women looked at Ling Feng and Lao Hei who suddenly appeared, and they involuntarily took a step back.

Eyes full of vigilance.

But when they saw the police uniforms on Lao Hei and Ling Feng, most of the vigilance in their eyes dissipated.

But there are still some.

"He's dead, so please don't wake him up."

Old Hei said aloud while walking in the direction of the two.

Ling Feng did not speak.

He was trying his best to reduce his sense of existence, almost hiding most of his body in darkness.

Because Ling Feng has already recognized who this couple is.

The man and woman are the second survivors on the plane.

And after Ling Feng, it is inevitable to kill them.

So Ling Feng does not want to have any intersection with them.

"Why does his hand move?"

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Internal group: 737985291 The man looked at the old black in front of him, pointed to Todd's body, and said aloud.

The reason why he and the woman screamed just now.

He was startled by Todd's sudden arm movement.

So after seeing Lao Hei, his first question was to ask why Todd's body was moving.

Internal-Swarm: /73798~52/91 "Some chemicals are flowing in the blood vessels, so the corpse twitches."

Old Hei explained to the man while arranging things.

"That's it...he's my friend..."

The man came up slowly and said with a complicated expression.

"I know who you are."

Before the old man could finish speaking, he interrupted him directly.

Immediately, the eyes of the man and the woman were all focused on the old black body.

"Why are these bruises on his neck?"

At this time, the woman pointed to the place on Todd's neck and said aloud.

"This is due to being strangled by a wire rope and bleeding under the skin, which is why there are signs of this."

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